



Abstract and key words
At present,TV station of Chinese different provinces prevail in China.In such a changeable market competition,every TV station are considering how to meet the challenge and stand out among all the counterparties.
Under such a marketing,scalized,high profit-oriented and various social development trends,Hu Nan TV Station is in a leading postion and become the top on among all the entertainment programs of Chinese Province TV satations without suspense.
The success of Hu Nan TV Station is not occasional from the view of management thesis and innovative development.
From its developement to present achievement,Hu Nan TV station has made a great and obvious endeavour by itself.
Leading program surely decides the future problem of Chinese entertainment programs.
The article will give you a detailed explaination of the success factor of Hu Nan TV station and it how create the top position in Chinese entertainment programms.
Key Words:Hu Nan TV Station,Entertainment Program;Success Mode;Influence.
第1个回答  2009-04-25
Abstract and Keywords

当下,中国各省市电视台的娱乐节目群英四起,在这个瞬息万变的市场竞争中,每一个电视台都在思考着如何才能应对自如并且脱颖而出。 Present, the Chinese provincial and municipal television entertainment Qunying four, in this rapidly changing market competition, every TV is pondering how to deal with the ease and come to the fore. 在这种市场化、规模化、强调高效益、差异性的社会发展趋势下,湖南台却一枝独秀,毫无悬念的堪为中国省市级电视台中娱乐节目的中流砥柱。 In such a market-oriented, large-scale, emphasizing high-efficiency, differences in the trend of social development, Hunan and Taiwan are thriving, there is no suspense worthy of the Chinese provincial and municipal TV stations in the backbone of entertainment.
从经营理念与发展创新来看,湖南卫视的成功,并不是偶然的。 From the business philosophy of innovation and development perspective, the success of Hunan Satellite TV is not accidental. 从其发展,到今天取得的成绩,其主观做出的努力是显而易见的,领军节目,必然决定了中国娱乐节目的走向问题,湖南卫视的成功因素与其如何开创中国娱乐节目的领头军的位置,本论文都将为您详细解答。 Its development, the achievements of today, their subjective efforts are obvious, leading programs, the inevitable decision of China to the question of entertainment, Hunan Satellite TV and its success factors on how to create a lead Chinese entertainment Army position, The papers will provide you a detailed answer.

关键词:湖南卫视;娱乐节目;成功模式;影响; Key words: Hunan Satellite TV; entertainment; success; impact;
第2个回答  2009-05-08
China saves the entertainment of city television station program group of heroes respectively instantly, rising from all directions , everyone television station becomes eminent freely moreover in market competition varying from minute to minute in this, all in being thinking deeply that how ability answers. The Hunan platform outshines others but , without any suspense bearing is that the Chinese province city level television station is hit by entertainment program mainstay , chief corner stone under society developing trend becoming market-oriented , scale-rization , emphasizing the high beneficial result , difference in this. Secondary manage idea comes to take a look on that with developing FOAK , Hunan defends the success looking at , is really not accidental. Achievement developing from the person , getting to today, make great efforts to be as plain as the nose on one's face that whose subjectivity does out , draws the army program, problem surely having decided Chinese entertainment program make for, Hunan defends the army location taking the lead than the successful factor looking at how to start the Chinese entertainment program's , the thesis answers all with being that you are detailed.

第3个回答  2009-04-21
Nowadays, the Chinese provincial and municipal television entertainment Qunying four, in this rapidly changing market competition, every TV is pondering how to deal with the ease and come to the fore. In such a market-oriented, large-scale, emphasizing high-efficiency, differences in the trend of social development, Hunan and Taiwan are thriving, there is no suspense worthy of the Chinese provincial and municipal TV stations in the backbone of entertainment.

From the business philosophy of innovation and development perspective, the success of Hunan Satellite TV is not accidental. Its development, the achievements of today, their subjective efforts are obvious, leading programs, the inevitable decision of China to the question of entertainment, Hunan Satellite TV and its success factors on how to create a lead Chinese entertainment Army position, The papers will provide you a detailed answer.

I sincere hope it will be help.giggle.!
第4个回答  2009-05-11
Abstract and keyword China saves the entertainment of city television station program group of heroes respectively instantly, rising from all directions , everyone television station becomes eminent freely moreover in market competition varying from minute to minute in this, all in being thinking deeply that how ability answers. Under society developing trend becoming market-oriented , scale-rization , emphasizing the high beneficial result , difference in this, the Hunan platform but outshine others , without any suspense bearing is that the Chinese province city level television station is hit by entertainment program mainstay , chief corner stone. Secondary manage idea comes to take a look on that with developing FOAK , Hunan defends the success looking at , is really not accidental. Achievement developing from the person , getting to today, make great efforts to be as plain as the nose on one's face that whose subjectivity does out , draws the army program, problem surely having decided Chinese entertainment program make for, the successful factor that Hunan Wei looks at answers than the army location taking the lead , thesis how to start the Chinese entertainment program will be that you are detailed.

Keywords: Hunan Wei is looked at; Entertainment program; Successful pattern; Affect;



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