be consisted of与be made up of有什么区别


consist of: 由……组成;由…构成,包含有;组成 What will life consist of on other planets? 在其他的星球上,生命将由何组成? All bodies consist of molecules and molecules of atoms. 物体由分子构成,分子又由原子构成。 I do not know what soundness of mind exactly consist of. 我不知道心灵的健全到底是由什麽构成的。 Modern wind farms consist of turbines that generate electricity. 现代风力农场由发电的涡轮机组成。 Their life consist of the humdrum activity of everyday existence. 他们的生活由日常生存的平凡活动所构成。 be made up of: 由……组成,由……构成 Because your life should be made up of happiness. 因为快乐才是你的人生。 Will the resulting solid be made up of crystals or not? 得到的固体是不是结晶而成的呢? A life worth living should be made up of continuous efforts and progresses. 只有不断的努力和进步,方能成就有意义的生活。 Maybe that's the way life is.Life can be made up of a variety of unrelated things. 生活也许本来就是这样的,是由各种看来完全无关的事拼凑而成。 个人感觉基本没什么大区别 只是consist 更专业一点 比如材料成分 用consist of
第1个回答  2014-04-30
冒似没有前面那个说法~consist of =be made up of ,consist of 无被动无进行。For Example :a book consisting of four chapters =a book made up of …
第2个回答  2014-05-01
第3个回答  2014-04-30
consist of =be made up of



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