
上午好,我很荣幸贵公司给我这次面试的机会。我叫**,今年**岁,2009年毕业于**学校计算机及应用专业,现在工作在**公司,是一家安防系统安装工程公司,我的工作主要是负责对设备的安装调试及售后的维护工作,独立完成常见系统故障的分析判断和排除。提交工程施工报告、设备测试报告,为客户提供远程和现场的技术服务 。我对客服工作有一定经验,会针对不同的客户要求制定周密的工作计划,协助销售部门保持与客户良好的关系。

good morning,
i am very honored that you can give me this opportunity for this interviwe.i am ****,* years old.graduated from *** school,majored in the application of computer .now i worked in a *** company which deals with security system installation .our job is mainly to responsible for equipment installation and after-sales maintenance work,independently completed common fault analysis,and judgement . offer construction equipment, test report,and report to provide remote or on-site technical service. I have experience of customer service work, and i could do careful work plan according to the different requirements of customers , keep good relationship with customer together with the sales department is also my strengths .
i am good at communication and could learn quickly.with a strong sense of work responsibility ,i am sure i was able to fit this job.hope you can give me a chance and i will cherish this job very well,try my best to accomplish every task.thank you very much.
终于敲完了. 兄弟/姐妹,希望看过之后,无论是否采纳,是否给分,但一定要给出评论,好吗,谢了啊.
第1个回答  2010-05-24
Good morning, I am very honored to your company gave me this opportunity. I call * * *, this year, I graduated in 2009 and the application of computer * * school work in professional, now * * company, is a security system installation company, my work is mainly responsible for equipment installation and after-sales maintenance work, independently completed common fault analysis, judgement and system. Submit construction equipment, test report, report to provide remote and on-site technical service. I have experience of customer service work, according to the different requirements of customers for careful work plan, assist sales keep good relationship with customer.
第2个回答  2010-05-30
Good morning, I am honored to interview you for giving me this opportunity. My name is ****, ***years old in 2009, graduated from ****** school computer and the application of professional, now working in the****** company, is a security system installation companies, my job is responsible for equipment installation and after-sales maintenance, independent analysis of complete system failure common to judge and exclude. Report submitted by construction, equipment test reports, to provide remote and on-site technical services. I have some experience working on customer service, will be developed for different customer requirements meticulous work plan to assist the sales department to maintain a good relationship with customers.
I have good communication and learning. Strong sense of responsibility, can work under pressure. I am positive and optimistic self-confidence to do the job, and hope you give me a performance opportunity. I will cherish this work, the completion of each task well.
第3个回答  2010-05-24
Good morning, our very honoured your company gives me this chance of the interview. my name is **,This year **Years old,2009 graduate on **The computer of the school and speciality of employing, the work is here now **Company, it is one Ann that prevent system from install engineering company, work of me responsible for installation in apparatus debug mainly and maintenance after sale work, finish analysis and judgement and exclusion of the common systematic trouble independently. Submit the construction report of the project, apparatus test report, offer technology of the long-range and scene service for customer. I have certain experience to the work of customer service, will demand to make the careful work program to different customers, assist the sales department to keep with customer's good relation. I have good communication and learning ability. The working sense of responsibility is strong, can bear working pressure. Positive a optimistic one I can competent at the job while being confident, hope your company give me a chance to display. I am sure to treasure this job carefully, the outstanding one finishes each task.



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