
A chine is a steep-sided river valley where a river flows through coastal cliffs to a sea.
Chine or chines may also refer to:
Chine (boating), a relatively sharp angle in a boat's hull
Chine (aeronautics), a long extension of the wing roots along the fuselage
Chine, the bony part of a meat chop
Stuffed chine, a traditional dish of Lincolnshire
Chine, the back of the blade on a scythe
Chiné, a warp printed silk fabric.

A chine is a steep-sided river valley where a river flows through coastal cliffs to a sea. 悬崖,是一个陡峭的河谷,河流从这里发源穿过峡谷流入大海。
Chine or chines may also refer to:
Chine (boating), a relatively sharp angle in a boat's hull 船舷,船身的相对锐角。
Chine (aeronautics), a long extension of the wing roots along the fuselage 机翼(航空学),机翼根部沿机身的延伸部分。
Chine, the bony part of a meat chop 排骨,肉排的骨头部分。
Stuffed chine, a traditional dish of Lincolnshire 包子,林肯郡的一种传统菜肴。
Chine, the back of the blade on a scythe刀背,镰刀上刀刃的背面。
Chiné, a warp printed silk fabric. 斜纹棉布,一种印花布。
第1个回答  2020-04-26


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