跪求:英语作文:How Can We Develop Beijing into a World City?250字左右

要求以How Can We Develop Beijing into a World City为题写一篇250字的英文作文

After Olympic games 2008,more and more foreigners come into beijing,the government should adapt measures to develop beijing into a world city efficiently

first,perfect traffic,a great traffic system is base to every world city,like NewYork,London and tokyo. millions people live in world city,a good traffic can make it more efficiently

second,culture,a world city not only good in hardware,but also good at software,the people live in beijing from all around the world,of course they have different custom,if beijing want to become a world city,it should learn to accept and mix different culture

third,improve environment,as we know,beijing's environment is really bad, sandstorm attacks beijing each year,if this problem not solve,beijing is really had to become a world city

forth,economy,develop economic is the most important thing,as a world city,it must have a great economic system,and good at absorb capital from every Corner of the world,just like newyork.
Developed economies can creat more opportunities of work and support high quality life. that's the major reason why people like come to this city.

at last, good luck to beijing
第1个回答  2010-05-15
As we all know Beijing has became the one of the most important cities in the word. However it definately has some problems, and what we have to do is to improve it.
First of all, the environment in Beijing is not very good. Everyday, when i walk on the street, i can see many rubbish are thrown everywhere and no one takes care about them. Although there are many cleaners work hard to clean the road again and again, rubbish emerge after the cleaner walk pass them. Of course, these years the government has been paying attention to the problem and they have paid much money on it. But, personally, the problem is because of the citizens ourselves .If we care about our behaver, the environment in Beijing will become better.
Moreover, in my opinion, Beijing will become a word famous city if China becomes a word famous country. The government should develop our country’s power not only the economy but the science and also many other areas. One day, if china takes virtual part in the word, Beijing ,the capital of the country, will be known by everyone.
The last but not least, the time when we improve our industrial system, we should protect our culture because only the culture is the evidence which shows the difference between our Chinese and the other people .
In conclusion, I believe Beijing will become a world famous country one day.

好累啊。。。。 手打原创本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-05-15





In the background of the economic globalization,the role and position of a city in the world city system should be considered.With the rise of China's international position as well as the increase of international effects,as the capital city,Beijing should have a new developing direction,forging ahead to be the city of the world.

In order to build a city of the world,science and technology innovation is necessary.Like the Silicon Valley,the Zhong Guan-cun in Beijing will be built into a world first class area.At present,Zhong Guan cun has been drawing the investment which occupy one third of China's.

Besides,the world city should be the one which gathers the world's best talents,city of the world should be city of the education at first,and own more international schools.At present,a school can be titled to be an international school must own the international students over ten percentage.And Beijing owns about 74,000 students with qualifications,and more than 70,000 abroad student are studying in Beijing now.However,there still exists the gap with other countries.

The construction level will always leave a deep impression on the visitors,compared with the majestic outward,the energy standard is more important.For Beijing,more green,powerfrugal and environment-friendly buildings should be built.

Some world-famous tourist cities,such as Paris and Tokyo,own inbound tourists up to ten million,therefore,Beijing should own a landmark large-scale tourism projects to fasten the construction on these facts.

第3个回答  2010-05-15
How can we develop Beijing into a World city ?
As we all know ,Beijing is the most important city in China,and also the Administrative center of China.So it's development can stand for the standard of development of China.
In order to develop Beijing to be a world city ,In my opinion ,we should reach to the goal step by step ,First,Give the city a worldwide definition.for example host the worldwide activity ,such as Olympic Games etc.Second,let the economy and environment develop harmony together ,because the harmony development is the main develop style in the world. Third,Give lots of help to the city or country which is really need our help!
If we can achive the above activities ,i am sure Beijing can be a world city!
第4个回答  2010-05-15



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