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大家好,我在这里将做一个有关于我对大海的感受的报告. 就我而言,我很喜欢蓝蓝的大海,喜欢有关海的一切.我喜欢海水,因为海水清澈而明亮,我也喜欢海浪,海浪让人感觉有一种似乎能瞬间打开人狭小心灵的力量,我喜欢在阳光照耀下的海面上的粼粼波光,好像能照亮人的心房,给予美妙的创作灵感,我喜欢沙滩与海水的交界处,这里存在着美丽的贝壳,还有一些可爱而不知名的生物. 沙滩上,在蓝色与白色的交界处,真像一幅美妙的两色水墨画,唯美而生动. 我更喜欢夕阳下的大海, 蓝色上点缀着金灿灿的波光, 这很像金子, 蓝蓝的天空也红晕起来,这是一幅多么美妙的画面, 汹涌的海浪更给人无穷的力量, 所以我很喜欢大海, 喜欢大海的一切

Hello, everyone, I am here to make a feel for the sea on my report. For my part, I like the blue of the sea, like the sea of all I like water, because water is clear and bright, and I like waves, the waves seem to feel there is a moment to open a small power of the mind of people, I like the sun shining the light sparkling on the sea, as if to illuminate the human heart, to give a wonderful inspiration, I like the beach junction with the sea, where there is a beautiful shell, there are some lovely and unknown creatures. beach, blue and white in the junction, I really like a beautiful two-color ink, beautiful and vivid, and I more like the sea under the setting sun, the blue dotted with golden waves, much like gold, blue skies are flush up, this is a wonderful picture, rough waves also gives infinite power, so I like the sea, like all sea
第1个回答  2015-05-04
Everybody is good, I am here will be a about my feeling of the report of the sea. As for me, I like blue sea, like the sea everything. I like water, sea water clear and bright because, I also like the waves, the waves make people feel there is a moment seems to be able to open one narrow the power of the mind, I like in the sunshine on the sea of wave form, as if to illuminate the man's heart, give the wonderful creative inspiration, I love the beach and the boundary of the sea water, there is the beautiful shells, and some lovely and unknown biological. Beach, in blue and white border, it's like a wonderful two color ink and wash, aesthetic and vivid. I prefer the setting sun sea, blue covered the golden wave, it's like gold, and blue sky also flush up, this is a picture of how wonderful pictures, the stormy sea more give a person infinite strength, so I like the sea, like the sea all本回答被提问者采纳




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