
1.my friends and i would like to go to the concert, but _of us has got a ticket.
A.none B.neither 为什么选B? my friends and i应该是复数吧?
2.he told me only part of the story and that was__
A.it B.this C.so D.that 为什么选D? AD怎么区分?
3.the scholar standing over there is __the great mathematician,cheng jingrun,himself.答案选C
A.no other but B.no other than C.none other than D.no one but
4.___danger man ids often much wiser than usual.
A.in a time of B.in the times of C.in the time of D.in time of 答案选D
5.if only the commitee__the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.
A.approve B.will approve C.can approve D.would approve 答案选D 我们老师说if only中的虚拟应该用从句中的虚拟?
6.the air will be fresh and clean if we__rid of pollution.
A.will get B.will have got C.have got D.get 答案选C
7.it is high time that such a practice__an end to
A.was put B.must be put C.is put D.should put
答案选D?句型不是it is high time that sb did??
8.english words are not always spelled__
A.in the way how they sound B.the way they sound 为什么选B?
9.Nowhere else__such perfect silence__ in these mountains
A.there is;like B.there is;as C.is there;as D.is there ;like
答案选C.为什么?还有as跟 like在本题是如何区别的?
10.one of his works__written in french last year.
答案选was而不是were,为什么?我们老师在定语从句中讲过:one of后边跟复数;the only one of后边跟单数???
11.haveing plenty of time,__
A.we didn't need to hurry B.there was no need for us to hurry
C.hurrying was not necessary 答案选A,为什么呢?BC错在哪里?
12.the scientists have come to the conclusion, base on the signals and photographs sent back by the satellite,__there is no life in venus.
A.that B.which C.where 答案选A。为什么?逗号后边不能跟that啊?
13.the new model costs twice___ last year's
A.more than B.as much as 答案选B,我感觉AB没什么区别啊?
14.is the exhibition__the foreign friends visitd yesterday?
A.the one B.which C.where 答案选A~~为什么?
15.if you__yesterday's lecture,you__how to write your thesis now.
A.had attended;would know B.attended;would know
答案A,我记得虚拟语气结构是:had done....would/should/could have done啊?
16.the boss asked that the letter__immediately
A.be typed B.typed C.have typed D.being typed 答案为A.
17.it is strange that such a thing__in your company.
A.will happen B.happens C.happened D.should happen 答案为D
18.i have heard both teachers and students___well of him.
A.to speak B.spoken C.to have spoken D.speak 答案选D,但那样不就是双谓语了吗?
19.___in ancient times, the book still appeals to readers today.
A.though it written B.though written 答案选B,为什么?
20.i've never been to beijing, but it's the place____
A.where i'd like to visit B.i most want to visit
C.in which i'd like to visit D.that i want to visit most 答案选B
1.题目上是my friends and i 应该属于三者以上,但却选neither.
3.no other than和none other than怎么区分?
5题if only 可以用在主句中吗?
第7 题的答案选的A
跟第10题类似的有:which of them__something about the results that he doesn't know?答案是knows(单数)
13题好像twice as much as表示的是......两倍多。twice more than表示的是比......多两倍,也就是......三倍多.两者区别???
17it is+ad+that后面的句子用虚拟语气,没有听说过啊~~
18 heard 后面是从句么
19 中it指代the book??

1、neither 是两个人的否定,none是3人以上了
2,that was that 是固定用语,“没有其他的了” 意思
3.none other than 意思是,不是别的。。。正是 no one but 是只是的意思
4。 in time of 也是固定短语,在。。。时侯
5,if only 要是的意思,虚拟从句用法用would是必然的。另外的用法
She would be a very good player if only she could get it together.
If only it clears up, we'll go.

6 if 主句用将来时,从句用现在时,have+动词也是现在时呀。只不过是完成时态,一般一看就选get是因为没理解句子的意思,你要空气清新,当然必须是已经get rid of pollution

7 排除可以选D,should这里是倒装。

8 in the way 挡路的,在。。。方面意思。the way they sound 定语从句,我也搞不清楚,英语的单词不总是按他们的发音方式来拼写的。你这句记住就行了。有时候语法不必弄懂,记住就行了。
9,nowher else 后面的there be句型倒装,你记住这个用法就行了,我也是查的,such 。。。as 有这个搭配。such as 是例如,举例子的用法。而在句子中分开的话就不一样了,有比较的意思了。
10. 你误解了,one of 名词多数情况是单数
He is the one of the teachers who knows French in our school.

他是我校教师中惟一懂法语的人。(修饰the one)

试比较:He is one of the teachers who know French in our school.

他是我校懂法语的教师之一。(修饰the teachers)
11.having plenty of time 他的逻辑主语是人,主句必须用人作为主语

12 同位语从句,你把based on这一状语去掉,会发现conclusion的内容就是that 后面的从句

13 这个我真不知道,都可以才对。

14 这是个定语从句,the one 特指作为先行词。

15 与现在事实相反 动词过去式(be用were) would/could/should/might+动原
与过去事实相反 had+动词过去分词 would/could/should/might+have+动分
与将来事实相反 should/were to+动原 would/could/should/might+动原
If i were you ,I would/could/should/might do that.
If i had know that yesterday,I would/could/should/might have told you .
If it should rain ,the crops would/could/might be saved.

语法是没错,但would know 表示不确定,would have know 就肯定许多了。

17 难道ask 跟suggest一样有虚拟用法,从句省略should加原形
http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/89630960.html?si=5 里面总结的不错,请参考。我都忘光我学的东西了

18 heard 后面是从句么

19 though it was written 或者though written都是正确的。A没有be动词
20 the place在定语从句中作宾语,BD中排除,that作为宾语可以省略的。但most位置B好些,我也搞不懂

第1个回答  2009-04-11
20 A C肯定不对 visit当游览讲是及物动词,后面要有宾语,而where引导的是状语从句,在从句中不做成分,where=in which 所以AC错
19 主句主语是the book,如果选A,一个句子就有两个主语it 和 book,所以错。
18 hear 后面是一个省略that 的定语从句,speak 在从句中做谓语
17it is+ad+that后面的句子用虚拟语气,谓语动词是should+v,其中should 可以省略 这是个固定句型,记住就好
16 ask 表示要求的意思时,从句用虚拟语气,should+v,其中should可以省略,与此相似的还有suggest,commend等
15 是一个错综时间虚拟语气,本句表示对过去的假设,同时又对现在的事实有影响,所以用过去完成时
14 the one 表示特制,意思是这就是外国朋友参观的展览会吗?
13 不能用A,这个模型花的钱比去年的贵2倍,用 倍数+as much as,用A的话应该是more than twice
12 base on the signals and photographs sent back by the satellites是插入语,conclusion that后面是定语从句
11非谓语动词,如果用B,主语就变成了there,明显不对,用C,本句就没有主语了。having plenty of time,是主语发出的动作
10works在这里是作品的意思,如果one of 前面有the 或者the only,谓语动词用单数
第2个回答  2009-04-11
1.none是指三者或以上的,neither 是只两者的。你看看题目有没有问题。如果说是my friend and i 选neither .my friends and i 选none
2.这里的that 指的是一句句子“he told me only part of the story ”
3.C 这是个固定短语,正是,恰恰是的意思
4.D in time of danger 固定词组,在危险时刻
7.错,你背错了。这是强调句型中典型的句子。it is + 强调部分+that+(should) do ,should 可以省略
8.这个是the way 的用法,后面省略引导词的
9.先说such 和like ,这个句子中明显such 已经提醒了,是个短语,such ……as……的形式,他要考的就是这个短语而不是他们有什么区别~~~~
然后is there ……她考的是倒装句的知识点,你可以再去看看她的结构之类云云
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
第3个回答  2009-04-11
1、neither 是两个人的否定,none是3人以上了
2,that was that 是固定用语,“没有其他的了” 意思
3.none other than 意思是,不是别的。。。正是 no one but 是只是的意思
4。 in time of 也是固定短语,在。。。时侯
5,if only 要是的意思,虚拟从句用法用would是必然的。另外的用法
She would be a very good player if only she could get it together.
If only it clears up, we'll go.

6 if 主句用将来时,从句用现在时,have+动词也是现在时呀。只不过是完成时态,一般一看就选get是因为没理解句子的意思,你要空气清新,当然必须是已经get rid of pollution

7 排除可以选D,should这里是倒装。

8 in the way 挡路的,在。。。方面意思。the way they sound 定语从句,我也搞不清楚,英语的单词不总是按他们的发音方式来拼写的。你这句记住就行了。有时候语法不必弄懂,记住就行了。
9,nowher else 后面的there be句型倒装,你记住这个用法就行了,我也是查的,such 。。。as 有这个搭配。such as 是例如,举例子的用法。而在句子中分开的话就不一样了,有比较的意思了。
10. 你误解了,one of 名词多数情况是单数
He is the one of the teachers who knows French in our school.

他是我校教师中惟一懂法语的人。(修饰the one)

试比较:He is one of the teachers who know French in our school.

他是我校懂法语的教师之一。(修饰the teachers)
11.having plenty of time 他的逻辑主语是人,主句必须用人作为主语

12 同位语从句,你把based on这一状语去掉,会发现conclusion的内容就是that 后面的从句

13 这个我真不知道,都可以才对。

14 这是个定语从句,the one 特指作为先行词。

15 与现在事实相反 动词过去式(be用were) would/could/should/might+动原
与过去事实相反 had+动词过去分词 would/could/should/might+have+动分
与将来事实相反 should/were to+动原 would/could/should/might+动原
If i were you ,I would/could/should/might do that.
If i had know that yesterday,I would/could/should/might have told you .
If it should rain ,the crops would/could/might be saved.

语法是没错,但would know 表示不确定,would have know 就肯定许多了。

17 难道ask 跟suggest一样有虚拟用法,从句省略should加原形

18 heard 后面是从句么

19 though it was written 或者though written都是正确的。A没有be动词
20 the place在定语从句中作宾语,BD中排除,that作为宾语可以省略的。但most位置B好些,我也搞不懂
第4个回答  2009-04-11
1 neither 用于两者之间, none 用在三者或三者以上的.

2 that 在这里代替 前面的整个事实, (他告诉了我 故事的一部分, 就这样). 像 That is the truth. 把truth 用that 代替的话, 前面再提起过, 就能理解了.

3 首先可以排除A D, 在B C 里面. no other than 的意思是 :就是. none other than 也有 就是的意思. 但 还有另外一个意义:不是别人正是. 从语境里来看: 站在那得那个学者, 不是别人, 正是伟大的数学家, chengjinrun本人.

4 in a time 一段时间之后
in the times 在... 时期, 表很长一段时间. in the time 跟 in the times 意义差不多. 而 in time of 的意思是 在... 的时刻,时候. 翻译是:人在处于危险的时候, IQ会比平时高很多.

5 虚拟语气, if only 是对将来的虚拟假设, 用一般将来时. if only :要是..就好了. 有委婉的语气. would 比will 更适合.

6 have done 现在完成时,:如果我们摆脱了环境污染问题,空气就会很清晰.

7 it is high time should do sth
该做 某事的时候了, 怎么会是 did 呢
did是过去式. 逻辑不对啊.

8 这个句子里面其实 省略了一个词. 在spelled 后面. 加上一个 like.
(sometimes english is not always spelled like the way it sounds)


10 句子的主语是前面的 one. of 后面的his works 只是修饰语. 他的works里面的one. 当然是用单数啦..




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