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一. 避讳功能
“如“癌症"改用terminally ill.人们常用一些缩略语来避免直接谈论某一疫病,
“(被绞死)可以说成doing a dance in mid-air(在半空中跳舞);电刑处决可以说成to get a permanent wave(电烫波浪发型);commit suicide(自杀)则可以说成to die by one’s own hand(死于自己之手)、to drain the cup of life(饮尽生命之酒),而lover’s leap(情人之跳)则指因失恋而自杀;安乐死被称为mercy stroke(慈悲的一击)、to put somebody out of his mystery(使某人脱离痛苦)等,而委婉说法old Newton took him(牛顿万有引力把他带走了);则指坠机身亡

二. 避俗功能
除了眼泪以外,所有身体排泄物的词汇都被认为是禁忌语。“男厕所”(Men’s lavatory)被称Gent’s, the John, the washroom。“女厕所”(Women’s lavatory)被称作Lady’s ,the powder room, Mrs. Jones.“比如在开会中,某人要中途上厕所,大庭广众之下,说出“Sorry! I have to go to the toilet.”这是极不礼貌,不适宜的。可以用模糊性自由想象解决问题说“Sorry, I have to do my duty”或“Sorry, I have to fix my face”或“Sorry, I have to give myself ease".

can be described as doing a dance in mid-air (in mid-air dance); executions can be described as electric shocks to get a permanent wave (perm wavy hair); commit suicide (suicide) can be said to die by one's own hand (died in the hands of their own), to drain the cup of life (life饮尽wine), while the lover's leap
第1个回答  2009-05-03
1. Taboo function

Because for some people the fear of things or phenomena in the language when the words do not want to, not dare to say, but sometimes they have to express such meaning, so people will learn how to use euphemisms instead.

For all peoples "dead" that has its own euphemism. English-speaking countries and many ethnic people, like a taboo to speak English in a direct "dead" there are a variety of forms.

Disease, developed in the medical past, deaths of many diseases is a synonym, therefore, people's diseases of the subject is taboo. For example: the color that means the body is not sick; modern medicine often acronyms in place of the full name of disease, so that people do not want to not only avoid mention of the word, but also the expression of people would like to say that content.

"Such as" cancer "to switch to terminally ill. It is a number of abbreviations commonly used to avoid directly talking about a disease,

"(Hanged) can be described as doing a dance in mid-air (in mid-air dance); executions can be described as electric shocks to get a permanent wave (perm wavy hair); commit suicide (suicide) can be said to die by one's own hand (died in the hands of their own), to drain the cup of life (life饮尽wine), while the lover's leap (Valentine's dance) and the means to commit suicide due to disappointment in love; euthanasia called mercy stroke (blow mercy), to put somebody out of his mystery (so that a person suffering from) and so on, and a euphemism for old Newton took him (Newton's gravity and took him away a); it means death crash

2. To avoid custom function

Language is a tool for exchange of ideas. In the exchange of people, the time and from place to place, people, things and inconvenience due to a direct means to express themselves, for example, certain parts of the body (such as the genitals), sexual behavior, urine, birth, etc., if say expression is not known, tend to feel uncomfortable by what the other side will also feel very vulgar, not conservation. Therefore, the English have a lot on the expression of euphemism to resolve this embarrassing.

Apart from the tears, all the physical waste of words are considered taboo. "Men's room" (Men's lavatory) was said Gent's, the John, the washroom. "Toilets" (Women's lavatory) is called the Lady's, the powder room, Mrs. Jones. "For example, during the meeting in person to the bathroom half-way, public place with numerous people under, say" Sorry! I have to go to the toilet. "This is very impolite, inappropriate. fuzziness can be used to solve the problem that the Liberal Imagination" Sorry, I have to do my duty "or" Sorry, I have to fix my face "or" Sorry, I have to give myself ease ".
第2个回答  2009-05-11
1. Avoid functional
Because for some people the fear of things or phenomena in the language when the words do not want to, not dare to say, but sometimes they have to express such meaning, so people will learn how to use euphemisms instead.
For all peoples "dead" that has its own euphemism. English-speaking countries and many ethnic people, like a taboo to speak English in a direct "dead" there are a variety of forms.
Disease, developed in the medical past, deaths of many diseases is a synonym, therefore, people's diseases of the subject is taboo. For example: the color that means the body is not sick; modern medicine often acronyms in place of the full name of disease, so that people do not want to not only avoid mention of the word, but also the expression of people would like to say that content.
"Such as" cancer "to switch to an incurable disease. It is a number of abbreviations commonly used to avoid directly talking about a disease,
"(Hanged) can be said to have done a dance in mid-air (in mid-air dance); electrocution executions can be described as permanent wave (perm wavy hair); suicide (suicide) can be said to die through their own hands (dead in their own hands), the drainage cup of life (life饮尽wine), while the lover's leap (Valentine's dance) and the means to commit suicide due to disappointment in love; kind of stroke is known as euthanasia (mercy blow), the others the mysteries of his (so that a person suffering from) and so on, and the Newton-year-old euphemism for his (Newton's gravity and took him away a); it means death crash

二. Custom features to avoid
Language is a tool for exchange of ideas. In the exchange of people, the time and from place to place, people, things and inconvenience due to a direct means to express themselves, for example, certain parts of the body (such as the genitals), sexual behavior, urine, birth, etc., if say expression is not known, tend to feel uncomfortable by what the other side will also feel very vulgar, not conservation. Therefore, the English have a lot on the expression of euphemism to resolve this embarrassing.
Apart from the tears, all the physical waste of words are considered taboo. "Men's room" (toilet men) was that special, and John, go to the toilet. "Toilets" (women's toilets) has been called his wife, powder room, Mrs. Jones. "For example, during the meeting in person to the bathroom half-way, public place with numerous people under, say," Sorry! I went to the toilet. "This is very impolite, inappropriate. Fuzziness can be used to solve the problem that the Liberal Imagination," Sorry, I must do my duty "or" I am sorry that I have solved my face "or" I am sorry, I must give their convenience. "
Keywords: landscape transformation of the history of industrial civilization emerging art
第3个回答  2009-05-14
1. Taboo function
Because for some people the fear of things or phenomena in the language when the words do not want to, not dare to say, but sometimes they have to express such meaning, so people will learn how to use euphemisms instead.
For all peoples "dead" that has its own euphemism. English-speaking countries and many ethnic people, like a taboo to speak English in a direct "dead" there are a variety of forms.
Disease, developed in the medical past, deaths of many diseases is a synonym, therefore, people's diseases of the subject is taboo. For example: the color that means the body is not sick; modern medicine often acronyms in place of the full name of disease, so that people do not want to not only avoid mention of the word, but also the expression of people would like to say that content.
"Such as" cancer "to switch to terminally ill. It is a number of abbreviations commonly used to avoid directly talking about a disease,
"(Hanged) can be described as doing a dance in mid-air (in mid-air dance); executions can be described as electric shocks to get a permanent wave (perm wavy hair); commit suicide (suicide) can be said to die by one's own hand (died in the hands of their own), to drain the cup of life (life饮尽wine), while the lover's leap (Valentine's dance) and the means to commit suicide due to disappointment in love; euthanasia is called mercy stroke (mercy strike), to put somebody out of his mystery (so that a person suffering from) and so on, and a euphemism for old Newton took him (Newton's gravity and took him away a); it means death crash

"(Hanged) can be described as doing a dance in mid-air (in mid-air dance); executions can be described as electric shocks to get a permanent wave (perm wavy hair); commit suicide (suicide) can be said to die by one's own hand (died in the hands of their own), to drain the cup of life (life饮尽wine), while the lover's leap (Valentine's dance) and the means to commit suicide due to disappointment in love; euthanasia is called mercy stroke (mercy strike), to put somebody out of his mystery (so that a person suffering from) and so on, and a euphemism for old Newton took him (Newton's gravity and took him away a); it means death crash
2. To avoid custom functionLanguage is a tool for exchange of ideas.
In the exchange of people, the time and from place to place, people, things and inconvenience due to a direct means to express themselves, for example, certain parts of the body (such as the genitals), sexual behavior, urine, birth, etc., if say expression is not known, tend to feel uncomfortable by what the other side will also feel very vulgar, not conservation. Therefore, the English have a lot on the expression of euphemism to resolve this embarrassing.Apart from the tears, all the physical waste of words are considered taboo. "Men's room" (Men's lavatory) was that Gent's, the John, the washroom. "Toilets" (Women's lavatory) is called the Lady's, the powder room, Mrs. Jones. "For example, during the meeting in person to the middle of the toilet, under the public place with numerous people, say" Sorry! I have to go to the toilet . "This is very impolite, inappropriate.



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