

The expert who guided my practical training was an accountant named Chang, a warm hearted girl not much older than me. She firstly told me in patience the company's core business, the titles of accounting items and solid checking contents on different subjects. After that she explained some ABC an account should know in work, answered all my questions ever entered into my head especially those basic skills in accountancy for that she gave detailed demonstration. I did appreciated her help from the bottom of my heart for I felt so lucky to meet such a mentor in guiding me seeing the world. I put my soul and heart into practical training even if it was not as busy and tired as daily work and it made me feel enriched in many aspects. Under her help I adjusted to the working environment a.s.a.p. and started to do sth. new on my own.
第1个回答  2010-06-02
不知道啊,好难啊。你问问高中英语老师吧。祝你好运。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……



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