

1. be doing/ be about to do/be on the point of doing/had done…,when…(when:这时, 强调一个动作的突然发生)

1) I was walking along the river, when I heard a drowning boy cry for help.

2) I was about to leave when it began to rain.

3) I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang, announcing the exam was over.

2. It was(not) +时间段+before +一般过去时“过了一段时间就……”

It will(not) be+时间段+before +一般现在时“要过一段时间才会……”

It is/ has been +时间段+ since…

It was+点时间+ when…

It was+时间状语+ that…(强调句)

1) It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.不久他就意识到他处境危险。(动作已发生)

2) It will be half a year before you graduate from the school.还有半年你才从这个学校毕业。(动作未发生)

3) It is 3 years since he worked here. = he left here.(since从句中的谓语动词若是延续性动词,要从这个动作结束的时候算起)

4) It was 3 o’clock when they received the telephone.

5) It was at 3 o’clock that they received the telephone.

3. once… 一旦……,表示时间和条件

1) Once you start, you will never give up.

2) Once you understand what the teacher explained, you will have no difficulty doing the work.

4. the +比较级……,the +比较级……“越……越……”

The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.

5. whether…or…无论是……还是……

1) Whether the weather is good or bad, they will set off as they planned.

2) Any person, whether young or old, has his own worth.

6. 祈使句+or/otherwise +结果句或祈使句+ and +结果句

1) Stop doing such a foolish thing, or you will be punished in time.

2) More effort, and the problem would have been settled.

7. every time/each time/next time/the first time/any time等短语引导时间状语从句,表示“每当,每次,下次,第一次,任何时候”。

1) Every time you meet with new words while reading, don’t always refer to your dictionary.

2) Next time you come, do remember to bring your son here.

3) You are welcome to come back any time you want to.

8. There is(no) need to do…

There is(no)hope/chance/possibility of doing…

There is(no)difficulty/trouble/point/delay( in )doing

1) Is there any chance of our winning the match?

2) There is no point in discussing the problem again.

9. it 强调句:基本构成形式:It is/ was +被强调部分+ who/ that+原句剩余部分

I met him in the street yesterday afternoon.

It was I who/that met him in the street yesterday afternoon.(强调是我,不是别人)

It was in the street that I met him yesterday afternoon.(强调是在大街上,不是在别的地方,强调的是地点,但不用where)

It was yesterday afternoon that I met him in the street.(强调是昨天下午,不是在别的时候,强调的是时间,但不用when)

10. not... until直到……才

1) The villagers didn’t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river.

2) It was not until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.(强调句)

3) Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.(倒装句)

11. not only…but (also)…

引导并列结构:作主语时,谓语动词与邻近的一个主语保持一致。Not only the teacher but also the students have their eyes examined regularly.not only... but (also)…引导并列句时,not only引导的部分置于句首时要部分倒装。

1) Not only was everything he had taken away, but also his German citizenship was taken away.

2) Not only should we students study hard, but also we should know how to enjoy ourselves in our spare time.

12. would rather +从句(从句要用虚拟语气,即从句中谓语动词用一般过去式, 表示现在或将来的愿望;从句中谓语动词用过去完成市,表示对过去的愿望)

1) I’d rather you posted the letter right now.


2) I’d rather I hadn’t seen her yesterday.


13. so, neither/nor 引导得倒装表示“另一者也如此”及前者的情况也适用于后者,用so, neither/nor引导的倒装句,助动词的选择依据前一句的谓语动词。

1) He has finished his homework, so have I.

2) My sister prefers coffee, so do I.

3) John can’t ride a bicycle, neither/nor can I.若前句的谓语动词既有肯定又有否定形式时,或谓语动词不属于一类时,用It is/was the same with sb.或So it is/was with sb.

4) He is a worker and he works hard, so it is with John.若后一句是对前一句所说的内容表示赞同或认可,则主语和谓语不倒装。

5) — It is cold today. — Yes. So it is

6) — He visited Tokyo last week. — Yes. So he did.

14. 倍数表达法:

A+谓语+倍数+ the + n.(size/ height/ length…) + of B

A+谓语+倍数+ as + abj. + as B

A+谓语+倍数+ adj.比较级+ than B

A +谓语+ adj.比较级+than B + by +倍数

1) This square is twice the size of that one. This square is twice as large as that one. This square is once larger than that one.

2) This factory produced three times as many cars as they did 10 years ago.

3) He is 3 years older than IHe is older than I by 3 years.

15. as/with表示“随……进展”,as后面接句子,with后面接短语。

1) With the industry developing, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

2) As the industry develops, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

16. with的复合结构(作状语或作定语)with + n. + adj. (with可以省略)

1) (With) the street wet and slippery, we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully.Because the street were wet and slippery, …

2) The students were listening to the teacher, (with) their eyes wide open.The students were listening to the teacher, and their eyes were wide open.with+ n. + adv. (with可以省略)

3) He put on his coat hurriedly, (with) the wrong side out.

with + n. + prep-phrase (with可以省略)

4) The old man was seated in the sofa, (with) a pipe in his mouth.with + n.+ to do/to be done (动词不定式的动作还未进行)

with + n.+ doing/being done (动词不定式的动作正在进行)

with + n.+ done (动词不定式的动作已经完成或指n.所处的状态)

5) With so many problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard year.

6) He was lying in bed, with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

7) With the temple being repaired, we can’t visited it.

17. 以here, there, in, out, up, down, away等副词开头的倒装句(多用一般现在时表示正在进行的动作)。

1) Here comes the bus! (=The bus is coming here!)

2) Away he went. 他走远了。(若主语是代词则主语与谓语不倒装)

18. 方位状语位于句首时的倒装句。

1) In front of the house stopped a police car.

2) Under the tree sat a boy, with a book in his hand.

19. 具有否定意义的副词或短语位于句首时句子要部分倒装。

常用的有:little, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, no sooner, in no time, by no means, in no case等。
第1个回答  2021-02-17



一、句型1: Subject (主语) + Verb (谓语)

这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。常见的动词如:work, sing, swim, fish, jump, arrive, come, die, disappear, cry, happen等。如:

1) Li Ming works very hard.李明学习很努力。

2) The accident happened yesterday afternoon.事故是昨天下午发生的。

3)Spring is coming.

4) We have lived in the city for ten years.

二、句型2:Subject (主语) + Link. V(系动词) + Predicate(表语)


(1)表示状态。这样的词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep等。如:

1) This kind of food tastes delicious.这种食物吃起来很可口。

2) He looked worried just now.刚才他看上去有些焦急。

(2)表示变化。这类系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, go等。如:

1) Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。

2) The tree has grown much taller than before.这棵树比以前长得高多了。

三、句型3:Subject(主语) + Verb (谓语) + Object (宾语)

这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等来充当。例:

1) He took his bag and left.(名词) 他拿着书包离开了。

2) Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties. (代词)当我遇到困难时,李雷总能给我帮助。

3) She plans to travel in the coming May Day.(不定式)她打算在即将到来的“五一”外出旅游。

4) I don’t know what I should do next. (从句)我不知道下一步该干什么。


四、句型4: Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)

这种句型中,直接宾语为主要宾语,表示动作是对谁做的或为谁做的,在句中不可或缺,常常由表示“物”的名词来充当;间接宾语也被称之为第二宾语,去掉之后,对整个句子的影响不大,多由指“人”的名词或代词承担。引导这类双宾语的常见动词有:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring, send等。如:

1) Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present.她爸爸给她买了一本词典作为生日礼物。

2)The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March.

老人经常给孩子们讲述长征途中那些英雄的故事。 上述句子还可以表达为:

1)Her father bought a dictionary for her as a birthday present.

2)The old man always tells stories about the heroes to the children in the Long March.

五、句型5: Subject(主语)+Verb (动词)+Object (宾语)+Complement(补语)

这种句型中的“宾语 + 补语”统称为“复合宾语”。宾语补足语的主要作用或者是补充、说明宾语的特点、身份等;或者表示让宾语去完成的动作等。担任补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如:

1)You should keep the room clean and tidy. 你应该让屋子保持干净整洁。(形容词)

2) We made him our monitor.(名词)我们选他当班长。

3) His father told him not to play in the street.(不定式)他父亲告诉他不要在街上玩。

4)My father likes to watch the boys playing basketball.(现在分词)

5) Yesterday I had a picture taken with two Americans.(过去分词)

blame sb. for doing sth. 指责某人做某事

criticize sb. for doing sth. 批评某人做某事

forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人做某事

excuse sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人做某事

pardon sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人做某事

punish sb. for doing sth. 惩罚某人做某事

scold sb. for doing sth. 指责(责备)某人做某事

thank sb. for doing sth. 感谢某人做某事

accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人犯某事(罪),指责某人做某事

cheat sb. fo sth. 骗取某人某物

cure sb. of sth. 治好某人的病,改掉某人的坏习惯

inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某情况(事)

remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某情况(事)

rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某物

rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某东西

warn sb. of sth. 警告某人有某情况




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