
Early in the morning, deep in the forest, the trees were having a discussion.

“Animals come and rest in our shade (荫) but they leave a mess behind,” said the Jamun. “The smell on some days is so bad!”

“They never think about us because we’re silent,” said the Sal. “But I’ve had enough! I’ve made up my mind to drive away any animal that comes here!”

“That may not be a good thing to do,” said the Peepul, the oldest and biggest tree there. “The animals cause trouble, I agree, but they serve a useful purpose. We are all interdependent-trees, animals, men…”

“I’m sorry,” said the Sal. “I must say your opinion is right but in this matter I will not listen to anyone. I won’t allow animals here any more!”

True to his word when a leopard came to rest in the shade later that day, the Sal began to move itself strongly from side to side. The leopard, terrified, jumped up and ran. The Sal drove away all the animals that came to that part of the forest that day and in the days that followed. In course of time animals stopped coming here.

The Sal became a great hero to the younger trees in the neighborhood and even some of the older ones began bowing (鞠躬) to him when the Peepul was not looking.

Then one day two woodcutters came to this part of the forest. “Men!” shouted the Sal. “Why have they come here? They’ve never come here before.”

“If they’ve never come here before it was because of the animals,” said the Peepul. “Now the leopard and the tiger no longer come here, and they are no longer afraid。”

The Sal began to worry with good reason. It was the first tree the woodcutters cut down.


Early in the morning, deep in the forest, the trees were having a discussion.

“Animals come and rest in our shade (荫) but they leave a mess behind,” said the Jamun. “The smell on some days is so bad!”

“They never think about us because we’re silent,” said the Sal. “But I’ve had enough! I’ve made up my mind to drive away any animal that comes here!”

“That may not be a good thing to do,” said the Peepul, the oldest and biggest tree there. “The animals cause trouble, I agree, but they serve a useful purpose. We are all interdependent-trees, animals, men…”
“I’m sorry,” said the Sal. “I must say your opinion is right but in this matter I will not listen to anyone. I won’t allow animals here any more!”
True to his word when a leopard came to rest in the shade later that day, the Sal began to move itself strongly from side to side. The leopard, terrified, jumped up and ran. The Sal drove away all the animals that came to that part of the forest that day and in the days that followed. In course of time animals stopped coming here.

The Sal became a great hero to the younger trees in the neighborhood and even some of the older ones began bowing (鞠躬) to him when the Peepul was not looking.
Then one day two woodcutters came to this part of the forest.
“Men!” shouted the Sal. “Why have they come here? They’ve never come here before.”
“If they’ve never come here before it was because of the animals,” said the Peepul. “Now the leopard and the tiger no longer come here, and they are no longer afraid。”
The Sal began to worry with good reason. It was the first tree the woodcutters cut down.
第1个回答  2009-04-23

“来和其他动物在我们的树荫(荫) ,但他们留下一个烂摊子背后说, ” Jamun 。 “气味有几天是如此糟糕! ”

“他们从来没有想到我们,因为我们沉默,说: ”萨尔。 “但我已经受够了!我弥补我的脑海驱赶任何动物,来到这里! “

“这可能不是一件好事,这样说, ” Peepul ,最古老和最大的树有。 “动物造成麻烦,我同意,但它们起到有益的作用。我们都是相互依存的,树木,动物,男人... “

“对不起,说: ”萨尔。 “我必须说,你的意见是正确的,但在这件事我不会听任何人。我不会让动物在这里了! “



直到有一天,两个伐木工人来到这部分森林。 “男人! ”的萨尔喊道。 “他们为什么来这里?他们从来没有来这里之前。 “

“如果他们从来没有来这里之前,这是因为动物说: ” Peepul 。 “现在,豹和老虎不再来这里,他们不再害怕。 ”

第2个回答  2009-04-23
清早,深深在森林,树有一次讨论。 “动物在我们的树荫(荫)下来并且休息,但他们离开混乱后边”, Jamun说。 “气味在不少天是很坏的!” “他们从未考虑我们,因为我们是沈默的”,说婆罗双树。 “但是我有足够! 我下决心驾驶来这里的所有动物!” “可能不是要做的一件好事”,最旧和最大的树说Peepul,在那边。 “动物导致麻烦,我同意,但他们符合一个有用的目的。 我们是所有相互依赖树,动物,人…” “我抱歉”,婆罗双树说。 “我必须说您的看法是不错,但在这个问题我不会听任何人。 我这里不会允许动物再!” 配齐到他的词,当豹子在树荫下来那天晚些时候休息,婆罗双树开始强烈从一边到另一边移动自己。 豹子,害怕,跳和跑了。 婆罗双树驾驶了来到森林的那个部分天和在天跟随的所有动物。 在时间路线动物停止来这里。 婆罗双树在邻里适合一个了不起的英雄对更加年轻的树,并且甚而某些更旧部分开始鞠躬(鞠躬)对他,当Peepul没有看。 然后一天二伐木工人来了到森林的这部分。 “人!” 呼喊婆罗双树。 “为什么他们来这里? 他们以前从未来这里”。 “如果他们从未来这里,在它是由于动物之前”, Peepul说。 “现在豹子和老虎不再来这里,并且他们不再害怕。” 婆罗双树开始担心以充足的理由。 它是伐木工人砍的第一棵树。



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