
孔子适周,将问礼于老子 老子曰:“子所言者,其人与骨皆已朽矣,独其言在
耳 且君子得其时则驾,不得其时则蓬累而行 闻之,良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德容
貌若愚 去子之骄气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益于子之身 吾所以告子,若是
而已 ”孔子去,谓弟子曰:“鸟,吾知其能飞;

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Once Confucius visited Zhou Vassal State (诸侯国) to chat manners with Lao-tze.
Lao-tze said:"What you said was that even the body and bones of a man were eroded, only his words remained in the world"
And an ald man will do if the time is fittable, while just visit and listen to others while the time is not matured".

A good bussinessman should hide his properties just like he has nothing; while an ald man should learn plenty of virtues but from the view of his appearance, just like a foolishman.

去子之骄气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益于子之身 吾所以告子,若是而已
Please eliminate your arrogance and multiple desires, beauties and idea-losing are not benefit for your body and mind. What I told you is just these words.

Then Confucius left and said to his students:"I know that the bird can fly....... "
第1个回答  2006-11-10
Confucius fitness week, I said, I will ask at the ceremony : "The son said, their bones began to rust and the final,Independence words in the ears is also a gentleman opportune time driving, which has not allowed when it Fung Bank news, concealed Ruo Jia Liang,Gentlemen SHENG : Maung Ruoyu to zi arrogance with a desire and attitude colors and licentious Hongzhi, physically My son is therefore unlikely to have been son,If only "Confucius, that the disciples, saying :" Bird, I know fly;
第2个回答  2006-11-11
Confucius has been right for week, will ask the gift I will say to the father: "The son spokesman, person and bone have been all already rotten, its speech must drive on ear and gentleman at that time alone, can't fluffy hard and walk, smell it at that time, good Jia modest about one's talent or learning, gentleman hold Germany appearance if foolish overbearing airs to go son with want more, unless attitude color and excessive for will, body good for son ago I inform son of,if " go Confucius, call the disciple to call: "The bird, I know it can fly;




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