

Marshall Mather于1972年10月17日出生在美国堪萨斯城。在18个月的时候父亲离开了他。童年时代的Marshall随母亲在各州流浪,直到12岁才在底特律定居下来。
1983年,Marshall从舅舅Ronnie那里了解到说唱艺术,高中时开始表演说唱。后来他退学加入了几个非正式组织。其间,“M&M”(Marshall Mathers的首字母缩写)这个艺名诞生了,后来改成了现在“Eminem”的拼写方法。
然而《Sourse》杂志的“Unsigned Hype”栏目对他的特写增强了他争取成功的决心。1997年Eminem为自我营造出个性形象“Slim Shady”,推出专辑《The Slim Shady EP》,对批评他的人进行了尖刻的回击。其中的单曲《Just Don't Give A Fuck》成了一首非常流行的前卫作品。1998年他赢得了“Wake Up Show”的“年度最佳自由风格表演者”奖项,并在洛杉矶的说唱奥林匹克竞赛中获得亚军。
至此,Aftermath Records唱片公司的老板Dr. Dre相中了Eminem,成为他的共同制作人。Dr. Dre为新专辑《The Slim Shady LP》中煽动暴力的词句强化了节拍。在单曲《My Name Is》和《Guilty Conscience》的促进下,专辑获得商业成功,并在1999年3月上升到美国唱片排行榜第2位。《My Name Is》为他获得了首个格莱美奖。
从此,Eminem的说唱事业如日中天。因为宣扬暴力,粗话连篇,他又是位颇具争议的新闻人物。妻子Kim不堪他唱词的猛烈抨击,割脉自杀未遂,一年后双方离婚。母亲Debbie向法院提起诉讼,称他的言论和歌词严重损毁了自己的声誉。和其他当红艺人开唱对骂对他来说也是家常便饭。他还因攻击他人、非法携带枪支等各种理由遭到过诉讼。然而这一切都没有影响到Eminem唱片的销量。《The Marshall Mathers LP》在2000年5月首次发行就位列美国流行音乐排行榜首。
2002年Eminem担纲主演了影片《8 Mile》(八英里界定了底特律城市的范围)。故事的人物、背景和情节都参考了他的个性和生活经历,但区别于传记。其原声专辑《8 Mile》中的经典之作当属《Lose Yourself》。个人认为这支曲目是Eminem最具积极意义的作品之一。正如影片当中小杰米所面对的那样,你的生活一团糟糕,但是现在面临一个可以改变一切、实现梦想的机遇。此刻的你身体紧张,心情不爽,但是你最好马上进入状态,把握良缘。当你终获成功之时,松口气笑着告诉自己:“You can do anything you set your mind to, man.” (Lose Yourself/ 8 Mile/ 2002)
Eminem还先后于2002年推出专辑《The Eminem Show》,于2004年推出《Encore》。最近一次是在2005年推出《Cuetain Call: The Hits》。有猜测说这可能是Eminem的收山之作。这个精选集除了收录许多从前的经典曲目,还有一首新歌《When I'm Gone》,歌词似乎暗示人们他真的会退出,正如本辑的封面:“The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet. I take a bow, ‘and thank you all for comin' out!’”。(When I’m gone/ Curtain Call: The Hits/ 2005)他已经厌倦了奔波演唱疏于亲情的生活,想要做个解脱;期待着一种全新的宁静温馨的生活。2006年初,Eminem同Kim复婚。

a. 对父亲的态度
Eminem一岁多时,父亲就离开了他,从此再没有彼此联系过。可以理解他对父亲是深恶痛绝的。“By the way when you see my dad? (Yeah?) Tell him that I slit his throat, in this dream I had.”(My Name Is/ The Slim Shady LP/ 1999)“I just ****in wished he would die.”(Cleaning out my closet/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)
b. 对母亲的态度
Eminem把自己痛恨的童年生活归咎于穷困、赌博、吸毒的母亲。相比于父亲而言,母亲得到了Eminem多得多的嘲弄:“I just found out my mom does more dope than I do.”“When I was little. I used to get so hungry I would throw fits. HOW YOU GONNA BREAST FEED ME MOM? YOU AIN'T GOT NO TITS!”(My Name Is/ The Slim Shady LP/ 1999)“Witnessin your momma poppin prescription pills in the kitchen. Bitchin that someone's always goin throuh her purse and shit's missin, Goin through public housin systems, victim of Munchausen's Syndrome.”“Remember when Ronnie died and you said you wished it was me?”“You selfish bitch, I hope you ****in burn in hell for this shit.”(Cleaning Out My Closet/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)
母亲曾经发出一首以给儿子的公开信《Dear Marshall》为唱词的歌,请求他不要再伤害自己。Eminem毫不领情:“Now I blew up, it makes you sick to ya stomach, doesn't it? Wasn't it the reason you made that CD for me Ma? ”“Bitch do your song - keep tellin yourself that you was a mom! ”(Cleaning out my closet/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)
代表曲目:《Cleaning Out My Closet》。

c. 对妻子Kim的态度
和Eminem同年的Kim在13岁时被Eminem的母亲收养。她未婚先孕,1995年圣诞节为Eminem生下女儿Hallie,1996年结婚。后来不知出于什么原因,Eminem认为她背叛了自己,在说唱中给予攻击。《Kim》(The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)更是构造出杀害妻子的虚构情节。在歌中他歇斯底里近乎绝望地唱到:“So long. Bitch you did me so wrong. I don't wanna go on. Livin' in this world without you.”妻子不堪忍受,曾试图自杀未遂,2001年双方离婚。
2005年,Eminem在《When I’m gone》(Curtain Call: The Hits/ 2005)的结尾表达出一个愿望:“I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her.”今年一月两人再次步入婚礼殿堂。

d. 对女儿的态度
Eminem最爱的人就是女儿Hallie。在他的歌唱中,有关女儿的语句总是充满无限的柔情和深邃的父爱。生活枯燥憋闷,“Somedays I sit, starin out the window, Watchin this world pass me by; Sometimes I think, there's nothin to live for, I almost break down and cry; Sometimes I think I'm crazy; I'm crazy, oh so crazy!! Why am I here? Am I just wastin my time?!”只有女儿才是他唯一的寄托,“But then I see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy!! It all makes sense when I look into her eyes.”(Hallie’s song/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)为了女儿他愿意做任何事情:“I'mma give you the world. I'mma buy a diamond ring for you. I'mma sing for you. I'll do anything for you to see you smile.”(Mockingbird/ Encore/ 2004)“I look at Hailie, and I couldn't picture leavin her side. Even if I hated Kim, I grit my teeth and I'd try to make it work with her at least for Hailie's sake.”(Cleaning out my closet/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)
用一句话来概括Eminem对女儿的态度就是:“I love my daughter more than the life itself.”(Hallie’s song/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)
代表曲目:《Mockingbird》《Hallie’s Song》。

a. 对其他艺人的态度
早在1997年的专辑《The Slim Shady EP》Eminem就猛烈地回击了批评者。与他结怨纷争的著名歌星一大把,包括Christina Aguilera、Carson Daly、Fred Durst、Macheal Jackson、Everlast、Moby等等。Eminem在歌曲中大放厥词:“Shit, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs, so I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst, and hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first. You little bitch, put me on blast on MTV: ‘Yeah, he's cute, but I think he's married to Kim, hee-hee!’”(The Real Slim Shady /The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)“And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie. You 36 year old bald headed say blow me.”(Without Me/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)
Christina Aguilera也不示弱,模仿《The Real Slim Shady》的风格制作了一首《My Reply (Eminem Diss)》,针锋相对地进行还击。此外,还有来自其他艺人的还击曲目,如Bone Thugs及Harmony的《Fuck Eminem》、Everlast的《Fuck Eminem (Diss)》等等。
代表曲目:《The Real Slim Shady》。

b. 对其他批评者的态度
美国副总统切尼夫人、国家人权组织前主席Lynne Cheney批评Eminem的言行误导青少年的观念。她说:“我觉得发行Eminem专辑的Seagram唱片公司才是罪魁祸首。”她希望将来唱片公司发行唱片时,也能仿效电影分级制度,让唱片商家有不卖限制级唱片给青少年的依据。
Eminem不仅嘲弄她:“I know you got a job Ms. Cheney. But your husband's heart problem is complicated.”而且还叫得更响亮张扬:“So the FCC won't let me be, Or let me be me, so let me see. They tried to shut me down on MTV. But it feels so empty without me.”(Without Me/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)

c. 对同性恋的态度
Eminem的一些唱词,如“But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes, then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope.”(The Real Slim Shady /The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)“And what's this shit about us meant to be together? That type of shit'll make me not want us to meet each other. I really think you and your girlfriend need each other.”(Stan/ The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)引起了同性恋者的抗议。
不过他曾在格莱美颁奖典礼上联合公开同性恋身份的Elton John进行单曲《Stan》的演出,并且在演出结束时站在舞台上彼此热烈拥抱。

d. 对歌迷的态度
Eminem在年轻人中很有影响力是不争的事实。很多人效仿Slim Shady的言行举动。“Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!) Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!) Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!) Try 'cid and get ****ed up worse that my life is? (Huh?)”(My Name Is/ The Slim Shady LP/ 1999)
单曲《Stan》(The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)塑造了一位疯狂的歌迷Stan的形象。唱词以书信体的形势,向我们叙述了一个故事。Stan多次写信给Eminem表达崇敬爱慕之情,在没有得到及时回复的情况下越发疯狂得难以自控,于是绑架身怀六甲的女友开车冲入河中。Stan所做的一切都明显地受到过他偶像作品的影响:打算给未出世的女儿命名为“Bonnie”,体验割脉,把女友装进车箱,酗伏特加,吞服镇静药片等,是歌迷的极端代表。Eminem在给Stan迟到的回信中说到:“Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan. I just don't want you to do some crazy shit.”

让我们来看几段歌词吧。“I got the balls to say it in front of y'all and I don't gotta be false or sugarcoated at all. I just get on the mic and spit it.”“I spit when I talk, I'll **** anything that walks.”(The Real Slim Shady/ The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)“I go tit for tat with anybody who's talking this and that shit.” (Without Me/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)以上这些唱词正是Eminem说唱风格的自我总结,勇于打口水战,遇神杀神,遇佛杀佛。
“Now this looks like a job for me. So everybody just follow me, Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me.” “20 million other white rappers emerge. But no matter how many fish in the sea, It will be so empty without me.”(Without Me/ The Eminem Show/ 2002)这些唱词则很好地体现出其恃才骄横、飞扬跋扈的个性特点。
代表曲目:《Without Me》。
第1个回答  2006-07-01
说简单一点 他出道之后叫自己Eminem 他的原名是Marshall Mathers本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2006-07-01
Marshall Mather是原名



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