

世博会的主题是“城市让社会更美好。” 那时上海的花草树木一定是郁郁葱葱,将给人们展现一个美丽的香格里拉。我要成为一名城市护绿小卫士,为城市增添一份绿色,让马路变得更干净,让城市变得更美丽。






Expo 2010 footsteps getting closer and closer away from us, this is a million people watched the World event! Oriental Pearl opened their arms to welcome guests from afar. River in the singing of the waves, a plane of the bridge across the river just like the strings, played a迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz vehicles on the bridge just like a beat note, written with joy. Shanghai World Expo will be held at a time when, to meet the country's nearly 200 guests. As a small owner of Shanghai, we are prepared to contribute to the Expo. There will be tens of thousands of foreign volunteers assembled in Shanghai, as a secondary school student in Shanghai, I am proud, I wish I could be a little Expo volunteers from all over the world for friends introduced in Shanghai, China.

Expo's theme is "Let the city agency better." At that time, Shanghai is the green and luxuriant flowers and trees, people will show a beautiful Shangri-La. I would like to become a defender of the city in small green-maintaining, for a green city, so that the road become more clean, let the city more beautiful.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I use English with the guests from abroad to chat. Language is the bridge of friendship. I am trying to learn English, to English and foreign exchange is a matter I am happy. I want to make foreign guests from China were the feelings of friendship, witness the demeanor of the Chinese middle school students.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will introduce to the foreign friends of China's tremendous changes, from rural to urban areas; from the "Shenzhou VI" to the moon; from the Shanghai World Expo to China's future. Visit the Shanghai Museum of History, brief them on the land of China's historical figures, with a vivid image of historical figures to describe the heroic figures of China, with bright paintings show the Chinese history and great glory.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I will smile for the guests about Shanghai's my favorite. Shanghai night like a bright pearl, lantern of the Bund des Nations decorate buildings have Ambilight. I shall explain to them the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower and the Global Center, to enable them to understand this magnificent building in the end there is no secret and take them to the Shanghai Grand Theater to listen to wonderful music.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will work hard to teach foreigners to learn Chinese, Chinese is now the language is also one of the most popular overseas, I will teach them to write calligraphy, Chinese painting art; I will tell foreign friends of China's cultural tradition, dragon boat races, visiting temple fairs, lantern guess with foreign friends and Temple Yuyuan mortar, eating snacks Temple to see clay, flour, and shadow. Let further the feelings of the Chinese foreign friends.

Shanghai World Expo and the city have a relationship everyone, everyone of us should be masters to participate in the Expo, and practical action in their own interpretation of "City, Better Life" theme. I would like to strive for this goal to learn, learning history, English and local cultural practices, and future services for the Shanghai World Expo, the world saw a warm, civilized, beautiful, advanced in China.
Expo 2010 voetstappen dichter en dichter uit de buurt van ons, dit is een miljoen mensen zagen hoe de wereld evenement! Oriental Pearl openden hun armen verwelkomen de gasten van verre. Rivier in het zingen van de golven, een vliegtuig van de brug over de rivier, net als de strijkers, speelde een迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz voertuigen op de brug net als een beat notitie geschreven met vreugde. Shanghai World Expo zal plaatsvinden op een moment dat, om tegemoet te komen aan het land van de bijna 200 gasten. Als een klein eigenaar van Shanghai, zijn wij bereid om bij te dragen aan de Expo. Er zullen tienduizenden buitenlandse vrijwilligers geassembleerd in Sjanghai, zoals een middelbare school student in Shanghai, ik ben er trots op, ik wou dat ik kon een beetje Expo vrijwilligers van over de hele wereld voor vrienden in Shanghai, China.

Expo Het thema is "Laat de stad agentschap beter." Op dat moment, Shanghai is de groene en weelderige bloemen en bomen, zullen de mensen een prachtige Shangri-La. Ik wil graag een verdediger van de stad in kleine groen-onderhoud, voor een groene stad, zodat de weg meer schoon, laat de stad mooier.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo, ik gebruik het Engels met de gasten uit het buitenland te kunnen chatten. Taal is de brug van vriendschap. Ik probeer te leren Engels, het Engels en deviezen is een zaak ben ik gelukkig. Ik wil buitenlandse gasten uit China waren de gevoelens van vriendschap, getuige het gedrag van de Chinese middelbare scholieren.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo. Ik zal aan de buitenlandse vrienden van China's enorme veranderingen, van het platteland naar de stedelijke gebieden; van de "Shenzhou VI" naar de maan, van de Shanghai World Expo aan China's toekomst. Bezoek het Shanghai Museum van de Geschiedenis, kort op de grond van China's historische cijfers, met een levendig beeld van de historische cijfers voor de beschrijving van het heroïsche figuren van China, met heldere schilderijen tonen de Chinese geschiedenis en grote heerlijkheid.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo, zal ik glimlach voor de gasten over Shanghai is mijn favoriet. Shanghai nacht als een heldere parel, lantaarn van de Bund des Nations decoreren gebouwen hebben Ambilight. Ik zal uitleggen aan hen de Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Toren en het Global Center, om hen in staat te begrijpen dit prachtige gebouw aan het einde daar is geen geheim en neemt ze het Shanghai Grand Theater te luisteren naar prachtige muziek.

Als ik ben een vrijwilliger Expo. Ik zal hard werken om te onderwijzen buitenlanders om te leren Chinees, Chinees is nu de taal is ook een van de meest populaire overzeese, ik zal leren ze om te schrijven kalligrafie, Chinese schilderkunst; Ik zal vertellen buitenlandse vrienden van China's culturele traditie, dragon boat races, tempel bezoekt beurzen, lantaarn raden met buitenlandse vrienden en Temple Yuyuan mortel, eten snacks Tempel te zien klei, bloem, en schaduw. Laat verder de gevoelens van de Chinese buitenlandse vrienden.

Shanghai World Expo en de stad hebben een relatie iedereen, iedereen van ons moet zijn meesters om deel te nemen aan de Expo, en concrete acties in hun eigen interpretatie van "Stad, Beter Leven" thema. Ik zou graag willen inzetten voor dit doel om te leren, het leren van de geschiedenis, Engels en de lokale culturele praktijken en toekomstige diensten voor de Shanghai World Expo, de wereld zag een warm, beschaafd, prachtige, geavanceerde in China.
Expo 2010 passi avvicinarsi e di una più stretta di distanza da noi, si tratta di un milione di persone guardato l'evento mondiale! Oriental Pearl aperto le braccia per accogliere ospiti provenienti da lontano. Nel fiume, il canto delle onde, un piano del ponte sul fiume come le stringhe, ha svolto un迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz veicoli sul ponte come un battito nota, scritta con gioia. Shanghai World Expo che si terrà in un momento in cui, per rispondere del paese di circa 200 ospiti. Come un piccolo proprietario di Shanghai, siamo pronti a contribuire alla Expo. Ci saranno decine di migliaia di volontari stranieri riuniti a Shanghai, come uno studente di scuola secondaria a Shanghai, sono orgoglioso, vorrei poter essere un po 'Expo volontari provenienti da tutto il mondo per gli amici introdotto a Shanghai, Cina.

Expo tema è "La città agenzia meglio". A quel tempo, Shanghai è il verde lussureggiante e fiori e alberi, la gente si mostra una bella Shangri-La. Vorrei diventare un difensore della città, nel verde, il mantenimento di piccole dimensioni, per una città verde, in modo che la strada diventata più pulita, per non parlare della città più bella.

假如我是一名世博志愿者,我要用英语同来自异国他乡的外宾进行交谈。 La lingua è il ponte di amicizia. Sto cercando di imparare l'inglese, l'inglese e in valuta estera è una questione Sono felice. Vorrei fare gli ospiti stranieri provenienti dalla Cina sono stati i sentimenti di amicizia, di testimoniare il comportamento della scuola media gli studenti cinesi.

Se sono un Volontario Expo. I introdurrà alla stranieri amici della Cina enormi cambiamenti, dalle aree rurali a quelle urbane, dalla "Shenzhou VI" per la luna, dalla Shanghai World Expo per il futuro della Cina. Visita il Museo di Storia di Shanghai, breve sul terreno della Cina storici, con una viva immagine di figure storiche di descrivere le figure eroiche della Cina, con brillanti dipinti mostrano la storia cinese e grande gloria.

Se sono un Volontario Expo, mi sorriso per gli ospiti su Shanghai è il mio preferito. Shanghai notte luminosa come una perla, la lanterna del Bund des Nations decorare edifici sono Ambilight. I spiegare loro l'Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower e il Global Center, per permettere loro di comprendere questo magnifico edificio, alla fine, non vi è alcun segreto e al Gran Teatro di Shanghai per ascoltare la musica meravigliosa.

Se sono un Volontario Expo. Io lavoro duro per insegnare stranieri imparare il cinese, il cinese è la lingua è anche uno dei piu 'conosciuti all'estero, mi insegnerà loro a scrivere la calligrafia, pittura cinese; dirò stranieri amici della tradizione culturale della Cina, drago regate, visitando fiere tempio, fanale indovinare con gli amici e Tempio Yuyuan mortaio, mangiare snack Tempio vedere argilla, farina, e l'ombra. Cerchiamo inoltre i sentimenti dei cinesi amici stranieri.

Shanghai World Expo e la città hanno un rapporto di tutti, ognuno di noi dovrebbe essere maestri di partecipare alla Expo, e azioni concrete nella propria interpretazione del concetto di "City, Better Life" tema. Vorrei a lottare per questo obiettivo di imparare, l'apprendimento della storia, inglese e pratiche culturali locali, e il futuro dei servizi di Shanghai World Expo, il mondo ha visto un ambiente caldo, civile, bello, avanzata in Cina.
第1个回答  2009-06-08

世博会的主题是“城市让社会更美好。” 那时上海的花草树木一定是郁郁葱葱,将给人们展现一个美丽的香格里拉。我要成为一名城市护绿小卫士,为城市增添一份绿色,让马路变得更干净,让城市变得更美丽。





第2个回答  2009-05-28
Expo 2010 footsteps getting closer and closer away from us, this is a million people watched the World event! Oriental Pearl opened their arms to welcome guests from afar. River in the singing of the waves, a plane of the bridge across the river just like the strings, played a迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz vehicles on the bridge just like a beat note, written with joy. Shanghai World Expo will be held at a time when, to meet the country's nearly 200 guests. As a small owner of Shanghai, we are prepared to contribute to the Expo. There will be tens of thousands of foreign volunteers assembled in Shanghai, as a secondary school student in Shanghai, I am proud, I wish I could be a little Expo volunteers from all over the world for friends introduced in Shanghai, China.

Expo's theme is "Let the city agency better." At that time, Shanghai is the green and luxuriant flowers and trees, people will show a beautiful Shangri-La. I would like to become a defender of the city in small green-maintaining, for a green city, so that the road become more clean, let the city more beautiful.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I use English with the guests from abroad to chat. Language is the bridge of friendship. I am trying to learn English, to English and foreign exchange is a matter I am happy. I want to make foreign guests from China were the feelings of friendship, witness the demeanor of the Chinese middle school students.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will introduce to the foreign friends of China's tremendous changes, from rural to urban areas; from the "Shenzhou VI" to the moon; from the Shanghai World Expo to China's future. Visit the Shanghai Museum of History, brief them on the land of China's historical figures, with a vivid image of historical figures to describe the heroic figures of China, with bright paintings show the Chinese history and great glory.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I will smile for the guests about Shanghai's my favorite. Shanghai night like a bright pearl, lantern of the Bund des Nations decorate buildings have Ambilight. I shall explain to them the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower and the Global Center, to enable them to understand this magnificent building in the end there is no secret and take them to the Shanghai Grand Theater to listen to wonderful music.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will work hard to teach foreigners to learn Chinese, Chinese is now the language is also one of the most popular overseas, I will teach them to write calligraphy, Chinese painting art; I will tell foreign friends of China's cultural tradition, dragon boat races, visiting temple fairs, lantern guess with foreign friends and Temple Yuyuan mortar, eating snacks Temple to see clay, flour, and shadow. Let further the feelings of the Chinese foreign friends.

Shanghai World Expo and the city have a relationship everyone, everyone of us should be masters to participate in the Expo, and practical action in their own interpretation of "City, Better Life" theme. I would like to strive for this goal to learn, learning history, English and local cultural practices, and future services for the Shanghai World Expo, the world saw a warm, civilized, beautiful, advanced in China.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2009-06-04
In 2010 the World Expo sound of footsteps has been more and more near to us, this is the world grand meeting which ten thousand people focus attention on! The Eastern pearl has opened the arm, welcome guest who comes from far away.Pujiang's mighty waves are singing, a frame spread-eagle surface of the river bridge on the string, played likely makes a sound has welcomed guests the tune, ran quickly justs like the note on the bridge vehicles which only beat, was composing the happy music movement.Holds time the Shanghai World Expo, must welcome the close 200 countries visitor.As a Shanghai's young master, we is preparing frequently, makes the contribution for the World Expo.At the appointed time can have the tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign volunteer to gather Shanghai, took Shanghai's middle-school students, I felt is arrogant and is proud, I hoped oneself also can become a world abundant young young volunteer, for comes from the world each place friends to introduce Shanghai, introduces China. The World Expo subject is “the city lets the society be happier.” Shanghai's flowers and plants trees certainly were green and luxuriant at that time, will give the people to unfold a beautiful Shangrila.I must become a famous city city to protect the green young bodyguard, increases a green for the city, lets the street become cleaner, lets the city become more beautiful. If I am a world abundant volunteer, I must use English with to come from the foreign land another region foreign guest to carry on the conversation.The language is the friendship bridge.I diligently am studying English now, can use English and the foreign guest carries on the exchange is my joyful matter.I must let the foreign guests feel come from China's friendship, witnesses the Chinese middle-school student's elegant demeanor. If I am a world abundant volunteer.I can introduce China's huge change to the foreign friend, from countryside to city; From “god six” to moon landing; From Shanghai world abundantly until future China.Visits Shanghai History museum, narrates to them in the China historical personage, describes China with each one living historical personage image which the hero pours forth, demonstrates China's magnificence and great with a bright historical picture scroll. If I am a world abundant volunteer, I can smile for the foreign guests introduced I most like Shanghai.The night Shanghai looks like a radiant pearl, the colored lantern decorates Bund's international architectural complex the time to overflow the color.I can to them introduce the Eastern pearl, the golden cyclopentadiene building and round the world the center, lets them understand in this grand construction has any secret, leads them to go to the Shanghai big theater to listen respectfully the wonderful music. If I am a world abundant volunteer.I can teach the foreign guest to study Chinese, Chinese now also am diligently one of languages which the overseas most receive welcome, I can teach them to study write Mao Bizi, the picture traditional Chinese painting; I can tell foreign friend China the cultural tradition, the match dragon boat, visit a temple the meeting, play lantern-riddles, lead the foreign friend to stroll the Henan garden and the town god's temple, eats the town god's temple the snack, looks at the clay sculpture, the surface person, the skin shade.Let the foreign friend further feel China. The Shanghai World Expo all has the relations with this city each people, our each people all should participate in the World Expo by host's posture, and by own practical action deduction “the city, lets the life is happier” the subject.But I must study diligently for this goal, the study history, English and each place culture custom, future abundantly will serve for the Shanghai world, let the world see to an enthusiasm, civilized, beautiful, advanced China.
第4个回答  2009-06-10
Expo 2010 footsteps getting closer and closer away from us, this is a million people watched the World event! Oriental Pearl opened their arms to welcome guests from afar. River in the singing of the waves, a plane of the bridge across the river just like the strings, played a迎宾曲, Mercedes-Benz vehicles on the bridge just like a beat note, written with joy. Shanghai World Expo will be held at a time when, to meet the country's nearly 200 guests. As a small owner of Shanghai, we are prepared to contribute to the Expo. There will be tens of thousands of foreign volunteers assembled in Shanghai, as a secondary school student in Shanghai, I am proud, I wish I could be a little Expo volunteers from all over the world for friends introduced in Shanghai, China.

Expo's theme is "Let the city agency better." At that time, Shanghai is the green and luxuriant flowers and trees, people will show a beautiful Shangri-La. I would like to become a defender of the city in small green-maintaining, for a green city, so that the road become more clean, let the city more beautiful.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I use English with the guests from abroad to chat. Language is the bridge of friendship. I am trying to learn English, to English and foreign exchange is a matter I am happy. I want to make foreign guests from China were the feelings of friendship, witness the demeanor of the Chinese middle school students.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will introduce to the foreign friends of China's tremendous changes, from rural to urban areas; from the "Shenzhou VI" to the moon; from the Shanghai World Expo to China's future. Visit the Shanghai Museum of History, brief them on the land of China's historical figures, with a vivid image of historical figures to describe the heroic figures of China, with bright paintings show the Chinese history and great glory.

If I am a Volunteer Expo, I will smile for the guests about Shanghai's my favorite. Shanghai night like a bright pearl, lantern of the Bund des Nations decorate buildings have Ambilight. I shall explain to them the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinmao Tower and the Global Center, to enable them to understand this magnificent building in the end there is no secret and take them to the Shanghai Grand Theater to listen to wonderful music.

If I am a Volunteer Expo. I will work hard to teach foreigners to learn Chinese, Chinese is now the language is also one of the most popular overseas, I will teach them to write calligraphy, Chinese painting art; I will tell foreign friends of China's cultural tradition, dragon boat races, visiting temple fairs, lantern guess with foreign friends and Temple Yuyuan mortar, eating snacks Temple to see clay, flour, and shadow. Let further the feelings of the Chinese foreign friends.

Shanghai World Expo and the city have a relationship everyone, everyone of us should be masters to participate in the Expo, and practical action in their own interpretation of "City, Better Life" theme. I would like to strive for this goal to learn, learning history, English and local cultural practices, and future services for the Shanghai World Expo, the world saw a warm, civilized, beautiful, advanced in China.



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