

I still remember my friends and i had a interesting hiking trip in Easten Suburbs last summer .We brought loys of tool with us such as map,penknife,walking stick , food and drink as well.

When we arrived at there according the map,we picked up many braches so that we can made a fire.There were lots of mushroom on the ground.However,any of us knew whether it was poisonous or not,so we took out the food which we brought with.What's more,the roads there is muddy .Fortunately

,we got ready for this.

In a word ,this is a interesting trip i had never had,i learned lots of things which i can't know on books,it is an unfetful trip



,我们准备了好此。 在词,这是我未曾有的一次有趣的旅行,我学会了我在书不可能知道的许多事,它是一次unfetful旅行


Yesterday was sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to jiuhuashan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。

i was very happ


I still remember my friends and i had a interesting hiking trip in Easten Suburbs last summer .We brought loys of tool with us such as map,penknife,walking stick , food and drink as well. When we arrived at there according the map,we picked up many braches so that we can made a fire.There were lots of mushroom on the ground.However,any of us knew whether it was poisonous or not,so we took out the food which we brought with.What's more,the roads there is muddy .Fortunately ,we got ready for this. In a word ,this is a interesting trip i had never had,i learned lots of things which i can't know on books,it is an unfetful trip我仍然记得 的一次unfetful旅行我朋友和我去年夏天有一次兴趣的远足的旅行在Easten郊区.我们带来了工具loys与我们例如地图,铅笔刀,拐杖,食物并且喝.当我们到达了在那里达成协议地图,我们拾起许多braches,以便我们能做火.有许多蘑菇在地面.然而,其中任一我们知道不论它是毒的,因此我们去掉我们带来用的食物.什么是更多,那里路是泥泞的.幸运地 ,我们准备了好此. 在词,这是我未曾有的一次有趣的旅行,我学会了我在书不可能知道的许多事,它是一次unfetful旅行


We have had a heated discussion on whether Senior 3 students should go hiking. Different student has different opinions,which made up of the questionnair.After one week,the result had getten.Most students,about 65%,thought that Senior 3 students should go hiking.They thought it good for their health to experience nature and breathe some fresh air.And they have too much pressure.Go hiking could help them relax for a littile while and their brains


秋的思念 已经十二月了,树上的叶子早已枯黄,但竟还有大半都挂在枝头。




秋风秋雨愁杀人,古人对于秋天的描写也大都如此: 概夫秋之状也,其色惨淡,烟霏云敛; …… 其气凛冽,砭人肌骨;其意萧条,山川寂寥。










秋风中的花儿 今年的秋天来得早,却如二八女子姗姗的莲步轻摇,那绚烂的黄叶依依的不忍坠落,我不知道爬满篱墙的红艳艳的藤蔓植物叫什么,每回行走在这条小路上,都禁不住观望驻足,我想我的神情一定是喜悦的,在这个被古诗词渲染的萧瑟悲凉的秋天,有这样热情 *** 的颜色怎不叫人心潮澎湃呢。


阳光恰到好处的暖着我 *** 的肌肤,整个人不免沉醉起来。
















菊花既然有如此多的意味,它的名字也一定是超拔飘逸的, 以花色命名的有:“空谷清泉”,“黄莺出谷”,“玉蟹冰盘”,“绿衣红裳”等等。


也有以花的造型来命名的如”金线垂珠”,“十丈珠帘”等,还有以历史人物和故事命名的,如 “嫦娥奔月”,“湘妃鼓瑟”等等。





秋风秋雨愁煞人 雁过秋空夜正央 回塘风起是清狂 岁华如箭几多事 秋月秋宵秋日长。

夜已深,人不寐. 窗外有寥落的几颗星,皎洁的月圆满着,却是凄清,幽冷.明月哪会解人心中的离恨,兀自透过云层将那万点清辉漫散于高处仍蓊郁葱茏的树梢上,远处连绵的山在夜色下更显得冷峻苍茫,依依的西风不经意的拂过篱笆墙边白日里翠生生的藤萝。





秋天来了,洞庭湖水满溢着秋潮,涨落间淘尽了多少 英雄豪杰。



We have had a heated discussion on whether Senior 3 students should go hiking. Different student has different opinions,which made up of the questionnair.After one week,the result had getten.Most students,about 65%,thought that Senior 3 students should go hiking.They thought it good for their health to experience nature and breathe some fresh air.And they have too much pressure.Go hiking could help them relax for a littile while and their brains...


Last week my clas *** ates and I went hikingin the mountains. It was a sunny day. We had a picnic. It was very delicious. Afterthat we went on hiking. We had a short rest at the foot of the mountain. I hada little party there. Some girls sang and danced. It was really nice to hearsuch beautiful music. Finally we reached the top of the mountain. Then we wenthome. It was a very happy day.


There are many ways of traveling such as by plane,by train,by ship,by bus.And people can choose any of ways of traveling if they like.To me,the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.My preference depends on the purpose of the travel.On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside.When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature.And when I travel on foot I get more freedom.I can plan my own schedule.I can choose my own route.I can stop where I like.And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus.When faster and more convenient ways for travel are being available,I still favor using my own feet.I get much pleasure from it.People travel by plane,by train,by ship,by bus.To me,the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.如今的出游的方式多种多样,如飞机,火车,船舶以及汽车等.人可以选择任何方式的旅行对他们来说喜欢的.对我来说,最好的方式旅行的暑假是步行前往.我的偏好取决于旅行目的.在暑假我在旅途中刷新自己,看看乡下.当我用我的脚和走在基层涵盖道路沿河流或山丘间我觉得脱离了噪音的城市和更密切的性质.当我徒步旅行我要更多的自由.我可以计划我自己的时间表.我可以选择自己的路线.我可以停止在那里我很喜欢.我能看到的东西和人民,我可能会错过如果我旅行的火车或公共汽车.当更加快捷,方便的旅行方式正成为可用,我还是主张使用我自己的脚.我很高兴它.人们旅行的飞机,火车,船只,公共汽车.对我来说,最好的方式旅行的暑假是步行前往.

It's the best season to go hiking in spring.Two boys and o girls went hiking last sunday.They like going hiking together.The weather was fine last sunday.They all enjoyed themselves last sunday.我现在是初二学生,都忘记了五年级的知识点有什么,如果最后一句你们没学到,就改为:They all felt happy.

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第1个回答  2023-06-14
A Trip to the Mountain
It was a fine Sunday morning. The sky was blue and the weather was cool. My parents asked if I wanted to go on a hiking trip. I was very excited and readily agreed.
We set off at eight in the morning. After about two hours of driving, we reached the foot of the mountain. The air smelt fresh and there were beautiful flowers along the walking trail. We began climbing the path up the steep mountain.
After hiking for an hour,we stopped for a rest at a scenic spot. The view was breath-taking. We could see the green valleys and meandering rivers far below. We had our packed snacks and drinks, and rested our tired legs before continuing the hike.
The whole trip turned out to be a wonderful and memorable experience for me.The fresh air, serene environment and the beautiful scenery have made this a trip I will cherish forever.
Hope this example helps! Let me know if you need anything else. All the best for your writing.
第2个回答  2023-06-09
Last weekend, my friends and I went on a hiking trip to a nearby mountain. We started early in the morning, and the weather was perfect for hiking. The air was fresh, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.
As we began our hike, I felt the excitement and thrill of being out in nature. The trail was challenging at times, with rocky terrain and steep inclines, but we kept each other motivated and encouraged along the way. We could smell the fresh mountain air and see the beautiful scenery around us, with green trees and colorful flowers. We also saw many different kinds of birds and animals, including squirrels and chipmunks.
Halfway up the mountain, we stopped for a break and had a picnic lunch. We had brought snacks and sandwiches, which we enjoyed while sitting on the rocks and admiring the view. From there, we continued our hike to the top of the mountain. When we reached the summit, we were rewarded with an amazing view of the entire valley below. We took many pictures to capture the beauty of the scenery.
On our way back down the mountain, we took a different trail that took us through more scenic spots, such as waterfalls and streams. We also passed by a few mountain villages and had a chance to experience the local culture and enjoy delicious local food.
The hiking trip was an amazing experience that allowed us to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature. It also brought us closer together as friends, as we supported each other along the way. I hope to go on many more hiking trips in the future and continue to explore the great outdoors.




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