Epona在A Rose for Epona中真的离开了忠实的信徒们吗?



你是否感知到了荆棘的存在?Do you feel the thorns?泪水是否映入眼帘?Do you see the tears?在那场残酷战争中,你是否目睹了鲜血的流淌?Do you see the blood shed in this fell war?你是否已离我们远去,遗忘那群忠诚追随者的声音?Have you forsaken us? Have you forgotten our faithful men calling your name?

当我在你面前站立,While I stand before you;我们的命运交织,却在死亡边缘消散,While we perish。献上一朵鲜红的玫瑰,While I lay down a crimson rose,紧握的手却被迫分离,While holding hands, Are forced apart。希望如囚犯般消散,While hopes bog like condemned men,你在何处?Were you there?

天空在我头顶崩塌,The sky is falling on me,你的手逐渐苍老无力,As your hand’s turning old and weak。我将自己交付于你,I’m giving myself up to thee,无果的牺牲已变得炽热,A futile sacrifice gone sere。在你的圣地,In your nemeton,冰冷寂静的石墙,These grey stone walls, Are cold and silent,象征着破碎的梦想,And forever broken dreams。你在何处,Were you there?我的世界崩溃,The sky is falling on me,你的手无力,As your hand’s turning old and weak。我献身于你,I’m giving myself up to thee,无谓的牺牲,A futile sacrifice gone sere。伊波,伊波,你为何离去?Epo, Epo why hast thou forsaken me?我们的灵魂合为一体,Together we go unsung,我将灵魂交付,Into thy hand I commend my spirit,与同胞共赴命运的深渊,Together we go down with our people

你在何处?你在何处?Were you there? Were you there?世界崩塌,The sky is falling on me,手渐老弱,As your hand’s turning old and weak。我献身,I’m giving myself up to thee,无谓牺牲,A futile sacrifice gone sere




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