
青花瓷(blue and white porcelain),又称白地青花瓷,常简称青花,是中国瓷器的主流品种之一。原始青花瓷于唐宋已见端倪,成熟的青花瓷则出现在元代景德镇的湖田窑。青花瓷是用含氧化钴的钴矿为原料,在陶瓷坯体上描绘纹饰,再罩上一层透明釉,经高温还原焰一次烧成。青花瓷作为中华文化的一朵奇葩,2007年由方文山作词、周杰伦作曲并演唱的一首歌曲即以《青花瓷》为题。此外还有小逍主执笔的同名小说出版。


青花瓷又称白地青花瓷器,英文名blue and white porcelain,它是用含氧化钴的钴矿为原料,在陶瓷坯体上描绘纹饰,再罩上一层透明釉,经高温还原焰一次烧成。釉下彩的一种。钴料烧成后呈蓝色,具有着色力强、发色鲜艳、烧成率高、呈色稳定的特点。目前发现最早的青花瓷标本是唐代的(也有学者称唐青花并非青花瓷);成熟的青花瓷器出现在元代;明代青花成为瓷器的主流;清康熙时发展到了顶峰。明清时期,还创烧了青花五彩、孔雀绿釉青花、豆青釉青花、青花红彩、黄地青花、哥釉青花等品种。



Blue and White Porcelain (blue and white porcelain), also known as white, blue and white porcelain, often referred to as blue, is the main varieties of Chinese porcelain. Original blue and white porcelain in the Song is emerging, and mature in the Yuan Dynasty Jingdezhen porcelain is the Hutian kiln. Blue and white cobalt containing cobalt oxide as the raw material described in the decoration on the ceramic body and then cast a layer of transparent glaze, firing a high temperature reducing flame. Blue and white porcelain as the Flower of Chinese culture in 2007 by lyricist Vincent Fang, Jay Chou composed and sang a song that is "blue and white" as its theme. There is also the main author of Small leisurely novel of the same name published.

I. Introduction

Also known as white, blue and white porcelain, the English name of blue and white porcelain, it is cobalt with cobalt oxide as the raw material described in the decoration on the ceramic body and then cast a layer of transparent glaze, high temperature reducing flame a firing. An underglaze color. After firing cobalt blue, with strong coloring, hair color, bright, burn rate, color stable. The earliest discovered specimens of blue and white porcelain is the Tang Dynasty (Tang Dynasty, some scholars said that was not blue and white porcelain blue and white); mature blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty; Ming porcelain blue and white become the mainstream; Kangxi developed to its peak. Ming and Qing Dynasties, also fired in a colorful blue and white, peacock green blue, blue and white bean glaze, blue-red color, yellow to blue, Columbia blue and white enamel and other varieties.

Third, the inscription

Ancient Chinese blue and white porcelain, painting, delicate and pretty simple and elegant decoration, porcelain at the bottom of the text, pictorial inscription wide range of different periods of the inscription are characteristics of the times. According to the inscription in the form of blue and white porcelain, kind of view can be divided into dating models Kyrgyzstan made the Rules, paragraph hall name, tribute payments and top-decoration section.
第1个回答  2010-06-02
Blue and White Porcelain (blue and white porcelain), also known as white, blue and white porcelain, often referred to as blue, is a Chinese porcelain mainstream varieties. Original blue and white porcelain in the Song is emerging, mature blue and white porcelain appeared in the Yuan Dynasty Jingdezhen's Hutian kiln. Blue and white containing cobalt oxide cobalt as raw materials in ceramic body on the painted decoration, and then cast a layer of transparent glaze, high temperature reducing flame once burned. Blue and white porcelain as the Chinese culture, a wonderful work, 2007 by Fang Wen Shan Lyrics, Jay Chou composed and sang a song that is "blue and white" as its theme. There are also small Xiao main author of the same name published. An overview of white, blue and white porcelain known as the English name of blue and white porcelain, it is cobalt with cobalt oxide as the raw material described in the decoration on the ceramic body and then cast a layer of transparent glaze, by a burning flame temperature reduction. An underglaze color. After firing cobalt blue, with strong coloring, hair color, bright, burn rate, color stable. The earliest discovered specimens of blue and white porcelain is the Tang Dynasty (Tang Dynasty, some scholars said that was not blue and white porcelain blue and white); mature blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty; Ming porcelain blue and white become the mainstream; Kangxi developed to its peak. Ming and Qing Dynasties, also fired in a colorful blue and white, peacock green blue, blue and white bean glaze, blue-red color, yellow to blue, Columbia blue and white enamel and other varieties. Third, the inscription in ancient China blue and white porcelain, painting, delicate and pretty simple and elegant decoration, porcelain at the bottom of the text, pictorial inscription wide range of different periods of the inscription are characteristics of the times. According to the inscription in the form of Blue and White Porcelain, classes consist of separable for the Annals article, Kyrgyzstan made the Rules, paragraph hall name, praise the top-section and ornamentation section.本回答被网友采纳




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