初三英语问题,so easy 的。急急急急急!悬赏100分!


1.Keep 相当于 be 动词 跟adj表示维持种状态比:keep calm
keep 还跟n. 表示保留收藏东西比:keep this book
而 stay 跟 副词介词短语情况比较多比stay herestay overnight

2.stay、remain和keep辨析 1.表示继续呆某处时应该用及物动词remain或stay例: Shall I go or stay? Stay indoors for a few days until you recover from your cold. He remained in his seat after all the other students had gone home. 2.表示暂住、短期停留时只能用及物动词stay例: He is staying at Hilton Hotel. My mother-in-law stayed with us this week when she visited us. 3.表示残留、剩下时只能用及物动词remain例: Not much of the house remained after the fire. Of the seven brothers, only four now remain; the rest are dead. 4.表示继续保持或处于某种状态时应视具体情况上述动词进行选择: (1)表示继续保持或处于原来状态时用remain或stay例: Three of them remained single.Shops should remain open till later in the evening. The door stayed closed.But the police themselves prefer to stay unarmed. (2)表示需要设法才能保持或处于某种状态时应用keep例: She knew she must keep calm. I wish those children would keep quiet. Although they have many difficulties, they keep happy. Paul managed to keep awake by drinking lots of strong black coffee. (3)表示使某人或某物保持某种状态时只能用及物动词keep例: She had kept him waiting twenty minutes on this occasion. Why do you always keep your windows closed?
第1个回答  2014-06-15
雅思裸考6.0, GRE裸考296,在美国留学中。

keep in head,指“某个疑问或者念头记在脑中,一直有这个想法”之意。看上下文,“我真搞不懂为毛我老姐只在我做错事或者我把她惹火了她才和我说话。我姐姐的穿着为毛把我衬托得像个小孩子?这些问题一直在我脑子里转悠。”

“stay in head” 没这组合的,原因往下看。

关于keep 和 stay的区别,中文释义类似,这就要归咎于藏语系中文汉语和安德鲁撒克逊语系英语的区别。

keep则是(人把东西)保留,留存,保持某种状态之意。例子,You can keep this,I got another one. 这个东西你留下吧,我还有一个;或者keep calm,保持冷静。

而stay是(人)留下,--... but I'm international student. -- You could stay. --但我是外国学生呀。--到时候不走留下呗。(前一阵答主和美国高速巡警的对话,他们却我现在学习专业的人,我说我现在是F1签证,毕业就滚蛋了,条子说毕业给你办工作签证)。或者stay low,压低身子。

如果硬要理解 stay in head,那就只能翻译是虫子或者其他什么进脑子里了,与原文不符。。。



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