
1996年是现代奥运百年诞辰,这一年在美国亚特兰大举行的第26届奥运会实现了奥运家庭的大团圆. 会徽主体部分是一个火炬.火炬的底部由五环和阿拉伯数字100构成,纪念奥运会已经走过百年历史;而火炬的上半部由火焰变成的星星象征每一位运动员的卓越追求.会徽中的金色象征着金牌,绿色象征着亚特兰大的城市之树——月桂枝.

1996年亚特兰大奥运会是规模超大的一次盛会,它吸引了全世界近200亿观众的眼光。而经历此次盛会之后,这座曾经不起眼的小城市实现了跨越式发展,逐步成为今日美国东南部的工商业中心和重要的交通枢纽. 当时的《纽约时报》专刊介绍说,当奥运准备工作进入尾声时,“亚特兰大整个城市的每一个角落都发生了改变”。美国小城变身“新南方象征”

In 1996, it was a hundred years of the birth of the modern Olympic Games, this year held in Atlanta, the United States at the 26th Olympic Games achieve the happy home. The main part of the emblem is a torch. Torch and Arabic numerals at the bottom of the five rings 100 by the composition, to commemorate the Olympic Games has past one hundred years of history; and the upper portion of the torch from the flame into a symbol of the star athletes in every pursuit of excellence. The golden emblem symbolizes gold, the green symbolizes the city of Atlanta Tree - Guizhi month.

Atlanta: enhancing the international impact of the Olympic Games
1996 Atlanta Olympic Games are a very large scale event, which attracted nearly 200 million viewers all over the world vision. And after experiencing the event, once the petty city by leaps and bounds, becoming today the southeastern United States commercial and industrial center and important transportation hub. At that time, the "New York Times" magazine said that when the Olympic Games preparation end into the job, "the entire city of Atlanta, every corner has changed." Small town in the United States turned the "new symbol of the South"




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