
两段话:1:各位亲爱的老师同学们 大家好 我是来自**的** 非常高兴能见到亲爱的你们~ 非常荣幸能站在这里演讲~ 非常高兴能获得这次锻炼的机会 非常兴奋 因为我要开始演讲了。。。(这几个非常要用同样句式来表达 比如 it is。。。。什么的。)
2:听完了故事 大家想到些什么呢。?也许我们总抱怨上天的不公 总羡慕他人的幸福 总渴望得到更多更多 总觉得没有拥有什么 但是 亲爱的朋友 从青蛙的身上吸取些教训吧 不要总抱怨 珍惜你现在所拥有的 这是我演讲的内容 非常感谢你们能听我的演讲
写的好的 追加很多分哦。。~~说到做到 不放空炮。。。!!

1: Dear Teacher hello my classmates who are from the ** ** very happy to see you darling ~ a great honor to stand here and Speech ~ very pleased to receive this training is very excited because I want Speech of the beginning. . . (This is some use to express the same sentence such as it is.... Whatever.)
2:听完了故事 大家想到些什么呢。?也许我们总抱怨上天的不公 总羡慕他人的幸福 总渴望得到更多更多 总觉得没有拥有什么 但是 亲爱的朋友 从青蛙的身上吸取些教训吧 不要总抱怨 珍惜你现在所拥有的 这是我演讲的内容 非常感谢你们能听我的演讲
写的好的 追加很多分哦。。~~说到做到 不放空炮。。。!!
2: After listening to the story of what everyone thought of it. ? God, we may be complaining about the injustice of others admire the well-being of the overall total to be more eager to feel that more does not have any friends but Darling's body from the frog to draw some lessons from the total not to complain about it you cherish are now owned by me This is the Speech very thank you to listen to my speech

Writing a lot of the additional sub-Oh well. . ~~Did what had been said and does not talk big. . . ! !
第1个回答  2009-04-05
Two passages: 1: Teacher on it is the every dear in Is fine in everybody in classmate from **** Very can see there aren't dear you . . . (These will express such as it is with same sentence type very much. . . . And so on. )2: What everybody thinks of after finishing listening to the story. ? We complain Heaven unjust to envy happiness of others wish eagerly, get more to think, have any but dear friend from the body of the frog always while being more always always always perhaps Draw some lesson complain, treasure this that you have now whether content that I lecture thank you very much can listen to speech of me write adding extra a lot divide into good always. . ~~Did what had been said and does not talk big. . . ! !本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-04-05
Fellow dear teachers schoolmates everybody is good I is comes from ** ** to be extremely happy can see dear your ~ is honored extremely can stand lectures ~ in here to be extremely happy can obtain this exercise the opportunity to be extremely excited because I had to start to lecture.。。(These must use the similar sentence type extremely to express for instance it is.。。。Any.) 2: Listened to story everybody to think of any.? Perhaps we always complained ascends the sky unfairly always envies other people happiness always to long for obtains many more always thought but has not had any the dear friend to draw a lesson from frog's body not to have always to complain the content which treasures this which now you have is I lectures to thank you to be able extremely to listen to my lecture
第3个回答  2009-04-05
1.Dear Teacher hello my classmates who are from the ** ** very happy to see you darling ~ a great honor to stand here and Speech ~ very pleased to receive this training is very excited because I want Speech of the beginning. . .
2.After listening to the story of what everyone thought of it. ? God, we may be complaining about the injustice of others admire the well-being of the overall total to be more eager to feel that more does not have any friends but Darling's body from the frog to draw some lessons from the total not to complain about it you cherish are now owned by me This is the Speech very thank you to listen to my speech
第4个回答  2020-10-15



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