
摘要: 在布老虎身上浓缩了诸多人们熟知的文化寓意,并且普及到全国各地。不过,如果站在非物质文化遗产传承保护的角度,从文化价值方面来审视的话,则还要对民间布老虎所蕴含的传统民俗、历史文化内涵进行深入探究。因此,作为以布老虎为代表的民间艺术所蕴含的传统技艺及其背后的文化内涵与传承,遂成为我们关注的重点。本文首先分析了山西民间布玩具其造型的溯源,然后探讨了山西民间布老虎造型的基本特征,最后在此基础上分析了山西布老虎文化内涵。 关键词: 布老虎;山西;民间艺术

Cloth tiger is more popular over the country, which is the concentration of culture. However, if we consider protecting the transmission of intangible cultural, from cultural values to examine, the cloth tiger need to be researched on the civil fabric contains the traditional folk, historical and cultural connotations. Therefore, we shall always be concerned for cloth tiger folk art.It is represented by the traditional techniques and the underlying implication of cultural meaning and heritage. This article first analyzes the traceability of the model of Shanxi folk cloth toys, and then discusses the basic characteristics Shanxi folk cloth tiger. Finally, the article based on the analysis of the Shanxi cloth tiger culture. 我是英语专业的 有什么问题可以再问我 这翻译题有的词太专业了 所以部分专业词也是查字典的 !! 希望能帮到你!



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