the life in 10 years 作文

其中能提到的:job where opinion environment traffic pollution parents/frineds

求英语学霸TT 初二水平TT还需要是将来时TTTT in ten years
In ten years .I think I will live in Beijing.Bacause I went to Beijing last year,and I think it was a beautiful city .I fell in love with it. I will be a basketball player the same as Yao Ming . I think baskerball player is very cool. And I will have many pets like dogs ,cats and parrots .I love animals . I think they are very cut and clever .And I think have a red car . It will be very cool.I will drive it every day .I will play basketball erevy day .Because I will be a basketball player . I love playing . basketball.There are my dreams . I think I can achieve them.
We will be more out of shape and less intelligent. Our capabilities would increase but only because of the spectrum of inventions and conveniences that allow us to be productive without doing much at all.

We will be completely blind followers or just absolutely complacent. We will become more isolated from each other and only know each other by username.

We might find a solution to our oil and other diminishing resources in alternative energy sources but our wastes will increase.

There will be one government and no challengers. Free thinkers confine their blasphemous ideas to a notebook because every data processing machine is under government observation.

I can go on and on and on... because it's fun to speculate on how current events reveal to me an inevitable future.




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