求助 中考英语

Dear Sir
Everyone use the plastic bags in their daily life.I would like to make a comment on it
I thought that the______effect from all these bags on our environment was well______ and that most people konw they should ont keep ______ them everywhere but collect them in the dustbin. Howevery one of the ______ near my home seems to ______ more of these bags than every before.Eed ones,white onesand blue ones it make on______.They don't care about the______ of the environment.They keep using plastic bags to wrap most of the things every day.______ I went shopping the other day.I bought two things,and I was given three bags to wrap______.Is it necessary to use so many bags? Everyone should realize how______ It is to clean our enviroment.
1. A.fun B.bad C.interesting
2. A.known B.learned C.done
3. A.buying B.sending C.throwing
4. A.schools B.factories C.shops
5. A.buy B.use C.give
6 A.difference B.difficulty C.useless
7. A.questions B.problems C.mistakes
8 A.Where B.When C.How
9. A.this B.that C.them
10. A.important B.comfortable C.excellent

1b,根据语境,应该是bad effect
2a be well known 众所周知的意思
3c 从 in the dustbin一词可判断,并且后面有collect与之对应
4c从后文buy things和 wrap things可判断,应是shop
5b使用 不是给也不是买
6a make no difference没有差别(lz你那个单词是no 吧, )
7b 。。。的问题,mistake一般指(犯)错误,question是指问答中的问题
8b 连接时间状语从句的连词
9c 前面有two things
10a 还原句子 it is important重要 to clean our environment
comfortable 舒服的 excellent 优秀的 极好的
第1个回答  2009-05-30
1. B
bad effect 坏的影响/后果

2. A
be well known 广为人知

3. C
throw them everywhere 到处乱扔

4. C

5. B
use 使用

6. A
make no difference 没有区别/不同

7. B
the problems of the environment 环境的问题

8. B
when 当...时候

9. C
them代指前面的two things

10. A
important 重要本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-05-30




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