

1、it's time to... 是该干...的时候了
2、it costs ... 花费(时间)做...
1. It doesn't matter…
It doesn't matter what he says. 他说什么都没关系。

2. It appears/ seems/ happens/says that…
It seems that he is always correct. 他好像总是对的。
It happened that I had no money with me. 碰巧我当时没有带钱。

3. It is said/ reported/ believed/ understood that…
It is said that he has joined the Party. 据说他已经入党了。

4. It is a waste of time /money doing sth.
It’s a waste of time your talking to him. 你和他谈是浪费时间。

5. (It is) no wonder( that) …
It’s no wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day. 难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。

6. It makes no/mush difference…
It’s doesn't make much difference my being there. 我在不在那儿没有什么影响。

7. it takes sb. some time to do sth.
It took me nearly an hour to work out the problem. 花了我差不多一个钟才做出那道题.

8. It’s one’s turn to do sth.
It’s my turn to clean the classroom. 是轮到我打扫教室的了。

9. If it were not for…
If it were not for your help, I would still be homeless. 若不是你帮忙,我现在还是无家可归。



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