

Roses are red,Violets are blue. Monkeys like you should be kept in zoo. Don't feel so angry you will find me there too. Not in cage but laughing at you. 译:玫瑰是红,紫罗兰为蓝。 你如猴子,应在动物园。 不要愤怒,因为我也在。 不在笼中,而在嘲笑你。 Twinkle twinkle little star You should know what you are And once you know what you are Mental hospital is not so far . 译:一闪一闪小星星; 你应知道你是谁; 当你知道你是谁; 精神病院已不远。 The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass and flowers too. If rain makes all things beautiful. Why doesn't it rain on you? 译:雨水使一切美好; 造就青草和花朵; 若雨使一切美好; 为何不曾落你身? I wrote your name on sand, it got washed . I wrote your name in air, it was blown away. I wrote your name on my heart, i got Heart Attack. 译:我把你的名字写在沙滩上,它被海冲走。 我把你的名字写在空气里,它被风吹走。 我把你的名字写在我心中,我的了心脏病。 God saw me hungry, he created pizza. He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi. He saw me in dark, he created light. He saw me without problems, he created YOU. 译:上帝看到我饿了,他创造了批萨。 上帝看到我口渴,他创造了百事。 上帝看到我置身于黑暗,他创造了光。 上帝看到我没问题,他创造了你。 When your life is in darkness pray to God ask him to free you from darkness and after you pray and you're still in darkness, please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL. 译:当你生活在黑暗中时向上帝祈祷, 请他把你从黑暗中救赎; 如果祈祷后,你仍在黑暗中, 请你支付电费!!!



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