

  A. America

  B. Germany

  C. Italy

  D. Dutch

  Answer: C Italy

  142. When meeting Austrians for the first time, it is expected that _________.

  A. you only shake hands.

  B. you only introduce youself with your family name.

  C.you shake hands and introduce youself with your family name.

  D. you shake hands and introduce youself with your full name.

  Answer D

  143. americans take direct eye contact as a sign of honesty and sincerity, although it _______.

  A. should not be too intense

  B. is seldom kept

  C. is the way show their interest

  D. may be seen as intrusive


  144. When ordering products,you should provide clear and correct shipping instructions,which one you should not specify?

  A. the method of shipment;

  B. the desired delivery date;

  C. the delivery address;

  D. the price of products;


  145. Eye contact is ____ kept during British conversations,because people believe eye contact is a mark of rudeness.

  A. never B. seldom C. always D. sometimes

  answer: B

  146. Japan in past were asked to focus on _____ in order to avoid eye contact.

  A. a speakers neck;

  B. a speakers eyes;

  C. a speakers arm;

  D. a speakers nose;

  answer: A

  147. In Canada,direct eye contacting is acceptable when you want to convey ___and ___.

  A. interest ; excitement.

  B. sincerity; excitement.

  C. interest ; sincerity.

  D. excitement;happiness.

  answer: C

  148. When all or part of an order cannot be processed because the merchandise is temporarily out of stock or has been discontinued, which of the followings should not be done?

  A. Express appreciation for the order and identify it by the customers order number or by date if the order is unnumbered.

  B. Express regret that either all or some identified items cannot be shipped and state the reason.

  C. Give a guarantee to the customer that the items will be shipped in time.

  D. If one or more items have been discontinued, suggest an alternative for the customer.

  Answer: C

  149. The eye contact is one of the most important parts of communication, but the amount of proper eye contact varies from culture to culture, so which of the followings is not true?

  A. Americans take direct eye contact eye as a sign of honesty and sincerity.

  B. Indians do not maintain continuous eye contact while talking with others.

  C. Japanese used to focus on a speakers neck instead of his/her eyes.

  D. A romantic interest is usually implied when the eyes of two strangers meet and linger in France.

  Answer: D

  150. ____take direct eye contact as a sign of honesty and sincerity,although it should not be too intense.

  A. Canadian B.Americans C. French D.Japanese

  answer: B

  151. Under the follows country,in which people may not make eye contact as a sign of respect.

  A. Australia B. SingaporeC. Mexico D. Japan

  answer: C

  152. In ____,eye contact is considered a statement of equality and is too personal a gesture to use with stranger in a social setting.

  A. Canada B. Japan C.Russia D.France

  answer: D

  153. In some countries, eye contact is very important and should be maintained as long as the person is addressing you. Which of the country below is not like this?

  A. Germany B. Russia C.Sweden D. America


  154. Different culture have different eye contact: some countries should not be too intense, some countries can be direct and not necessarily smiling, some counteries may imply romantic interest and some counteries are accustomed to strong, steady eye contact. Which of the following group correspond with what we described before?

  A. America Germany Italy Norwegian

  B. Canada Sweden Italy India

  C. France Germany Italy Russia

  D. Russia Sweden Italy Norwegian


  155. It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to be ___.



  C.of service



  156. Nowdays, Japanese were taught to ____ when they are talking to their business colleague.

  A. focus on peoples neck

  B.look around

  C.maintain romantic eye contact

  D. maintain direct eye contact

  答案 D

  157. Like many Northern Europeans and North Americans, Norwegians prefer to maintain ____eye contact.

  A. direct B. strong C.indirect D.steady

  答案 C

  158. When all or part of an order cannot be processed because the merchandise is temproarily out of stock or has been discontinued,_________ needs to be notified promptly.

  A the boss B the customer C the student D the teacher


  159. In ______ and many other cultures direct eye contact is generally regarded as aggressive and rude.

  A.South Asian B.Britain C.Russia D.America


  160. American take ___ as a sign of honesty and sincerity, although it should not be too___.

  A.indirect eye contact ,intense

  B.direct eye contact ,intense

  C.indirect eye contact ,serious

  D.direct eye contact ,serious


  161. In__,keeping eye contact is important during an introduction and for as long as you are being aderssing.

  A.Italy B.Germany C.Russia D.Canada


  162. In ____, eye contact remains direct and is the way people show their interest.

  A. Germany B. Italy C.Sweden D. America

  Answer: B

  163. In ____,keeping eye contact is important during an introduction and for as long as you are being addressed.

  A. Germany B. Italy C.Russia D. America


  164. ____ do not maintain continuous eye-contact while talking with others.

  A.Africans B.Japanese C.Chinese D.Indians

  Answer: D

  165. When you notice that there is something unpleasant in the food, you will properly_____.

  A. ask servant in low voice for what you want

  B. shout loudly and ask to replace the food

  C. make a great display when moving these things unpleasant from your food

  D. place them quietly under the edge of your plate

  answer is d

  166. When the soup is put in front of you, how do we do?

  A.Eat the soup directly from the bowl

  B.If the soup is too hot,blow on it to make it cool

  C.Spoon the soup away from you when you take it out of athe bowl

  D.Using tea spoon to taste the soup,then sip it from the side of the spoon


  167. It is inappropriate to ask for a doggy bag when you are a guest. Here, "doggy bag" means ______

  A) 小狗袋

  B) 垃圾袋


  D) 呕吐袋

  Answer: C

  168. Dont burp. Its not cute and its not a compliment in most parts of the world. What is the meaning of the word "burp"?

  A) tussis

  B) Vomiting

  C) cough

  D) Belch

  Answer: D

  169. There are different ways to use the fork and the knife. What is the "continental" style of dinning?

  A) The knife and the fork are switched.

  B) The fork is laid down; and the knife is put ahead.

  C) The fork is switched back to the right hand.

  D) The knife and the fork are never switched.

  Answer: D

  170. Payment plays an important role in international trade and the most often adopted mode of payment in foreign trade is_____. The buyers usually make the payment ______.

  A. Letter of Credit, one month after the time of shipment.

  B. Cash, one month after the time of shipment.

  C. Cash, one month before the time of shipment.

  D. Letter of Credit, one month before the time of shipment.

  Answer: D

  171. Shipment is an important part in international business. When goods are transported _____ , Bill of Lading is involved.

  A. by air

  B. by sea

  C. on rail

  D. on road

  Answer: B

  172. In a formal business meal its very significant to keep table manners. Which of the followings cannot be accepted ?

  A. Keep your cellphone on.

  B. Leave the table during a meal in an emergency after excuse yourself.

  C. Ask a person closest to an item that you cannot reach.

  D. Say" No, thank you" when you prefer not to eat something.

  Answer: A

  173. If you found a insect in your soup when you are having a business meal, you should____.

  A. show it to all the people in the restraunt

  B.put it quietly under the edge of your plate

  C. call the waiter and ask for reparation

  D.call the boss of the restruant to replace the soup

  答案 B

  174. Which way to eat bread is proper when you have a very normal business meal?

  A.put it in the soup, then eat it with knife.

  B. Using the knife to cut it.

  C.Using the table utensils to eat it.

  D.Using fingers to break it.

  答案 D

  175. At business cocktail receptions, you should drink in your ___ hand to keep your ____ hand dry and available for handshakes.

  A.left,left B.right,right C.left,right D.right,left


  176. You should use for a napkin only for your ___ when dinning out .

  A.nose B.face C.forehead D.mouth

  Answer : D

  177. When goods are transported by road, rial, or air, the contract of carriege takes forms of ____

  or Air Way Bill.

  A:Bill of Lading B:Charter Paty C:Consignment Note D:Contract


  178. In Basic American Table manners, ______on the table are acceptable only between course, not while you are eating.

  A: hands B:elbow C:fork D:smoking


  179. For American Table Manners ,if your soup is too hot to eat.What should you do?

  A put it back into the soup bowl

  B blow on it

  C let it sit until it cools

  D place it on your plate


  180. In America, a gentleman must help a lady whom he has escorted to the table ,to all she wishes; but it is ___ for him to offer to help other ladies who have escorts.

  A proper B improper C lousy D bad

  答案: B

  181. What is the "continental" style of dinning?

  A: The knife and the fork are switched B: The fork is laid down;and the knife is put ahead

  C: The fork is switched back to the right hand D: The knif and the fork are never switched

  Answer: D

  182. A gentleman must help a lady whom has escorted to the table, to all she wishes; but it is improper for him to offer to help other ladies who have escorted. The word "escort" means ?

  A: go with someone as a partner B: go with someone as a gurd

  C: go with someone as an escapee D:go with someone as an adviser

  Answer: A

  183. When you are a guest which manner is permitted in America?

  A:pick your teeth at the table

  B:break the bread into the soup

  C:refuse a food item you dont like

  D:reprove the waiter


  184. If you need something that you cannot reach easily,the best manner is__

  A:stand up and take the item yourself

  B:politely ask the person closest to the item to pass it to you

  C:ask the waiter to give you another

  Drder somebody to pass the item


  185. When should the buyers open a letter of credit in a transaction?

  A. before contract or confirmation is signed by buyers and sellers

  B. when the buyers want to open a letter of credit

  C. when the buyers and sellers finished the transaction

  D. after contract or confirmation is signed.


  186. Dinner usually ______ soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side.

  A.begins with B.end with C. middled with


  187. Use for a napkin only for your_____.

  A nose

  B face

  C forehead

  D mouth

  Anwser: D

  188. What way to eat bread is proper?

  A Using the knife to cut it.

  B Using the table utensils to eat it.

  C Using fingers to break it.

  D Using the spoon to crumble it.

  Anwser: C

  189. The followings except _____ are impolite behaviors when dinning out.

  A smoking

  B drinking too much

  C talking loudly

  D speaking lightly and politely

  Anwser : D

  190. At business cocktail reciptions, hold your drind in your ____ hand.

  A right

  B left

  C both

  D one of

  Anwser: B

  191. Which one does not belong to American table manners?

  A.Use a napkin for your nose.

  B.Sit up straight at the table.

  C.Do not talk loud.

  D.Do not smoke while dining out.


  192. How to use a kinfe and fork?

  A.The folk is held in left hand and is used for eating, and the knife is right hand and is used to cut.

  B.The folk is held in right hand and is used for cutting, and the knife is left hand and is used to eat.

  C.The folk is held in right hand and is used for eating, and the knife is left hand and is used to cut.



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