
2. Arithmetic and logic unit. The part of a computer’s processor that executes instructions.
3. Binary. A base 2 number system that uses values 0 and 1.
4. Bit. A binary digit.
5. Byte. Eight bits.On many computer systems, the smallest addressable unit of main memory.
6. Clock. A device tht generates the regular electronic pulses that drive a computer.
7. Execution time, or E-time. The time during which an instruction is executed by the arithmetic and logic unit.
8. Fetch. To locate a unit of data or an instruction in main memory and send it, over a bus, to the processor.
9. Instruction. One step in a program. Each instruction tells the computer to peform one of its basic functions.
10. Instruction control unit. The part of a computer’s processor that decides which instruction will be executed next.
11. Instruction set. The electronic circuits that add, subract, multiply, divide, copy, compare, request input, and request output. On most computers, these are the circuits that make up the arithmetic and logic unit.
12. Instruction time, or I – time. The time during which the next instruction is fetched from main memory and interpreted by the processor’s instruction control unit.
13. Integrated circuit memory. Memory composed of integrated circuit chips.
14. Machine cycle. The basic operating cycle of a processor during which a single instruction is fetched, interpreted, and executed.
15. Main memory,or Main storage. Memory that can be directly accessed by the processor.
16. Main processor. On a multiprocessing computer , the primary processor. Sometimes used as a synonym for Processor.
17. Operand. The portion of an instruction that specifies the registers and / or memory locations that are to participate in the operation.
18. Operation code. The portion of an instruction that specifies the operation to be performed; e.g. , add, subtract, etc.
19. Processor. The component of a computer that selects and executes instructions. The processor contains a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers.
20. RAM (random access memeory). Memory that can be directly addressed, read, and written by the programme. The main memory of a computer is generally RAM . Contrast with ROM.
21. Register. Temporary storage used to hold data, instructions, or control information in the processor. Often , the current instruction, the data being manipulated by that instruction, and key control information are stored in registers.
22. ROM (read – only memory). A type of memory that cannot be modified by the programmer.
23. Word. The basic storage unit around which a computer system is designed. On all but the smallest microcomputers, a word consists of two or more bytes.

7。执行时间,或者“壹时通”。的时间,期间指令执行算术和逻辑单元。 8。取。定位的数据和指令将主存储器中,在一辆巴士,处理器。
9。指导。在程序的第一步。每条指令告诉计算机peform其基本功能。 10。指令控制器。这个部分计算机的处理器,它决定哪个指令将被处死。
16岁。主要处理器。在一个多处理计算机,主要的处理器。有时的同义词。 17。操作数。这个部分的指令,指定寄存器和/或内存位置,参与操作。



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