
经费预算:奖品为玫瑰花。约需玫瑰花二百朵,总额约需RMB 200元。



活动方案七(Activity program seven)
活动主题:守护永恒的爱(Topic Activity: Guardian of the timeless love)
(Activity Time: February 14, 2010 4:30 pm to 6:30)
活动目的:通过举行小型奖品活动,带动更多市民,提升商城人气。(Activity Objective: activity by holding a small prize to stimulate more people to enhance the popular mall.)
活动宣传:通过正门,侧门的大海报宣传.在开始前半小时和前十五分钟,开广播提示顾客。(Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign. At the beginning of the first half-hour and 15 minutes ago, the broadcast prompted customers.)
暂定内容:四人同时参加,将汽球绑在参赛人员的脚上,谁的汽球先被踩完为负方。如参加人数较多,每个活动可多进行几组。(Tentative content: four at the same time attend to tie balloons at participating personnel feet, who was first step of the balloons after a negative side. Such as a large number take part in each activity can be carried out several sets of many.)
活动工作人员:颖宝广场部总负责,需工作人员10名。(Activity staff: Ying Po Plaza Branch Chief responsible for the staff to be 10. )
经费预算:奖品为玫瑰花。约需玫瑰花二百朵,总额约需RMB 200元。(Budget: prizes for the roses. About 200 roses, a total of $ about RMB 200.)

(Activity program eight
Activity theme: speak! Say you love me!
Activity Time: February 14, 2010 full-day
Activity Venue: Ying Bao Mall, first floor, publicity boards
Activity Objective: To increase the flow of people to enhance the popular mall.
Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign.
Tentative content: by the love of men and women in a warm romantic love to write their own message board above the blessings of the lovers and the hope for love. More default message boards at a number of romantic confession of the truth, watching the people can refer to, or used, communicated to his sweetheart. Advertisements will be placed at the first floor to have been March 14.
Activity staff: Ying Bao plaza overall responsibility for the Information Ministry, the implementation of activity do not need separate staff.
Budget: the need Guestbook Version 2, about 100 yuan.

Activity program nine
Subject Events: personally send you mind
Activity Time: February 14, 2010 am 9:00 - 9:00 at night.
Activity Venue: Ying Bao Mall next to the negative two-story atrium Desk
Activity Objective: free teaching activity, increase popular mall.
Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign. At the beginning of the first half-hour and 15 minutes ago, the broadcast prompted customers. And in the activity before beginning to distribute a small amount of finished products, attract customers.
Tentative content: If you think that money bought roses too shallow, the activity on the most suitable to you. Mall negative two-story atrium adjacent to手把手教study has a help desk. Guests can receive a free paper, there is guidance on how special origami roses. Can experience the pleasure of personally folded Rose At the same time, put their mind to the other half of it!
Activity staff: Ying Bao plaza overall responsibility for Public Relations, the activity need to send a lecturer and two counseling staff.
Budget: Please lecturer about RMB500 million.)
第1个回答  2009-03-27
Activity program seven

Topic Activity: Guardian of the timeless love

Activity Time: February 14, 2010 4:30 pm to 6:30

Activity Venue: Ying Bao Atrium Mall

Activity Objective: activity by holding a small prize to stimulate more people to enhance the popular mall.

Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign. At the beginning of the first half-hour and 15 minutes ago, the broadcast prompted customers.

Tentative content: four at the same time attend to tie balloons at participating personnel feet, who was first step of the balloons after a negative side. Such as a large number take part in each activity can be carried out several sets of many.

Activity staff: Ying Po Plaza Branch Chief responsible for the staff to be 10.

Budget: prizes for the roses. About 200 roses, a total of $ about RMB 200.

Activity program eight

Activity theme: speak! Say you love me!

Activity Time: February 14, 2010 full-day

Activity Venue: Ying Bao Mall, first floor, publicity boards

Activity Objective: To increase the flow of people to enhance the popular mall.

Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign.

Tentative content: by the love of men and women in a warm romantic love to write their own message board above the blessings of the lovers and the hope for love. More default message boards at a number of romantic confession of the truth, watching the people can refer to, or used, communicated to his sweetheart. Advertisements will be placed at the first floor to have been March 14.

Activity staff: Ying Bao plaza overall responsibility for the Information Ministry, the implementation of activity do not need separate staff.

Budget: the need Guestbook Version 2, about 100 yuan.

Activity program nine

Subject Events: personally send you mind

Activity Time: February 14, 2010 am 9:00 - 9:00 at night.

Activity Venue: Ying Bao Mall next to the negative two-story atrium Desk

Activity Objective: free teaching activity, increase popular mall.

Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign. At the beginning of the first half-hour and 15 minutes ago, the broadcast prompted customers. And in the activity before beginning to distribute a small amount of finished products, attract customers.

Tentative content: If you think that money bought roses too shallow, the activity on the most suitable to you. Mall negative two-story atrium adjacent tostudy has a help desk. Guests can receive a free paper, there is guidance on how special origami roses. Can experience the pleasure of personally folded Rose At the same time, put their mind to the other half of it!

Activity staff: Ying Bao plaza overall responsibility for Public Relations, the activity need to send a lecturer and two counseling staff.

Budget: Please lecturer about RMB500 million.
第2个回答  2009-03-27
Activity plan
Subject: guard eternal love
Time: 2010 14 February 6 to 4:30pm
Venue: enterprise mall atrium
Purpose: small award activities held by citizens, more popular, ascension mall.
Promotion: through the side entrance, the propaganda. At the beginning of half an hour before and 15 minutes before the open radio clew customers.
Content: four people temporarily, will balloon tied for the feet of the balloons, who finished first for FuFang trampled on. If the number of participants, each activity is more than a few groups.
Staff: activities of total charge of enterprise, square personnel 10.
Prizes for budget: roses. About two hundred flowers, rose to RMB total about $200.

Activity plan eight
Activity theme: shoot! Say you love me!
Time: 2010 day on February 14th
Venue: enterprise mall cardboard figures advertising floor
Purpose: to increase passenger, ascending mall.
Promotion: through the side entrance, the propaganda.
Content: the love is the men and women in the romantic love to write message from above the blessings and love's expectation. In default on the boards of several more romantic, watching the confession, people can reference or continue to your lover,. In the first floor cardboard figures advertising will March 14.
Staff: activities of enterprise's information department square, this activity will not send employees.
Budgets are: 2 pieces, message about 100 yuan.

Activity plan
Activity theme: do you mind hand-delivering
Time: 2010 February 14-9 o 'clock in the morning at 9:00 at night.
Venue: enterprise by negative floor atrium mall reception
Purpose: through the teaching activities, without increasing popularity mall.
Promotion: through the side entrance, the propaganda. At the beginning of half an hour before and 15 minutes before the open radio clew customers. And before the event, a distributed to attract customers.
Content: if you think is bought with money, this activity is too superficial rose is most suitable for you. Shop floor atrium negative side intended to a reception. Teaching, Guests can be free for paper, paper rose to do. To experience personally discount rose fun at the same time, his mind to partner!
Staff: enterprise square activities, the total charge pr activities must send a lecturer and two coaching staff.
Budgets are: please instructor about RMB500 yuan.



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