should college teacher's part-time jobs be permitted?作文

1 关于是否可以让大学老师做兼职的讨论在社会上兴起】
2 我对这一现象的看法
急需两篇 谢谢啦 多多益善 不要太难

should college teacher's part-time jobs be permitted?
Recently there's an argumentation about whether college teachers can do the part-time jobs or not.From my point of view,I don't think college teachers should do the part-time jobs.
Firstly, if the college teacher do the part-time job they will have less time to stay with their students and it means that the students do not have enough time to ask their teachers for help when things happened.
Secondly,as the teacher spend more time on their part-time job,they will have less time to concentrate on their school work,which would not be fair for the students.
Last but not least,seems the teachers spend their time on so many jobs they'll be exhausted.So they can't put into as much energy and enthusiasm as they can in class as they used to be.That would not be good.
Above are all the reasons I don't agree with the idea that college teacher can do part-time jobs.
第1个回答  2010-05-26




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