

PLC programmable logic controller is a microprocessor based on a combination of computer technology, automatic control and communication technologies developed from a new type of industrial control devices. It has a simple structure, easy programming, high reliability, has been widely used in industrial process and location of the automatic control. According to statistics, the programmable automation controller is the most widely used devices in a device. Experts believe that the future will be a programmable logic controller to control the main means of industry and one of the important infrastructure, PLC, robotics, CAD / CAM will become the three pillars of industrial production.
PLC has the environment as a result of the characteristics of adaptability, while its internal timer is very rich in resources, can be widely used on the current "progressive" signal for precise control, especially for the control of multi-fork can be easily achieved. PLC therefore will now be applied to more and more traffic lights system. At the same time, PLC communications network also has its own functions, will be on the road with a signal to form a unified scheduling LAN management, can reduce the waiting time of vehicles, the realization of scientific management. Flashing at the crossroads and traffic lights, is vividly shown in the traffic lights PLC practical application of the system. In this paper, the actual traffic situation, design a simple traffic light intersection control systems, primarily through the flow chart and timing diagram of a traffic light control system for the working principle and the principle of combining the work of setting the program, and then proceed to the traffic lamp hardware system design, the end of the program design. All use of the transport system timer to achieve the traffic lights work, although the process has been long, but it is not complicated instructions, is easy to understand!
第1个回答  2009-06-03
PLC programmable logic controller is a microprocessor based on a combination of computer technology, automatic control and communication technologies developed from a new type of industrial control devices. It has a simple structure, easy programming, high reliability, has been widely used in industrial process and location of the automatic control. According to statistics, the programmable automation controller is the most widely used devices in a device. Experts believe that the future will be a programmable logic controller to control the main means of industry and one of the important infrastructure, PLC, robotics, CAD / CAM will become the three pillars of industrial production.

PLC has the environment as a result of the characteristics of adaptability, while its internal timer is very rich in resources, can be widely used on the current "progressive" signal for precise control, especially for the control of multi-fork can be easily achieved. PLC therefore will now be applied to more and more traffic lights system. At the same time, PLC communications network also has its own functions, will be on the road with a signal to form a unified scheduling LAN management, can reduce the waiting time of vehicles, the realization of scientific management. Flashing at the crossroads and traffic lights, is vividly shown in the traffic lights PLC practical application of the system. In this paper, the actual traffic situation, design a simple traffic light intersection control systems, primarily through the flow chart and timing diagram of a traffic light control system for the working principle and the principle of combining the work of setting the program, and then proceed to the traffic lamp hardware system design, the end of the program design. All use of the transport system timer to achieve the traffic lights work, although the process has been long, but it is not complicated instructions, is easy to understand!





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