完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)小题1:We had so much trouble _____________________ our pr

完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)小题1:We had so much trouble _____________________ our proposal. (talk)我们费了好大的劲才说服他接受我们的提议。小题2:How come such a rich man robbed the bank? It _______________________. (sense)这么富有的一个人怎么会抢银行呢?这讲不通呀。小题3:Many of the soldiers were diagnosed with cancer after they came back from the front because they ______________________ radiation during the war. (expose)很多士兵从前线回来都被诊断出了癌症,因为他们在战争期间曾暴露在辐射中。小题4:Our software, unless _________________________, may not serve us well in our work. (update)除非定期升级,否则我们的软件无法很好地为我们服务。小题5:The Western markets _________________________ cheap products made in China. (flood)西方国家的市场上充斥着中国制造的廉价商品。小题6:Only if you work hard from now on ______________________ your classmates in studies. (catch)只有从现在开始努力,你在学习上才能赶上你的同学小题7:________________________________ at 2013 World Swimming Championships made us all very proud. (win)孙杨在2013年游泳世锦赛上夺得三枚金牌使我们都非常骄傲。小题8:Luckily we brought with us a map, without which we ___ in the jungle.(get)幸运的是,我们带了地图,要不然在丛林里就迷路了。小题9:Peter learned German, French and Spanish at an evening school, ____________ fluently now. (speak)彼得在一所夜校学习了德语、法语和西班牙语,所有这些语言他现在都讲得很流利。小题10:I can’t help thinking what it is in the computer games __________________ the boys. (appeal)我禁不住想,电脑游戏中到底是什么吸引了这些男孩子。

小题1:(in) talking him into accepting
小题2:doesn’t make (any) sense/ makes no sense
小题3:had been exposed to
小题4:(it is) updated regularly (on a regular basis)
小题5:are flooded with
小题6:can you catch up with
小题7:Sun Yang’s winning three gold medals/ That Sun Yang (had) won three gold medals
小题8:would have got lost
小题9:all of which he speaks
小题10:that appeals to

小题1:根据短语have difficulty (trouble)(in)doing sth可知,此处talk用动名词的形式,作介词in的宾语。
小题2:考查以sense为核心的短语,make no sense意为:讲不通。
小题3:根据句意:他们被暴露在辐射中。所以用被动语态,又因为诊断就发生在过去,被暴露又发生在诊断之前,故用过去完成时。故用had been exposed to 。
小题4:考查unless引导的状语从句。根据句意为被动含义,所以用(it is) updated regularly,it is可以省略,或采用介词短语的形式,(it is)on a regular basis。
小题5:这里采用了flood的引申义,因为The Western markets 作主语,所以用被动语态的形式。
小题6:考查短语catch up with及倒装句。Only置于句首强调状语,主句采用部分倒装。所以用can you catch up with的形式。
小题7:根据谓语动词made可知,前面是主语成分,充当主语的有两种形式;1.主语从句;2.动名词短语。所以翻译为Sun Yang’s winning three gold medals/ That Sun Yang (had) won three gold medals。
小题9:考查非限制性定语从句的理解,用all of which代替前面所有的语言,并在定语从句中作speak的宾语。
小题10:根据前面的what it is in the computer games 及汉语“到底是什么吸引了这些男孩子”可知,用强调句型翻译。



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