

1. of


1. the number of

XX的数量/ 数据/ 百分比。上面的number(+可数词)根据不同情况,可能会替换为:


quantity/ data/ statistics (可数不可数都行)

percentage/ proportion/ rate/ ratio (百分比时)

以及具体的consumption/ production 等...


2. a sharp increase of + data


比如:There was a sharp increase of 50 grams in the consumption of fish in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在2000年上升了50g(可能是从30g到80g)


比如:In 2050, a figure of 27 grams is expected in the consumption of fish. 2050年的时候,鱼肉的销量会达到27g。

或者:After a gradual increase, the consumption of fish reached a peak of 50 grams in 2000. 在一段稳定的上升后,鱼肉的销量达到了顶峰数值50g(peak作名词)。

3. a period of XX years


比如:The consumption of fish increased sharp for the period of 15 years. 鱼肉的销量在15年里面快速增加。

2. in

1. in + time


动态图里面,如果你非要区分是起点还是终点,可以相应替换为:since或者by/ until(前面动词要变为完成时)。

2. in + location



3. in + object


比如:There was a sharp increase of 50 grams in the consumption of fish in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在2000年上升了50g。

或者:An upward trend was recorded in the consumption of fish in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在2000年上升了。

3. at

1. at + data

at 一般后面加静止数据,所以静态图使用at添加数据非常常见。

比如:The consumption of fish was the least in 2000, at only 30 grams per person per week. 鱼肉的销量在2000年最少,只有30g。


保持不变的时候:The consumption of fish remained stable at 30 grams between 1990 and 2000.

或者瞬间数据时(此刻数据是静止的):The consumption of fish peaked at 50 grams in 2000. 鱼肉的销量在2000年达到顶峰(peak作动词)。

2. at + location


比如:At the top left corner of the park is a small shop. 公园的左上角是一个小商店。

3. at + 5 o’clock


4. at + temperature


比如:The bricks are heated at a moderate temperature of 200 °C. 砖块以一个200度的适中温度在加热。

4. with

1. with + data


比如:The consumption of fish was the least in 2000, with only 30 grams per person per week. 鱼肉的销量在2000最少,只有30g。

另外,也可以把with结构(with + 主语 + 分词)完整写出来(也许会有点啰嗦)

比如:Fish was the least popular food, with only 30 grams consumed in 2000. 鱼肉在2000最不受欢迎,只有30g被吃了。

或者:Fish was the least popular food, with the figure accounting for only 5% in 2000. 鱼肉在2000最不受欢迎,数据只占了5%。

2. + a sharp increase


比如:Fish became more popular than before, with a sharp increase of
50 grams from 1990 to 2000. 鱼肉变得越来越受欢迎,从1990到2000有一个快速的50g的上升。

5. from

from + time/ + data


比如:The consumption of fish increased sharply from 20 grams in 1990 to 80 grams in 2000. 鱼肉的销量从1990年的20g快速增加到2000年的80g。

6. to

1. increase to




比如:The consumption of fish increased sharply to 80 grams in 2000. 鱼肉的销量快速增加到2000年的80g。(1990年的20g前面的句子已经说过)

2. change to


比如:The small shop has been changed to/ into a large restaurant. 小商店变成了大餐厅。

3. to the west of


比如:There is a small shop to the west of the housing area. 在住宿区的西边,有一个小商店。

7. on

1. on the other hand, / on the contrary,


2. spending on

其次,说到小作文一个常见的概念“花”的时候,会用到on:spend time/ money on (doing) sth/ the spending on sth.

3. information on


比如:The chat gives information on the consumption of fish in several
countries from 1990 to 2000. 这个图讲了关于鱼肉销量在不同国家的相关信息,时间区间是1990-2000。

4. on the coastline


比如: There is a pier on the western coastline of the island. 在岛的西海岸,有一个港口。

8. for

1. figure for


比如:The figure for fish showed an upward trend. 鱼肉的数据在增加。

2. + 时间段(常常还跟有period/ time span)

For the whole period, the consumption of fish showed an upward trend. 在整个时间段里面,鱼肉的销量都在增加。

9. over/ during

over/ during+ 时间段 (常常还跟有period/ time span)

The consumption of fish increased sharp over/ during the period of 15 years. 鱼肉的销量在15年里面快速增加。

第1个回答  2019-12-16
介词是很多中国学生不太会使用的一种词性,因为介词非常万能,和不同的词汇搭配会产生不同的意思。更重要的是,介词在雅思口语考试和雅思写作考试中非常重要,尤其是介词词组,这也是雅思的词汇评分标准之一。学为贵老师精选总结了英语中最地道最实用最自然的99个词汇词组,学会后你的英语将more natural, native, and authentic.


一. 名词+介词
1. a demand for 需求
The company closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its product.
2. a need for 需要
There's no excuse for behaviour like that. There's no need for it.
3. a reason for ...的原因
The train was late, but nobody knew the reason for the delay.
4. an advantage/disadvantage of ...的优缺点
The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like.
5. a cause of ...的原因
The cause of the explosion is unknown.
6. a picture/a photo/a map/a plan/a drawing of 一张...的照片/地图/计划/绘画
Rachel showed me some pictures of her family.
I had a map of the town, so I was able to find my way around.
7. an increase/ a decrease / a rise / a fall in ...的上升/下降
There has been an increase in the number of road accidents recently.
Last year was a bad one for the company. There was a big fall in sales.
8. an invitation to ...的邀请
I got an invitation to the party.
9. a solution to ...的解决方案
I hope to find a solution to the problem.
10. a reaction to 对...的反应
I was surprised at her reaction to my suggestion.
11. an answer to 对...的答案
I was satisfied with her answer to the question.
12. an attitude to 对...的态度
His attitude to his job is quite positive.
13. a relationship with 和...的关系
I have a good relationship with my parents.
14. a difference between ...之间的区别
There are some differences between British and American English.

二. 形容词+介词
15. be nice/kind/good/generous/polite/stupid/silly of someone 形容一个人
It was very kind of him to help me.
16. be nice/kind/good/generous/polite/rude/cruel to someone 对某人...
They have always been very nice to me.
17. be angry/annoyed/furious/upset about something 对某事生气
There's not point in getting angry about things that don't matter.
List is upset about not being invited to the party.
18. be angry/annoyed/furious/upset with someone for doing something 因为某人的...而生气
She was annoyed with me for being late.
19. be excited/worried/nervous/happy about 对...感到...(情绪)
Are you nervous about the exam?
20. be pleased/satisfied/happy/delighted/disappointed with 对收到的东西或某事的结果具有某种情感或态度
She was delighted with the present I gave her.
I was happy with my exam results.
21. be surprised/shocked/amazed/astonished/upset at/by something 为某事感到...
Everyone was surprised at/by the news.
I hope you weren't shocked at/by what I said.
22. be impressed with/by someone/something 佩服
I'm very impressed with/by her English.
23. be fed up/bored with something 对某事感到无聊
I'm fed up with it. /I'm bored with it.
24. be tired/sick of 讨厌
I'm tired of waiting.
25. be sorry about/for 为..感到抱歉
I'm sorry for the mess.
26. be sorry for 为...感到内疚
Alex is sorry for what he said.
27. be afraid/frighted/terrified/scared of 对...感到害怕
I'm afraid of spiders.
28. be fond/proud/ashamed/jealous/envious of 对...感到喜欢/骄傲/羞耻/嫉妒
I am so proud of you.
29. be suspicious/critical/tolerant of 对...感到怀疑/批判/容忍
He didn't trust me. He was suspicious of my motives.
30. be aware/conscious of 知道...
Did you know he was married? No, I wasn't aware of that.
31. be capable/incapable of 有...能力
I'm sure you are capable of passing the examination.
32. be full of 充满
Amy is an active girl who's always full of energy.
33. be short of 缺少
I'm short of experience.
34. be typical of 一贯的
He's late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.
35. be certain/sure of/about 确定
I think she's arriving this evening, but I'm not sure of that.
36. be good/better/ace/brilliant at 擅长
She's ace at cooking.
37. be married/engaged to someone 和某人结婚/订婚
She's married to an American.
38. be similar to 和...很相似
Your writing is similar to mine.
39. be different from/to 和...不同
The film was different from what I'd expected.
40. be interested in 对...感兴趣
I'm interested in art.
41. be keen on 喜欢
I am keen on hanging out with my friends.
42. dependent on 依靠
I don't want to be dependent on anybody.
43. be crowded with 到处都是
The streets were crowded with tourists.
44. be famous for 已...而闻名
The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
45. be responsible for 为...而负责
I am fully responsible for it.

三. 动词+介词
46. talk/speak to someone 和某人说话
Who was that man you were talking to?
47. listen to 听
I have a genuine liking for listening to classical music.
48. apologise to someone 对某人道歉
They apologised to me for what happened.
49. explain something to someone 对某人接受
I explained to them why I was worried.
50. describe to someone 对某人描述
I'm going to describe my experience to you.
51. look/gaze/stare/glance at + have a look/take a look at 看
I'd like to gaze at stars at night.
52. laugh at 笑
Every time I sing in public, people will laugh at me.
53. shout at 生气对某人喊叫
He got very angry and started shouting at me.
54. shout to 大声喊叫
He shouted to me from the other side of the street.
55. throw at 朝...扔东西
He threw a stone at the lake.
56. throw to 扔东西给某人
Lisa shouted 'catch'! and threw the keys to me from the window.
57. talk/know/read about 讨论/知道/阅读
We talked about a lot of things at the meeting.
58. do something about something 想办法改善某种不好的情况
If you're worried about the problem, you should do something about it.
59. ask for 寻求
I sent an email to the company asking them for more information about the job.
60. apply for 申请
I'm going to apply for the job.
61. wait for 等待
I'm waiting for the rain to stop.
62. search for 寻找
I've searched the house for my keys, but I still can't find them.
63. leave for 离开去某地
I haven't seen her since she left for the office this morning.
64. care about 在乎
My parents really care about me.
65. care for 喜欢
I don't care for every hot weather.
66. take care of 照顾
I find it difficult to take care of houseplants.
67. look for 寻找
I've lost my keys. Can you help me to look for them?
68. look after 照顾/看护
You can borrow this book, but you must promise to look after it.
69. think about something 考虑/思考
I've thought about what you said and I've decided to take your advice.
70. think of something 想起
It was my idea, I though of it first.
71. dream about 梦见
I dreamt about you last night.
73. dream of 梦想
I dream of being rich and famous.
74. complain about 投诉
We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.
75. remind someone about 提醒
I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting.
76. remind someone of 想起
This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.
77. consist of 由...组成
We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.
78. pay for 支付
I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal.
79. thank someone for 感谢
I really thank you for what you did.
80. blame someone for 责备
He blamed me for it.
81. suffer from 遭受...的痛苦
Sometimes, she suffers from insomnia.
82. protect someone from 保护
Sun block protects the skin form the sun.
83. depend on/rely on 依赖
Students shouldn't rely too much on their teachers.
84. live on 维持生计
Michael's salary is low. It isn't enough to live on.
85. believe in 相信
I believe in saying what I think.
86. specialise in 在...专长
She specialises in company law.
87. succeed in 成功
I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.
88. bump into 偶遇
I bumped into her in a cafe yesterday.
89. fill something with 填满
Take this saucepan and fill it with water.
90. provide someone with 提供
The school provides all its students with books.
91. prefer one thing to another 偏爱
I prefer tea to coffee.
92. concentrate on 专注
I tried to concentrate on my work, but I kept thinking about other things.
93. fix my mind on 专心致志做某事
It's a peaceful place where I can fix my mind on reading.
94. be appealing to someone 吸引某人
Live music is always appealing to me.
95. spend on 花时间/钱在...
I spend much time on doing exercise in my spare time.
96. translate from one language into another 翻译
She's a famous writer. Her books have been translated into many languages.
97. have a liking for 喜欢
I have a liking for English literature.
98. keep on 一直做某事
I will keep on learning English with 波波老师。
99. insist on 坚持
I have to insist on practicing my spoken English.



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