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TOPIC: ISSUE90 - "College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market."
WORDS: 437 TIME: 00:38:56 DATE: 2009/3/31 17:30:19

There are many kinds of people in the world, so as the students. I strongly agree with the speaker said that student should be encouraged to learn the subjects they interested. If all students are talked to study the programs for seeking jobs, the competition might be concern in a few work areas, and the nation will lost many potential professor.
People will more active if they are learning the subjects they like. As we know the famous musician Mozart, his father had forbid him to learn anything except building and economic. However, Mozart insist his dream work, although he depart from his family. If Mozart gave up his desire, we might not listen so amazing music in the world. There are many famous people to be famous because of they choose the subject they interested in but not the subjects for work.
Furthermore, students pursuing subjects they love will provide the society perspective workers but not a single kind of people. Students who study the arts will provide us modem fashion, kinds of music, and various pictures and so on. Students who learn biology will became a doctor which can make us health. Students who learn policy might be political people and give kinds of useful suggestion to our country president. There are many advance that students encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them.
I have to admit that students learn the subjects for them to easier enter the job market have many goodness, such as the change in living condition, more and more money in their pockets and etc. But if the college students all go to learn the programs that promise entry into the job market, the students will become lazier than others. My friend Peter who entry a school which will promise they that they will get jobs when they graduate. Peter only learn what he need to learn and always play games in the rest time. He never considers to upgrade himself. Now what he only can do is the job the school plan. He even cannot speak English. What he good at is playing games. What a pity, he had been a winner in math competition many years ago, however, now he is nothing except a worker.
To sum up, College students need to be courage to pursue subjects that interest them but not learn programs that promise entry into the job market. Students should learn more when they are in college, not for jobs, but for their life. Even they cannot achieve their dreams, they might not have any pity because they acquire the skill that help them in a whole life.

There are many kinds of people in the world, so(such) as the students. I strongly agree with the speaker said(who says) that student should be encouraged to learn the subjects they interested(are interested in). If all students are talked to(persuaded into) study(studying) the(\) programs for seeking(in order to seek for) jobs, the competition might be concern in a few work areas(in certain job fields), and the nation will lost(lose) many potential professor(professors).
People will(will be) more active if they are learning the subjects they like. As we know the famous musician Mozart, his father had forbid him to learn anything except building and economic.(as we know, the famous muxician Mozart had been forbidden by his father to learn anything except architecture and economics) However, Mozart insist his dream work(insisted on the work he had dreamed of), although he depart from his family(even at the cost of departing from his family). If Mozart gave up his desire, we might not listen so amazing music in the world(we will never have such a good chance to enjoy such amazing masterpieces in the world). There are many famous people to be famous(get to be known by the world) because of (because of the fact that)they choose the subject they interested(are interested) in but not the subjects for work.
Furthermore, students pursuing subjects they love will provide the society perspective workers but not a single kind of people. Students who study the arts will provide us modem fashion, kinds of music, and various pictures and so on. Students who learn biology will became a doctor which can make us health. Students who learn policy might be political people and give kinds of useful suggestion to our country president. There are many advance that students encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them.
I have to admit that students learn the subjects for them to easier enter the job market have many goodness, such as the change in living condition, more and more money in their pockets and etc. But if the college students all go to learn the programs that promise entry into the job market, the students will become lazier than others. My friend Peter who entry a school which will promise they that they will get jobs when they graduate. Peter only learn what he need to learn and always play games in the rest time. He never considers to upgrade himself. Now what he only can do is the job the school plan. He even cannot speak English. What he good at is playing games. What a pity, he had been a winner in math competition many years ago, however, now he is nothing except a worker.
To sum up, College students need to be courage to pursue subjects that interest them but not learn programs that promise entry into the job market. Students should learn more when they are in college, not for jobs, but for their life. Even they cannot achieve their dreams, they might not have any pity because they acquire the skill that help them in a whole life.
第1个回答  2009-03-31
3 行 be 去掉
4 行 a few?应该是 lots吧,还有 professors
5 行 will 后加be吧




第2个回答  2009-04-03

There are many different kinds of people in the world as there are students. I strongly agree with the speaker who said that students should be encouraged to learn the subjects they are interested in. If all students are taught to study only for seeking jobs, the competition might be concern in a few work areas, and the nation will lose many potential professors.(???)

People will be more active if they are learning the subjects they like. As we all know, the father of the famous musician Mozart,had forbidden him to learn anything except building and economic. However, Mozart insisted on pursuing his dreams, even if that ment departing with his family. If Mozart had given up then, we might not have the chance to listen to any of his amazing music. There are also many famous people who became famous because of they choose the subject they interested in and not necessarily the subjects that would get you a job.
第3个回答  2009-03-31
第4个回答  2009-03-31




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