

Computer is increasingly popular in people’s daily life.The number of computer in every family is more than TV set.Some people think it is so great that they all regard it as a gift from the heaven.However, some people consider it brings more disadvantages than advantages.In my opinion, both opinions are correct, but if we can use computer in a proper way, its advantages are superior to disadvantages.I have several reasons.
On the one hand, computer makes human beings’ life become easier. People can do many things that they can’t do before.They can read newspaper without buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open website.Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer.But without computer, they can’t do all these easily.In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work.People can have classes and work on it.追答

On the other hand, computer has so many attractive things that some people will be addicted to it.Some of them may busy finding funs on it, and then ignore their real duty, such as, study and work.As a result, it will have great bad effect on their future.
To sum, computer has advantages and disadvantages.But if people can control themselves to use computer properly, it is useful for their whole life.

在人们的日常生活中电脑越来越受欢迎。每家每户拥有电脑的数量要比电视机多。有些人觉得电脑真的很棒,所以他们都把他当作是上天赐予他们的礼物。然而,有些人则认为它所带来的弊端要比好处多。在我看来,这两个观点是正确的,但如果我们能够恰当地使用电脑,它的优点是会比缺点多的。理由有几点。一方面,电脑使人们的生活变得更容易。 人们可以做很多以前不能做的事情。他们可以不买报纸,只坐在电脑前,点击鼠标,打开网站就看到新闻。网上购物,看电影,听音乐,玩电脑游戏,都是人们常常用电脑做的事。但是没有电脑的话,他们则无法轻易地做到这些事。此外,电脑对他们的学习和工作也是很有帮助的。人们在电脑上上课,工作。另一方面,电脑有许多吸引人的东西,有些人会对它上瘾。有些人可能会专注于在电脑中寻找乐趣,而忽略了真正任务,例如,学习和工作。结果,电脑就会对人们的未来有着不良影响。总的说来,电脑有优点也有缺点。但如果人们能够正确地使用电脑,电脑对他们的一生都是有用的。




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