
要附有答案解析的,常考点, 不要难度太浅的,准备中考了!各位帮帮忙!有关形副词的题我很头疼 囧 请多给我点做题思路和诀窍(能自己归纳最好,请不要随随便便摘抄网上的题。) 谢谢!!!
要附有答案解析的哦。。。 谢谢

1.The population of the world in 20th century became very much _________ than that in 19th.
A. bigger B. larger C. greater D. more
答案: B.(选择其它三项的同学要注意population的固定搭配是large)

2.Miss Li is one of _______ in our school.
A. a popular teacherB. more popular teacherC. most popular teacherD. the most popular teachers
答案:D.(选择其它三项的同学要注意one of + 复数的用法.)

3.The magazines are ________ easy that the children can read them well.
A. suchB. soC. tooD. very
答案: B (选择A的同学要注意easy是形容词,要用so…that, 而不用such…that)

4.– Would you like ________ more tea?
-- Thank you. I’ve had ________.
A. any, muchB. some, enoughC. some, muchD. any, enough
答案:C (选择B的同学要注意enough是形容词, 不能说had enough)

5.I think basketball is _______. I like to watch it.
A. boringB. boredC. excitingD. excited
答案:C (选择D的同学要注意basketball本身很令人激动,excited表示被什么所感染而激动。)

6.This dinner looks _______ to me, and I like it.
A. terribleB. goodC. badlyD. nicely
答案:B (选择D的同学要注意look在这里是系动词,后面要加形容词。)

7.The math problem is so hard that ________ students can work it out.
A. a fewB. a littleC. manyD. few
答案:D (选择A、C的同学要注意语境,这里指没有什么学生能做出来。)

8.– What’s the weather like tomorrow?
-- The radio says it is going to be even ______.
A. badB. worstC. badlyD. worse
答案:D (选择A的同学要注意,even+比较级)

9.Though she talks ______, she has made ________ friends here.
A. a little, a fewB. little, fewC. little, a fewD. few, a few
答案:C (选择A的同学要注意语境,这里指虽然她不怎么说话,但她有一些朋友.)

10.He never does his work _______ Mary.
A. as careful asB. so careful asC. as carefully asD. carefully as
答案:C (选择A和B的同学要注意work 是行为动词,要用副词来修饰.)
1.The Nile is a ______river. It is _______than any other river in the world. In fact it is __________river in the world. (long)2.She said that it was ________(happy) day in her life.
3.Who is ________(tall), Mary or Joan?
4.Which is ________(fast), a bike, a car or a bus?
5.Shanghaiis one of _________(big) cities in China.
6.My brother has a very __________(good) voice.
7.Wang Fang has ________ Chinese Stamps. Judy hasn’t got as —Chinese stamps as Wang Fang. But she has got ______ American stamps than Wang Fang. (many)
8.This film is even _____ (interesting) and it’s _________ (good) one I have ever seen.
9.The _______(sick) boy looks much __________(tired).
10. When summer comes, the days are getting _________ (long).
11.This shirt is ________(nice), but my mother is looking for a _______ (nice) one for me.
12.Oh, I’m still _________ (short) than you.
13.I have only a few friends in Nanjing, but he has a little _______ (few).
14.My bike isn’t as ______ (good) as his.
15. Last Sunday there was a _______ (friendly) talk among us. 二.选择填空
1.We are going to do our work better with _______ money and ____ people. A. less, fewer B. less, less C. fewer, fewer D. fewer, less
2. The boy is ________ than his brother.
A. two years older B. two years elder C. two-year older D. two-year elder 3. On the moon, things aren’t ________ they are on the earth.
A. so heavy as B. as heavier as C. as heavy than D. heavy than
4. Tom is the best student in his class. He is _______ than any of his classmates. A. more cleverer B. much cleverer
C. much more cleverer D. much clever
5. There are many students in this classroom but there are ________ students in that one.
A. many B. more C. much D. more many
6. There is ________ milk in my cup than in your cup.
A. little B. less C. few D. fewer
7. I’m 1.70 meters __________.
A. high B. higher C. tall D. taller
8. The film is ________, but the old aren’t _______ in it.
A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting
C. interesting, interesting D. interested, interested
9. Father is _______ to go to work. A. good enough
B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well
10. Is there __ in this book? A. something interesting B. intere-sting something C. anything interesting D. interesting anything11. Is his handwriting ________ as hers?
A. so good B. so well C. as good D. as well
12. Lu Xun is one of __________ in China. A. best writers
B. the best writer C. best writer D. the best writers
1. He is the tallest student in his class.
No one is _______ ________ ________ him in his class.
This watch is more expensive than any other one in the shop.
This watch is ________ _______ ________ one in the shop.
The question is easy.
This is ______ ______ question.
Tony is 15 years old. My sister is 15 years old, too.
Tony is _______ _______ _________ my sister.
She is 6 years old and she can go to school now.
She is _______ _______ to go to school.
My brother is 16 years old, he can’t join the army.
My brother is too _______ to join the army.
Mr. Green has a daughter. She is only eight months old.
Mr. Green has _______ _______ daughter.
一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Shanghai is ________than Beijing. It is ____________ city in our country.(large) 2. Bill isn’t as ______ as Mike. Tom is ______ than Mike. Who is ________ of the three boys?(old) 3. Mary draws as ______ as Bill, and she is much _____ than him at singing.(well, good)

4. Spring is coming. The weather is getting ________ and _________.(warm) 5. Tom, Jon and I bought a computer each last week. John’s computer is much ____________ than Tom’s and mine. It is _____________ of the three.(expensive) 6. It is a little __________ today than yesterday. (wet) 7. What city is __________________, Dalian, Oingdao or Sanya? (beautiful) 8. Mrs Brown is much __________________ than she was two years ago. (healthy) 9. Which do you like _________, basketball, volleyball, or football? (well) 10. The weather of this winter is _______ than that of last winter.(bad) 11. Lily writes as ________ as Lucy ,and Kate writes ____________ than both of them.(carefully) 12. Are you ________ (well) today? I’m afraid not. I feel even _________ than yesterday.(ill) 13. There is ________ water in this cup than in that one.(little)14. There are ________ people in his family than in mine. (many) 15. The ________ (much) exercise you take, the _________ (strong) you are.

16. The mooncakes with nuts are _________ than the ones with eggs.(nice) 17. I get up ________ than my father, but my mother gets up _______ in the family. (early) 18. He jumps ________ (high) than me, but I jump ______________ (far) than him. 二、 单项选择题 1. A plane is ___________ than a car. A. slower B. slow C. faster D. fast 2. An elephant is __________ than a cat. A. bigger B. more smaller C. smaller D. oldest 3. This girl is happy, but that girl is ________. A. the happier B. happier C. happier D. happy 4. My little sister is _________ than I. A. cleverer B. more clever C. much clever D. the cleverest 5. Peter is eight years old. Mary is nine years old. Bill is eleven years old. Bill is ____ than Peter. A. younger B. three years older C. three years younger D. oldest 6. Of the three animals, cat, horse and tiger, which is _______? A. heavier B. heavy C. heaviest D. the heaviest 7. Jack runs fast Peter runs faster. Jim runs the fastest ______ A. than Peter B. of the three C. than Jack D. than Jack and Peter 8. Shanghai is ______________ in China. A. bigger city B. the biggest city C. the biggest cities D. the biggest city

9. This river is long. That river is longer _________ this one. A. of B. that C. then D. than 10. Lucy studied ___________ in our class before. A. hard B. harder C. the hardest D. most hardest 11. He is the oldest ______ us . A. in B. of C. at D. from 12. She is __ youngest girl in her class. A. an B. a C. the D./ 13. He is taller than the others ________ his class. A. at B. of C. in D. from 14. Lucy drew __________ of the four. A. better B. well C. good D. best 15. Beijing is _______________ biggest cities in China. A. one of the B. the first C. the second D. second
第1个回答  推荐于2016-07-26
( )1 Who gets home usually ____ in your family?
A. the latest B. later
C. early D. as late
( )2 The more we looked at the picture, ____.
A. we like it less B. the less we liked it
C. better we liked it D. it looked better
( )3 What a pity. Lucy ran ____ than Lily.
A. a few more slowly B. a little more slowly
C. much more slowly D. little slowlier

( )4 Don’t worry. Your baby is looked after ____ here, the nurse are very ____.
A. careful, carefully B. carefully, careful
C. care, careless D. careless, care
( )5 The idea became ____ . He wanted to try ____.
A. strangly, it out B. strangly, out it
C. strange, it out D. strange, out it
( )6 Beijing is ____ biggest cities in China.
A. the first B. one of C. the second D. second
1 He works very __________. He __________ has a rest on Sunday. (hard)
2 __________, he didn’t fail in the exam.(luck)
3 He was so __________ that he couldn’t believe this __________ news. (surprise)
4 He won’t do it. I won’t do it, __________. (too)
5 Mr. Green is feeling __________ enough to go to work. (good)
6 The old man looks very _______________ than you think. (friend)
7 This box is not so ______ as that one. (heavy)
8 Lucy jumped __________ of the four. (high)

1)This math problem is and I can work it out .(easy)
2)There was a________ wind last night, it blew _________.(strong)
3)The boys have a _______ time, they’re playing ________.(happy)
4)The ___________ girl sings very _____________. (beautiful)
5) “I’ve missed it” Robert said __________. (angry)
6) —In our English study, reading is __________________ than speaking, I think.
— I don’t agree. Speaking is as ________________ as reading. (important)
7)We should write ________.(neat)
8)________ delicious! (What/How)
9)He is ______ a careful boy that he makes few mistakes.
He studies _______ carefully that he has made great progress. (so/such)
1.The beef smells________. You’d better throw it away.
A. wonderful B. wonderfully C. badly D. bad
2. —Have you decided which you’d like—the black skirt or the pink skirt?
—Of the two, the pink one is _______.
A. the nicest B. nicer C. nice D. more nicely
3.Emma always shows great _______ in Beijing Opera.
A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. to interest
4.This house is _______ dear, so he doesn’t want to buy it.
A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too
5.—Why are you so______ ,Eric?
—I’m watching an_______ football match.
A. excited; exciting B. exciting; exciting C. excited; excited D. exciting; excited
第2个回答  2009-04-14
-Now the air in our hometown is even _____than it was before .
-So we must do something to stop it .
A better B dirty C more better D worse

I don't like eating chocolate .the taste is too
A hot B delicious C nice D sweet

The experts think that India's population may be _______than China 's______2020.
A much ,by B more ,in C larger ,by D larger ,on
2006 天津C

第3个回答  2016-06-02
( )1 Who gets home usually ____ in your family?
A. the latest B. later
C. early D. as late
( )2 The more we looked at the picture, ____.
A. we like it less B. the less we liked it
C. better we liked it D. it looked better
( )3 What a pity. Lucy ran ____ than Lily.
A. a few more slowly B. a little more slowly
C. much more slowly D. little slowlier

( )4 Don’t worry. Your baby is looked after ____ here, the nurse are very ____.
A. careful, carefully B. carefully, careful
C. care, careless D. careless, care
( )5 The idea became ____ . He wanted to try ____.
A. strangly, it out B. strangly, out it
C. strange, it out D. strange, out it
( )6 Beijing is ____ biggest cities in China.
A. the first B. one of C. the second D. second
1 He works very __________. He __________ has a rest on Sunday. (hard)
2 __________, he didn’t fail in the exam.(luck)
3 He was so __________ that he couldn’t believe this __________ news. (surprise)
4 He won’t do it. I won’t do it, __________. (too)
5 Mr. Green is feeling __________ enough to go to work. (good)
6 The old man looks very _______________ than you think. (friend)
7 This box is not so ______ as that one. (heavy)
8 Lucy jumped __________ of the four. (high)

1)This math problem is and I can work it out .(easy)
2)There was a________ wind last night, it blew _________.(strong)
3)The boys have a _______ time, they’re playing ________.(happy)
4)The ___________ girl sings very _____________. (beautiful)
5) “I’ve missed it” Robert said __________. (angry)
6) —In our English study, reading is __________________ than speaking, I think.
— I don’t agree. Speaking is as ________________ as reading. (important)
7)We should write ________.(neat)
8)________ delicious! (What/How)
9)He is ______ a careful boy that he makes few mistakes.
He studies _______ carefully that he has made great progress. (so/such)
1.The beef smells________. You’d better throw it away.
A. wonderful B. wonderfully C. badly D. bad
2. —Have you decided which you’d like—the black skirt or the pink skirt?
—Of the two, the pink one is _______.
A. the nicest B. nicer C. nice D. more nicely
3.Emma always shows great _______ in Beijing Opera.
A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. to interest
4.This house is _______ dear, so he doesn’t want to buy it.
A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too
5.—Why are you so______ ,Eric?
—I’m watching an_______ football match.
A. excited; exciting B. exciting; exciting C. excited; excited D. exciting; excited
第4个回答  2016-05-26



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