






 主持人开场。(欢迎词,介绍双方父母及重要嘉宾,请父母台上就座)
 有请新人入场。(良辰吉时已到,有请新人入花堂------)
 入场:新人手牵红绸从宴会厅入口进场,新娘头蒙红盖头
 跨火盆。(跨火盆喽----红红火火!)
 迈马鞍。(迈马鞍----平平安安!)
 新人拜天地。(请新人行大礼:一拜天地,跪!一叩首:求苍天保佑, 再叩首:请大地赐福,三叩首:愿夫妻恩爱,起身。二拜高堂:跪!一叩首:感谢父母养育恩,再叩首:孝敬父母,三叩首:愿父母身体健康,起身。夫妻对拜,跪!一叩首:百年好合,再叩首:相敬如宾,三叩首:白头偕老,起身。)
 掀盖头、亲吻新娘:(请新郎掀起新娘头上的盖头:称心如意!亲吻新娘)
 新人为双方父母敬献改口茶。(行孝道,敬改口茶,父母给红包,)
 合卺酒:新人共饮交杯酒。(夫妻共饮交杯酒,恩恩爱爱到白头)
 吃子孙饺子。(请新郎喂新娘吃子孙饺,问新娘生不生?新娘要回答:生,,,生好啊:寓意早生贵子,儿孙满堂!)。
 新人双方父亲代表致词。(请双方父亲代表致词)
 嘉宾致词。(请嘉宾致词)
 新人致词答谢来宾。(请新人致词)
 婚礼仪式礼成。(宣布婚礼到此礼成,请新人:入洞房了!!)

New arrival at the gate and get off at the hotel,上轿: (drop-sedan, coupe-ping, pressure sedan, the bride上轿, flat car, from car, the sedan)

Palanquins in line: (dragon and phoenix phoenix,吉祥如意, husband and wife love, never tie the knot), chair of line: (dragon and phoenix phoenix,吉祥如意, husband and wife love, never tie the knot,)

Hotel at the entrance: (top coupe) hotel at the entrance: (top coupe)

Sanfrecce定乾坤groom: (drop-chair, the three arrows定乾坤, the first arrow: a perfect match, the second arrow: to build a pair, the third arrow: husband and wife together) Sanfrecce groom定乾坤: (drop-chair, the three arrows定乾坤The first arrow: a perfect match, the second arrow: to build a pair, the third arrow: husband and wife together)

下轿bride: (drop-sedan, coupe-ping, pressure sedan, the bride下轿, led by the Red Silk)下轿bride: (drop-sedan, coupe-ping, pressure sedan, the bride下轿, led by the Red Silk)
Ying-car hi lion: (hi lion bar doors, sending money-hi) hi lion Ying sedan: (hi lion bar doors, sending money-hi)

Part of the wedding ceremony, wedding ceremony, link

Red Silk Hand led the bride and groom, bridesmaids prepared in the ballroom entrance, the groom are the Department of silk, the first Mongolian Red lid bride, bridesmaids arm. Red Silk Hand led the bride and groom, bridesmaids prepared in the ballroom entrance, the groom are the Department of silk, the first Mongolian Red lid bride, bridesmaids arm.
 host the opening.  host the opening. (Welcome to introduce both parents and important guests, please parents took the stage) (welcoming speech on both parents and important guests, please parents took the stage)
 have requested a new admission.  have requested a new admission. (Ji Liang-chen has been that the newcomers are invited to spend together ------) (Ji Liang-chen has been that the newcomers are invited to spend together ------)
 Admission: New staff led by the Red Silk from entering the ballroom entrance, the first Mongolian bride red lid  Admission: New staff led by the Red Silk from entering the ballroom entrance, the first Mongolian bride red lid
 cross brazier.  cross brazier. (Cross myself ---- brazier is booming!) (Cross myself ---- brazier is booming!)
 saddle al.  saddle al. (Al ---- saddle safely!) (Al ---- saddle safely!)
拜天地new. 拜天地new. (Please visit new gift: a拜天地, kneel! A叩首: seeking God bless, and then叩首: Please bless the earth, the three叩首: husband and wife is willing to love, get up. B al Gao: kneeling! A叩首: I thank the TU parenting, and then叩首: your parents, three叩首: parents would like their health, stand up. husband and wife to worship, kneel! a叩首: Love for All Seasons, and then叩首:相敬如宾, three叩首:偕老bald, get up.) (Please visit new gift: a拜天地, kneel! a叩首: seeking God bless, and then叩首: Please bless the earth, the three叩首: husband and wife is willing to love, get up. b al Gao: kneeling! a叩首: I thank the TU parenting, and then叩首: your parents, three叩首: would like to parents in good health, get up. husband and wife to worship, kneel! a叩首: Love for All Seasons, and then叩首:相敬如宾, three叩首:偕老bald, get up.)
 lid lift, kiss the bride: (please the bride and groom head off the lid: bed of roses! Kiss the bride)  lid lift, kiss the bride: (please the bride and groom head off the lid: bed of roses! Kiss the bride)
 new parents for the two sides presented tea changed.  new parents for the two sides presented tea changed. (Bank of filial piety, respect changed tea, red parents,) (line of filial piety, respect changed tea, red parents),
 All卺wine: new共饮交杯酒.  All卺wine: new共饮交杯酒. (交杯酒共饮husband and wife,恩恩爱爱to old age) (交杯酒共饮husband and wife,恩恩爱爱to old age)
 children and grandchildren to eat dumplings.  children and grandchildren to eat dumplings. (Please the bride and groom to feed children and grandchildren to eat dumplings, do not ask the bride Health Health? Bride to answer: Health, Health and Well: Takako meaning early, children and grandchildren!). (Please the bride and groom to feed children and grandchildren to eat dumplings, do not ask the bride Health Health? Bride to answer: Health, Health and Well: Takako meaning early, children and grandchildren!).
 new speech on behalf of both his father.  new speech on behalf of both his father. (Please address the two sides on behalf of his father) (father, on behalf of the two sides address please)
 addressed guests.  addressed guests. (Please address guests) (Please address guests)
 new address thank guests.  new address thank guests. (Please new address) (new address please)
 ceremony wedding ceremony into.  ceremony wedding ceremony into. (Announced into the wedding ceremony here, please people: into the bridal chamber!!) (Announced into the wedding ceremony here, please people: into the bridal chamber!!) 对不起只有这么多了!!!
第1个回答  2009-04-15
第2个回答  2009-04-15
hiudj jalio ldksj hajd oie pwi8 njia kuy rtg yjht fg sty anf stant q435 qet e5u dth uyj fgjn fgyj



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