
In the last few years,there has been a rapid development of feeder airlines in the United States and in many other countries.Some smaller cities have no other means of public passenger transportation.In countries where there is a large frontier,such as Canada or Brazil, air service may provide access to some areas even before they are reached by roads. Similarly.in counties with rugged terrain, such as Colombia, airplanes can providemore effective transportation between regions than highways or railroads.
Airline passenger service can also be divided into scheduled and non-scheduled flights. A scheduled flight leaves at the same time on the same day to the same destination. The schedule for the flight is pulished by the airline in its timetable. The passenger can make a reservation in advance for a scheduled flight with the reasonable expectation that the flight will leave at a certain time and go to a certain place regardless of the mumber of passengers who have tickets for the flight. Many scheduled flights often carry only a small number of passengers .
A non-scheduled flight, on the other hand, depends on the availability of passengers and aircraft. It is more or less the air version of taxi or rent-a-car. It takes passengers where they want to go at a time that is convenient for them, as long as a plane is available. Non-scheduled flights may carry only a few passengers in a small plane, or they may carry hundreds of people on a jumbo jet. These latter flights are often called charters. Charters are especially popular with groups on vacation since they usually cost much less than scheduled flights on the same routes. We will discuss charter filghts in more detail in Unit Eight.
Scheduled airlines often provide non-scheduled services-particularly charter flights-during the tourist season.Occasionally, they also provide extra sections of scheduled flights at times when travel over a particular route is especially heavy-during a holiday weekend, for example. An extra section of course depends on the availability of aircraft
On the flight itself, there is usually a distinction between first class and economy, which was formerly known as tourist class. The first class passenger has more space and receives more in-flight services.In most modern jets, the seating plan in first class is usually two seats on each side of the aisle; in economy there are usually three seats side by side. The first class seats are usually farther apart so that the passenger has more room for his legs. To the passenger, the chief difference between first calss and economy may well be the cost---first-class fares are much higher than economy fares.

在过去的几年里,出现了快速发展的支线航空公司在美国和其他许多countries.Some较小的城市没有任何其他手段,公共客运transportation.In国家那里是一个大的领域,如加拿大或巴西,航空服务可提供一些地区甚至在他们所达成的道路。 Similarly.in县地形险峻,如哥伦比亚,飞机可以providemore地区之间有效的运输比公路或铁路。



定期航线往往提供非定期航班服务,尤其是包机航班,在旅游season.Occasionally ,他们还提供额外的部分航班在旅行的时候,特定的路线特别是重型在周末假期,例如。额外的部分,当然取决于是否有飞机

第1个回答  2009-04-05

在过去的几年里,出现了快速发展的支线航空公司在美国和其他许多countries.Some较小的城市没有任何其他手段,公共客运transportation.In国家那里是一个大的领域,如加拿大或巴西,航空服务可提供一些地区甚至在他们所达成的道路。 Similarly.in县地形险峻,如哥伦比亚,飞机可以providemore地区之间有效的运输比公路或铁路。航空客运服务也可分为定期和非定期航班。定期航班叶片在同一时间在同一天同一目的地。的时间表是pulished飞行的航空公司在其时间表。


定期航线往往提供非定期航班服务,尤其是包机航班,在旅游season.Occasionally ,他们还提供额外的部分航班在旅行的时候,特定的路线特别是重型在周末假期,例如。额外的部分,当然取决于是否有飞机在飞行本身,通常有区别头等舱和经济,这是以前被称为旅游类。一流客运具有更大的空间和获得更多的飞行services.In最现代化的飞机,座位计划头等舱通常是两个席位两边的过道;在经济通常有三个席位并排。一流的座位通常远,使乘客有更多的空间,他的腿。

第2个回答  2009-04-15
In the last few years,there has been a rapid development of feeder airlines in the United States and in many other countries.Some smaller cities have no other means of public passenger transportation.In countries where there is a large frontier,such as Canada or Brazil, air service may provide access to some areas even before they are reached by roads. Similarly.in counties with rugged terrain, such as Colombia, airplanes can providemore effective transportation between regions than highways or railroads.
Airline passenger service can also be divided into scheduled and non-scheduled flights. A scheduled flight leaves at the same time on the same day to the same destination. The schedule for the flight is pulished by the airline in its timetable. The passenger can make a reservation in advance for a scheduled flight with the reasonable expectation that the flight will leave at a certain time and go to a certain place regardless of the mumber of passengers who have tickets for the flig
在过去的几年里,出现了快速发展的支线航空公司在美国和其他许多countries.Some较小的城市没有任何其他手段,公共客运transportation.In国家那里是一个大的领域,如加拿大或巴西,航空服务可提供一些地区甚至在他们所达成的道路。 Similarly.in县地形险峻,如哥伦比亚,飞机可以providemore地区之间有效的运输比公路或铁路。




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