
激发兴趣; 教学方法; 提高效率; 激励 ; 德育渗透

With an increasing interaction between our country and the world, Enlish becomes an necessary tool in social life and international communication. Although English teaching has been polulized in our primary school, differences of teaching level between areas and the improvement of teaching quality in primary English teaching have turned out to be some important research topics. The paper will elaborate the way to improve the teaching quality of English teaching in primary school from five aspects: stimulating students' interets, using various teaching method, improving teaching efficiency, builing evaluation and motivation system and permeating the morality and characteristics.

Key words: stimulating interests; teaching method; improving efficiency; encouraging ;morality permeating

第1个回答  2010-04-29
Along with China and closer contacts between countries of the world, English in the social life and international relations become an important and indispensable tool. Although our country has universal primary school English teaching, but regional and local differences between the higher education level, elevating the quality of teaching in English primary schools has become an important research subject. Stimulate student interest in this paper, using a variety of teaching methods, improving classroom efficiency and incentive evaluation mechanism, five aspects of Moral penetration how to improve the quality of primary English teaching. Stimulate interest; teaching methods; improve efficiency; incentives; Moral Penetration



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