
Most executives, preoccupied with the market pressures of the present quarter, are not inclined to pay much attention to planning for future crises. This brings us to the second stage of crisis management: preparing for that circumstance when prevention doesn't workthat is, making a plan to deal with a variety of undesirable outcomes if disaster does strike. It is instructive here to recall that Noah started building the ark before it began to rain.
When preparing for a crisis, it is instructive to recall that Noah started building the ark before it began to rain.
Steven Fink, a prominent management consultant, wrote in his book Crisis Management that everyone in a position of authority "should view and plan for the inevitability of a crisis in much the same way [one] views and plans for the inevitability of death and taxes: not out of weakness or fear, but out of the strength that comes from knowing you are prepared to . . . play the hand that fate deals you." His survey of the Fortune 500's CEOs found that senior managers may suffer from a severe lack of crisis preparedness but certainly not from a lack of confidence that they can handle a crisis. Eighty-nine percent of those who responded said that crises in business are as inevitable as death and taxes, yet 50% said they did not have a plan for dealing with crises. Nevertheless, fully 97% felt confident that they would respond well if a crisis occurred. These CEOs are generally the sort who hide their own Easter eggs. They remind me of my young son many years ago at the start of his soccer season, who arrived in uniform at the breakfast table to announce, "We're really gonna get 'em this year. Last year, we were too overconfident."
We must make plans for dealing with crises: action plans, communication plans, fire drills, essential relationships. Most airlines have crisis teams at the ready, along with special telecommunications and detailed contingency plans. Almost all companies today have a backup computer system in case a natural disaster or other catastrophe disrupts their primary system. At Lockheed Martin, we maintain at a central location all the supplies we need to communicate in writing with every member of each key constituency group. A letter can arrive at the home of each of 170,000 employees or 45,000 shareholders within two or three days. As it happens, Martin Marietta used this system on a number of occasions.
Elizabeth Dole, president of the American Red Crossan organization whose very purpose is to deal with crisespoints out another important advantage of anticipating and planning for crises. She recently told me, "The midst of a disaster is the poorest possible time to establish new relationships and to introduce ourselves to new organizations. . . . When you have taken the time to build rapport, then you can make a call at 2 A.M. when the river's rising and expect to launch a well-planned, smoothly conducted response. "


Most executives, preoccupied with the market pressures of the present quarter, are not inclined to pay much attention to planning for future crises. This brings us to the second stage of crisis management: preparing for that circumstance when prevention doesn't work that is, making a plan to deal with a variety of undesirable outcomes if disaster does strike. It is instructive here to recall that Noah started building the ark before it began to rain.
When preparing for a crisis, it is instructive to recall that Noah started building the ark before it began to rain.
Steven Fink, a prominent management consultant, wrote in his book Crisis Management that everyone in a position of authority "should view and plan for the inevitability of a crisis in much the same way [one] views and plans for the inevitability of death and taxes: not out of weakness or fear, but out of the strength that comes from knowing you are prepared to . . . play the hand that fate deals you." His survey of the Fortune 500's CEOs found that senior managers may suffer from a severe lack of crisis preparedness but certainly not from a lack of confidence that they can handle a crisis. Eighty-nine percent of those who responded said that crises in business are as inevitable as death and taxes, yet 50% said they did not have a plan for dealing with crises. Nevertheless, fully 97% felt confident that they would respond well if a crisis occurred. These CEOs are generally the sort who hide their own Easter eggs. They remind me of my young son many years ago at the start of his soccer season, who arrived in uniform at the breakfast table to announce, "We're really gonna get 'em this year. Last year, we were too overconfident."
斯蒂文*芬克(Steven Fink)是一名著名的管理咨询家,他在《危机管理》一书中写道,每个有权的人都“应当像看待和应对死亡与纳税等必然性那样来看待和应对危机的必然性:并非出于虚弱或恐惧,而是出于你知道怎样去应对这种危机的力量。。。打好命运给你的那副牌。”经过对福布斯500强首席执行官的调查,他发现,高级经理虽然严重缺乏危机应对意识,但这并非是因为他们缺乏应对危机的自信。89%的回复者认为,企业危机就如同死亡和纳税那样是不可避免的,但其中有50%的人承认没有应对危机的计划。尽管如此,多达97%的人自信,一旦发生危机,他们会妥善应对的。这些首席执行官一般都是些把自己的复活节彩蛋藏起来的人。他们让我想起了很多年前在足球赛季开赛之前的我儿子,有天早上,他身穿队服来到早餐桌前,宣布说:“我们今天很定会打败铁他们。我们去年太自信了。”
We must make plans for dealing with crises: action plans, communication plans, fire drills, essential relationships. Most airlines have crisis teams at the ready, along with special telecommunications and detailed contingency plans. Almost all companies today have a backup computer system in case a natural disaster or other catastrophe disrupts their primary system. At Lockheed Martin, we maintain at a central location all the supplies we need to communicate in writing with every member of each key constituency group. A letter can arrive at the home of each of 170,000 employees or 45,000 shareholders within two or three days. As it happens, Martin Marietta used this system on a number of occasions.
Elizabeth Dole, president of the American Red Cross, an organization whose very purpose is to deal with crises, points out another important advantage of anticipating and planning for crises. She recently told me, "The midst of a disaster is the poorest possible time to establish new relationships and to introduce ourselves to new organizations. . . . When you have taken the time to build rapport, then you can make a call at 2 A.M. when the river's rising and expect to launch a well-planned, smoothly conducted response.
美国红十字会是一个专门应对各种危机的机构,其主席伊丽莎白*杜尔(Elizabeth Dole)认为,预先准备应付并计划应对各种危机还有另外一个重要优点。她最近对我说:“对建立新的联系以及将我们引荐给各种新的机构而言,最糟糕的时间莫过于是危机正在发生的时候。。。但是当你用点时间来建立默契的话,那么当河水上涨时,你可以在凌晨2点钟打电话,同样也可以进行井然有序和顺利的应对活动。”
第1个回答  2009-05-14
史蒂芬Fink的,突出的管理顾问,在他的书中写道:危机管理的每个人都在一个位置的权力“来看待和计划的必然性危机大致相同的方式[ 1 ]的意见和计划,是不可避免的死亡和税收:不是出于软弱或恐惧,而是出于力量来自知道你准备。 。 。发挥手,交易你的命运。 “他调查的财富五百强企业的CEO们认为,高级管理人员可能遭受严重缺乏危机准备,但肯定不是由缺乏信心,他们可以处理危机。 82百分之九的人回答说,谁的危机是不可避免的业务是为死亡和税收,但50 %的受访者表示他们没有计划,处理危机。然而, 97 %完全有信心,他们将作出反应以及如果发生危机。这些CEO们通常是那种谁隐藏自己的复活节彩蛋。他们让我想起我的年幼的儿子多年前,开始对自己的足球赛季,谁抵达统一在早餐桌上宣布, “我们真的要去获得'时间今年。去年,我们过于自信。 ”
伊丽莎白多尔,美国总统的红珊组织,其根本目的是为了对付出的另一个重要优势预测和规划的危机。她最近告诉我, “正处于一场灾难是最穷的时间建立新的关系,并介绍自己的新组织。 。 。 。当你花时间建立融洽,那么你可以打电话凌晨2时当河流的上升,预计将推出一个计划周密,顺利进行的答复。




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