
The purpose of this study is to explore the value of public relations in strategy implementation as demonstrated through the cultivation of employee-organization relationships in the context of globalization strategies and cultural influences. A recent issue of The Public Relations Strategist reported a roundtable discussion with seven public relations executives about the state and transformation of the public relations industry. Wolder (2004, Summer) opened that discussion with the following question: “Even after 100 years of PR history, people are still debating whether business results generated by public relations can be measured and tracked. How can corporate PR people compete for internal resources and get respect?”
This leads to one key issue in both public relations theory development and practice, the value of public relations to an organization and how to demonstrate that value. Such value is not always recognized in organizations, and public relations practitioners usually need to fight for the recognition and respect for the work they do.
Different reasons exist for this lack of recognition. Dozier with L. Grunig and J. Grunig (1995) identified three spheres of communication excellence: the knowledge base of the communication department, shared expectations about communication with senior management, and the more peripheral factor of organizational culture. In other words, the value of public relations may not be recognized because public relations practitioners lack the knowledge to practice excellent public relations or because the dominant coalition does not share a common expectation with its public relations department.

本研究的目的是探讨价值的公共关系战略实施中表明通过培养员工的组织关系,在全球化背景下的战略和文化的影响。最近的一个问题,公共关系战略的圆桌讨论报告七公共关系负责人的状况和改造公共关系行业。 Wolder ( 2004年夏季)开幕,讨论以下问题: “即使在100多年的公关历史,人们仍在争论是否经营业绩所产生的公共关系可以衡量和跟踪。如何企业公关人竞争内部资源和得到尊重? “
不同的原因,存在这种缺乏认识。多齐尔的研究格鲁尼格和J.格鲁尼格( 1995年)确定了三个领域的交流卓越:知识基础的通信部门,共同期望的沟通与高级管理人员,以及更多的外围因素,组织文化。换言之,公共关系的价值可能不承认,因为缺乏公共关系从业人员的知识,实践卓越的公共关系,或因为占主导地位的联盟不会有共同的期望与公共关系部。



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