
A:Could you ______ me how I can _______ to the post office,please?
B:Yes,______ along this street and _______ right at the second crossing.The post office ______ on your right.You can ________ it easily.
A:Would you _____ to play table tennis wish me?
B:I'd ______ to.But I _______ busy now.I ________ a lot of homework to do.
A:It _______ matter.I can ______ wish Li Ming.
A:What can I _______ for you?
B:I'd _______ some apples.These apples ______ nice. How much ______ they ______?
A:Six yuan a kilo.
B:OK.Please ______ me two kilos.

A.tell, walk
B.go(go along 问路常用答语)turn,is,find,
B.love(I'd love to. 常用句型,我非常乐意),do,(I do busy now,do,表示强调,强调他现在很忙),have (have sth. to do.有事情要做)
A.doesn't (it doesn't matter , 没关系,it 单三,要用don't 的单数形式)
A.do(what can I do for you?= can i help you?? 需要点什么?)
B. like (I'd like sth. 我想买点---)look,does, coast
B.give(好的,帮我称4斤)two kilos是两公斤 也就是4斤
第1个回答  2009-05-22
A:Could you tell me how I can go to the post office,please?
B:Yes,walk along this street and turn right at the second crossing.The post office is on your right.You can find it easily.
A:Would you like to play table tennis with me?
B:I'd love to.But I am busy now.I have a lot of homework to do.
A:It doesn't matter.I can play with Li Ming.
A:What can I get for you?
B:I'd like some apples.These apples look nice. How much do they cost?
A:Six yuan a kilo.
B:OK.Please give me two kilos.
第2个回答  2009-05-22




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