


Italy is a city of food and wine. When you go to Italy to taste delicious food, you should have a glass of wine. Are you ready to understand Italian food culture? Here, the editor has sorted out an article about Italian food culture for you! 

Let's have a look!

Veneto District, which has Venice as the water city, has fish and shrimp dishes. Veneziana, now known as Antipasto, is a red and delicious crab. It is made by putting crab meat in the shell, adding olive oil, salt, lemon, parsley and other condiments. 

The masterpiece of seafood and rice from Padana Plain is Risottonero, which is Italian risotto with eggplant sauce. Risie Bisi, a soup made of fresh green green beans and rice, is also famous. It is best to choose white wine when eating fish.

In early summer, if you travel near Bassano delgrappa, you'd better taste Asparagala Bassanese. White asparagus and boiled eggs are to be eaten together, but canned asparagus is not delicious at all. 

When you taste it, you will definitely rediscover how delicious asparagus is. When tasting, it can be eaten with the mellow and delicious white wine Breganze pinobianeo. 

Another famous product of this city in the mountains is Bigoli, which is usually served with soup made from wild birds from nearby mountains. Valpolicella is more suitable for ruby color wine.


拥有水城威尼斯的威尼托区则是鱼虾风味菜。现可称为安提帕斯托的 veneziana,红红的、看着很好吃的螃蟹。在甲壳里放入理开的蟹肉,加上橄榄油、盐、柠檬、荷兰芹等调料作成的。

海鲜和帕达拿平原的大米合制的杰作是Risottonero,即意大利式茄汁烩肉饭。用鲜绿的青豆和大米作成的汤Risie Bisi也很有名。吃鱼的时候最好选择白葡萄酒。

初夏时节,如果到Bassano delgrappa附近旅行的话,最好品尝一下Asparagialla Bassanese。即将白芦笋和煮鸡蛋放在一起食用,但芦笋罐头可一点都不好吃。当你品尝后,你一定会重新发现芦笋是如此地味美。

品尝时可以和醇香可口的白葡萄酒Breganze pinobianeo一起食用。位于山中的这座城市的另一名产就是Bigoli,一般是浇上用附近山里出产的野鸟煲成的汤食用。比较适合红宝石颜色的葡萄酒Valpolicella。




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