
我是小学六年级学生,英语书被同学带回家 急需小学六年级牛津英语U8A部分,左半边的短文,(好像是写一个笔友的)是左半边的短文啊!谁能发上来,谢谢了!

Bill is my penfrid.This is……

Unit 1 Who is younger?

On Sunday morning, Su Hai went for a walk in the park. She met Ben and his cousin Jack. She was very glad to see them. They sat down under a big tree and had a chat.

Ben: Jack, this is Su Hai. She’s my classmate. Su Hai, this is my cousin Jack.

Su Hai: Nice to meet you, Jack.

Jack: Hello, Su Hai.

Ben: Su Hai has a twin sister. Her name’s Su Yang.

Jack: Really? Do you look the same, Su Hai?

Su Hai: Yes, we do.

Jack: Are you as tall as your twin sister?

Su Hai: No, I’m taller than Su Yang.

Jack: Who’s younger, you or Su Yang?

Su Hai: Su Yang’s twenty minutes younger than me!

Jack: That’s interesting. I want to meet her one day.

Su Hai: Do you have any brothers or sisters, Jack?

Jack: No, I don’.

Su Hai: So you’re the only child in your family.

Jack: Yes, but my mum says Jimmy is also her child.

Su Hai: Who’s Jimmy?

Ben: That’s Jack’s dog. Here he is.

Su Hai: How old is he?

Jack: He’s four. He’s one year younger than me.

Su Hai: Oh, I see. So you’ve got a brother.

Unit 1 Who is younger? 谁年纪小些?

On Sunday morning, Su Hai went for a walk in the park. She met Ben and his cousin Jack. She was very glad to see them. They sat down under a big tree and had a chat.


Ben: Jack, this is Su Hai. She’s my classmate. Su Hai, this is my cousin Jack.


Su Hai: Nice to meet you, Jack.


Jack: Hello, Su Hai.


Ben: Su Hai has a twin sister. Her name’s Su Yang.


Jack: Really? Do you look the same, Su Hai?


Su Hai: Yes, we do.


Jack: Are you as tall as your twin sister?


Su Hai: No, I’m taller than Su Yang.


Jack: Who’s younger, you or Su Yang?


Su Hai: Su Yang’s twenty minutes younger than me!


Jack: That’s interesting. I want to meet her one day.


Su Hai: Do you have any brothers or sisters, Jack?


Jack: No, I don’.


Su Hai: So you’re the only child in your family.


Jack: Yes, but my mum says Jimmy is also her child.


Su Hai: Who’s Jimmy?


Ben: That’s Jack’s dog. Here he is.


Su Hai: How old is he?


Jack: He’s four. He’s one year younger than me.


Su Hai: Oh, I see. So you’ve got a brother.


Unit 2 More exercise

Jim is good at English and Maths, but he does not do well in PE. He wants to do better but does not know how. He is talking to his dad about it.

Jim: Dad, I’m not happy.

Dad: What’s the matter? Do you need help with your homework?

Jim: No. I’m not doing well in PE. Ben runs faster than me. He’s strong. Mike runs as fast as Ben, and he’s a good football player, too.

Dad: But I think you jump very high.

Jim: That’s true. I jump higher than some of the boys in my class.

Dad: And you can swim fast.

Jim: Yes, but my friends swim faster than me.

Dad: Don’t worry. Do more exercise. You’ll get stronger, and you’ll do better in PE.

Jim: Yes, Dad. I’ll get up earlier every day and do some exercise before I go to school.

Dad: That’s a good idea.

Jim: I can jog to school in the morning and play ball games after school. I’ll get stronger soon.

Unit 2 More exercise 更多的运动

Jim is good at English and Maths, but he does not do well in PE. He wants to do better but does not know how. He is talking to his dad about it.


Jim: Dad, I’m not happy.


Dad: What’s the matter? Do you need help with your homework?


Jim: No. I’m not doing well in PE. Ben runs faster than me. He’s strong. Mike runs as fast as Ben, and he’s a good football player, too.


Dad: But I think you jump very high.


Jim: That’s true. I jump higher than some of the boys in my class.


Dad: And you can swim fast.


Jim: Yes, but my friends swim faster than me.


Dad: Don’t worry. Do more exercise. You’ll get stronger, and you’ll do better in PE.


Jim: Yes, Dad. I’ll get up earlier every day and do some exercise before I go to school.


Dad: That’s a good idea.


Jim: I can jog to school in the morning and play ball games after school. I’ll get stronger soon.


Unit 3 Asking the way

Mr Smith comes from Australia. He is living in Nanjing now. He wants to visit the History Museum, but he does not know the way. He is asking Yang Ling how to get there.

Mr Smith: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the History Museum, please?

Yang Ling: Let me see. Er …, go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your left. You can’t miss it.

Mr Smith: How far is it from here?

Yang Ling: It’s about a kilometre away.

Mr Smith: That’s a long walk.

Yang Ling: Well, to get there faster, you can take bus No. 5.

Mr Smith: How many stops are there?

Yang Ling: Only two.

Mr Smith: Where’s the bus stop?

Yang Ling: It’s over there. There’s a bus every five minutes.

Mr Smith: I want to go to the post office, too. Where is it?

Yang Ling: It’s on Zhongshan Road. You can take bus No. 9 in front of the History Museum and get off at the third stop.

Mr Smith: Thank you very much.

Yang Ling: You’re welcome.

Unit 3 Asking the way 问路

Mr Smith comes from Australia. He is living in Nanjing now. He wants to visit the History Museum, but he does not know the way. He is asking Yang Ling how to get there.


Mr Smith: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the History Museum, please?


Yang Ling: Let me see. Er …, go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your left. You can’t miss it.


Mr Smith: How far is it from here?


Yang Ling: It’s about a kilometre away.


Mr Smith: That’s a long walk.


Yang Ling: Well, to get there faster, you can take bus No. 5.


Mr Smith: How many stops are there?


Yang Ling: Only two.


Mr Smith: Where’s the bus stop?


Yang Ling: It’s over there. There’s a bus every five minutes.


Mr Smith: I want to go to the post office, too. Where is it?


Yang Ling: It’s on Zhongshan Road. You can take bus No. 9 in front of the History Museum and get off at the third stop.


Mr Smith: Thank you very much.


Yang Ling: You’re welcome.


Unit 5 The seasons

Su Yang’s dad is going to New York next week. He is going to work there for one year. Su Yang wants to know about the weather there. She is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York.

Su Yang: Ben, my father’s going to New York soon. What’s the weather like there in summer? Is it hot?

Ben: Yes, it’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing.

Su Yang: What about autumn there?

Ben: It’s the best season in New York. It’s cool and usually sunny. Sometimes it’s windy. People like to go to farms in the countryside and pick apples.

Su Yang: Sounds great! Does it often rain there in spring?

Ben: Yes, it does, and it’s warm most of the time. New York is very beautiful in spring.

Su Yang: Which season in New York do you like best?

Ben: I like winter best.

Su Yang: Why?

Ben: Because I can make snowmen with my friends. It’s great fun.

Su Yang: So it’s very cold there in winter.

Ben: Yes, it’s colder than in Nanjing. Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter in New York.

Unit 5 The seasons 季节

Su Yang’s dad is going to New York next week. He is going to work there for one year. Su Yang wants to know about the weather there. She is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York.


Su Yang: Ben, my father’s going to New York soon. What’s the weather like there in summer? Is it hot?


Ben: Yes, it’s usually very hot, as hot as in Nanjing.


Su Yang: What about autumn there?


Ben: It’s the best season in New York. It’s cool and usually sunny. Sometimes it’s windy. People like to go to farms in the countryside and pick apples.


Su Yang: Sounds great! Does it often rain there in spring?


Ben: Yes, it does, and it’s warm most of the time. New York is very beautiful in spring.


Su Yang: Which season in New York do you like best?


Ben: I like winter best.


Su Yang: Why?


Ben: Because I can make snowmen with my friends. It’s great fun.


Su Yang: So it’s very cold there in winter.


Ben: Yes, it’s colder than in Nanjing. Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter in New York.


Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

It is 8:30 on Saturday morning. It is warm and sunny. The children do not have school today. David is calling Gao Shan. They are talking about their plans for the weekend.

Gao Shan: Hello.

David: Hello. Is that Gao Shan?

Gao Shan: Yes, speaking.

David: What are you going to do today?

Gao Shan: Dad and I are going to see a Beijing opera this afternoon. Would you like to join us?

David: Yes, I’d love to.

Gao Shan: Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre?

David: Yes.

Gao Shan: By the way, what are you going to do tomorrow?

David: There’s a concert in the school tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to play the violin.

Gao Shan: Great! Is Nancy going to play at the concert?

David: Sure. She’s going to play the piano. Would you like to come?

Gao Shan: Of course. I’ll come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.

David: That’s good.

Unit 6 Planning for the weekend 周末计划

It is 8:30 on Saturday morning. It is warm and sunny. The children do not have school today. David is calling Gao Shan. They are talking about their plans for the weekend.


Gao Shan: Hello.


David: Hello. Is that Gao Shan?


Gao Shan: Yes, speaking.


David: What are you going to do today?


Gao Shan: Dad and I are going to see a Beijing opera this afternoon. Would you like to join us?


David: Yes, I’d love to.


Gao Shan: Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre?


David: Yes.


Gao Shan: By the way, what are you going to do tomorrow?


David: There’s a concert in the school tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to play the violin.


Gao Shan: Great! Is Nancy going to play at the concert?


David: Sure. She’s going to play the piano. Would you like to come?


Gao Shan: Of course. I’ll come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.


David: That’s good.


Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

Yesterday afternoon, Liu Tao read about an English boy, Peter, in the newspaper. Peter wanted a penfriend in China. Liu Tao would like to be his penfriend. He wants to write to Peter.

Liu Tao: Mum, can I have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please?

Mum: What for, dear?

Liu Tao: I want to write a letter.

Mum: Sure. Here you are.

Liu Tao: Thank you.

Mum: Who do you want to write to?

Liu Tao: Peter. I want to be his penfriend. I saw his name in the newspaper yesterday afternoon.

Mum: Who’s Peter?

Liu Tao: He’s an English boy.

Mum: Where does he live?

Liu Tao: He lives in London.

Mum: Does he have any brothers or sisters?

Liu Tao: Yes. He has a brother and a sister.

Mum: What are his hobbies?

Liu Tao: He likes listening to music and making model planes.

Mum: That’s good. You both have the same hobbies. I think you’ll be good friends.

Liu Tao: I hope so, Mum. I’m going to tell him about my school and my favourite subjects.

Mum: You can also tell him about our new house.

Liu Tao: Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks, Mum. Can I give him my e-mail address?

Mum: Yes, of course.

Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend 一封给笔友的信

Yesterday afternoon, Liu Tao read about an English boy, Peter, in the newspaper. Peter wanted a penfriend in China. Liu Tao would like to be his penfriend. He wants to write to Peter.


Liu Tao: Mum, can I have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please?


Mum: What for, dear?


Liu Tao: I want to write a letter.


Mum: Sure. Here you are.


Liu Tao: Thank you.


Mum: Who do you want to write to?


Liu Tao: Peter. I want to be his penfriend. I saw his name in the newspaper yesterday afternoon.


Mum: Who’s Peter?


Liu Tao: He’s an English boy.


Mum: Where does he live?


Liu Tao: He lives in London.


Mum: Does he have any brothers or sisters?


Liu Tao: Yes. He has a brother and a sister.


Mum: What are his hobbies?


Liu Tao: He likes listening to music and making model planes.


Mum: That’s good. You both have the same hobbies. I think you’ll be good friends.


Liu Tao: I hope so, Mum. I’m going to tell him about my school and my favourite subjects.


Mum: You can also tell him about our new house.


Liu Tao: Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks, Mum. Can I give him my e-mail address?


Mum: Yes, of course.



第1个回答  2009-04-13
2.He is asking Ben some questions about them(the public signs).他正在向本询问有关公共标志的问题

About 意为“有关……”,在句子翻译时并不一定要译出

如: Would you like to tell me something about your family? 你愿意告诉我一些你家的事吗? If you have any questions about English, come to ask me, but about Maths, go and ask Miss Liu. 如


3.They mean different things. 他们具有不同的含义

1)mean 意为“表示……的意思”,在这里作为动词用

在英语交谈中mean 出现的频率很高

如: I mean you can come to my office at four o’clock this afternoon. 我的意思是你可以下午四点来我的办公室

2)different 在英语交流中也是一个常常用到的词,它还可以与from 连用

如: Your watch is different from mine. 你的表和我的不一样

4.You must stay away from the building. 你必须远离这建筑

1)must 是情态动词,意为“一定,必须,肯定”,它不能单独使用

如: You must study English well. 你一定要学好英语

must 还可以用来表示猜测,语气比较肯定

如: She must be your mother. 她肯定是你的妈妈

2) away 意为“在远处,去远处,离去”

如: My family will be away for a week. 我家将外出一周

away from 除了可以表示“远离”的意思外,还可以用来表示实际的距离

如: Nancy’s home is 5 kilometers away from our school.南希的家离我们学校有5千米远

5.This sign means we shouldn’t walk on grass. 这个标志的意思是:我们不应该在草坪上走

should/shouldn’t 常用来表示道德上的“应该/不应该”

如: You should get to school at 8 o’clock, but it’s half past eight now. You shouldn’t be late for school and you should be on time next time. 你应该8点到校,但现在已经8点半了


6.It means ‘Be quiet!’ We shouldn’t make noise here. 它的意思是“保持安静!”我们不应该在此大声喧哗

make noise 意思为“大声喧哗,吵闹”

如: Be quiet, please! /Don’t make noise! I can’t hear. 安静些/别吵了,我听不见了

7.Now I know a lot about public signs. 现在我懂得许多有关公共标志的意思

a lot 意思为“许多”,可以用来修饰动作,如:eat a lot 吃了许多,learn a lot 学了许多

又如: We always learn a lot from Mr green. 我们总是能从格林老师那学到许多(东西)

8.You want to learn more about public signs too.你也想更多地了解有关公共标志的知识

more 意为“更多”

如: He has more books than me. 他有的书比我多

The more the better. 越多越好

9.Look at the pictures and help Ben write the correct letters in the boxes.看图,并帮助本在空格处写上正确的字母

我们常用help sb (to) do sth 来表示“帮助某人做某事”

如: Would you like to come and help me (to) clean the house? 你愿意过来帮我打扫屋子吗? 我们也可以用help sb with sth 来表示“帮助某人做某事”,所不同的是前者(to)后面只能用动词,而后者with 后面只能用名词

如: Would you like to come and help me with my English? 你愿意过来帮助我学习英语吗 10.Mr Smith looks around. There is no one nearby. He quickly walks to the note and picks it up. 史密斯先生四下里看了一番,附近没人,于是他快步走了过去把钱捡了起来

1) around 意为“到处,在附近”
第2个回答  2009-04-13
第3个回答  2009-04-13



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