
1.complex ( ) a. abroad
2.ATM ( ) b. one of several divisions in
a university
3.overseas ( ) c. having pleasant smell or taste
4.invisiable ( ) d. a person with special skill
5.absentee ( ) e. a machine which you can use to take money out
6.term ( ) f. you can not see
7.secretary ( ) g. an employee in charge of office work
8.department ( )
h. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided
9.expert ( ) i. complicated
10.delicious ( ) j. people who is absent

1.complex 复杂的( i ) a. abroad
2.ATM自动取款机 ( e ) b. one of several divisions in
a university
3.overseas 海外的( a ) c. having pleasant smell or taste
4.invisiable 看不见的( f ) d. a person with special skill
5.absentee 被派遣的员工(j ) e. a machine which you can use to take money out
6.term 学期( h ) f. you can not see
7.secretary 秘书( g ) g. an employee in charge of office work
8.department 部门、学院( b )
h. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided
9.expert专家 ( d ) i. complicated
10.delicious 可口的,好吃的( c ) j. people who is absent
第1个回答  2010-05-18
1.complex ( I ) a. abroad
2.ATM ( E ) b. one of several divisions in a university
3.overseas ( A ) c. having pleasant smell or taste
4.invisiable ( F ) d. a person with special skill
5.absentee ( J ) e. a machine which you can use to take money out
6.term ( H ) f. you can not see
7.secretary ( G ) g. an employee in charge of office work
8.department ( B ) h. one of the periods into which the academic
year is divided
9.expert ( D ) i. complicated
10.delicious ( C ) j. people who is absent
第2个回答  2010-05-18
1. i 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. j 6. h 7. g 8. b 9. d 10 c
第3个回答  2010-05-18
第4个回答  2010-05-18
complex 复杂的( i ) a. abroad
2.ATM自动取款机 ( e ) b. one of several divisions in
a university
3.overseas 海外的( a ) c. having pleasant smell or taste
4.invisiable 看不见的( f ) d. a person with special skill
5.absentee 被派遣的员工(j ) e. a machine which you can use to take money out
6.term 学期( h ) f. you can not see
7.secretary 秘书( g ) g. an employee in charge of office work
第5个回答  2010-05-18
1. i 2.e 3.a 4.f 5.j 6.h 7.g 8.b 9.d 10.c



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