

籍贯 (应该与出生地有差别?)


Household Register

Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C

Points for Attention

I. Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. In so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet.

II. The household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. If loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority.

III. The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it.

IV. If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet.

V. When the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation.

Type of Household Non-agricultural Household Name of Householder XXX
Household No. XXXXXX Address XXXXX
Provincial-level Public Security Authority’s Seal Special for Residence:
Public Security Bureau of XXX Province (seal)

Household Registration Body’s Seal Special for Residence:
Public Security Bureau of XXX
XXX Street Police Station (seal)

Seal of Undertaker: XXX

Issued on XXth December 200X

Registration of Changed Items and Record of Change

Item Address after Change Date of Change Seal of the Undertaker

Registration Card for Resident Population

Name XXX Relation with Householder Householder
Other Used Names Sex Male
Place of Birth XXX, XXX Province Nationality Han Chinese
Place of Origin XX, XXX Province Date of Birth XXth October 19XX
Other Addresses if Have Religion
Identity Card Number XXXXXXXXXXXX Height XXXcm Blood Group XX
Education XXX Marital Status Married Military Service Status No
Work Place XXXX Occupation XXX
When and from Where Moved to This City (County) Moved from XXX, XXX Province on XXth August 19XX.
When and from Where Moved to This Address Moved from XX Street, XX on XXth December 19XX.
Seal of Undertaker: XXX Date of Issue: XXth December 200X
Registration of Changed Items and Record of Change

Item Address after Change Date of Change Seal of the Undertaker

Registration Card for Resident Population

Name XXX Relation with Householder Wife
Other Used Names Sex Female
Place of Birth XXX Province Nationality Han Chinese
Place of Origin XX, XXX Province Date of Birth XXth June 19XX
Other Addresses if Have Religion
Identity Card Number XXX Height XXXcm Blood Group XXX
Education XXX Marital Status XXX Military Service Status No
Work Place XXX Occupation XXX
When and from Where Moved to This City (County) Permanent Residence
When and from Where Moved to This Address Moved from XX Road, XX District, XX on XXth December 200X.

Seal of Undertaker: XXX Date of Issue: XXth December 200X
第1个回答  2009-04-02
1. Native Place
2. Relationship with Householder
3. College Diploma
4. Junior School Certificate
5. Three-Years Diploma
6. When and from where immigrated into our city (county)
7. When and from where moved to the current address
8. Seal of Undertaker
9. Registration Card of Resident Population
10. Declare
第2个回答  2024-07-12




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