go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗


go up


*The smoke went up.烟串上来了。

*Many people came to watch the balloon go up.许多人来看汽球升空。


*Butter's going up again next week.奶油下星期又要涨价了。

*Prices of fruit and vegetables have already gone up.水果和蔬菜的价格已经上涨了。

*He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,他在我心目中的威信提高了。

*The goods have gone up in quality.这些货的质量提高了。

3.=be built;be erected;be put up被建造起来;被公布

*Supermarkets are going up everywhere.到处都建起了超级市场。

*Tall buildings are rapidly up along the new road leading to the downtown area.通往市中心的新公路两旁,迅速矗立起了一座座高楼大厦。

*Placards declaring new regulations were going up.宣布新规定的公告张贴出来了。

4.=explode;be destroyed by explosion爆炸;炸毁

*The bomb went up,killing two people.炸弹爆炸了,炸死两人。

5.=be able to become heard;become loud or louder使能听见;声音变大

*A shout went up from the crowd at the game.比赛时人群在高声助威呐喊。

*A cheer went up in the auditorium.礼堂里响起一阵阵欢呼声。

6.=become bankrupt破产

*Inflation was so bad that many firms went up.通货膨胀十分严重,以致于许多公司破产了。


*He went up to Cambridge in 1980.他198O年进入剑桥大学学习。

*When are you going up?你什么时候进大学?

go along

=go on 继续

*Work like this becomes less interesting as you go along.这样的工作越往下干就越觉得没有兴趣。

*You may have some difficulty with this book at first,but you will find it easier as you go along.开始时你会觉得这本书有点困难,但你继续读下去时,便会觉得较为容易了。

go straight

=become an honest person;lead an honest life改邪归正;改过自新

*After the man got out of prison,he went straight.这个人出狱后就改过自新了。

*Mr.Wright promised to go straight if the judge would let him go free.莱特先生答应,如果法官释放了他,他愿改邪归正。

go down

1.=descend下去Let's go down by the lift.咱们乘电梯下去吧。

*Go down and see who is at the door,please.请下去看看谁在门口。

2.=lessen;be reduced;undergo a decrease;lose value下降;减少;失去价值

*If the wind goes down,we may be able to sail tomorrow.如果风变小了,我们明天就可能出海。

*Shares have gone down again by six points.股票又下跌了6点。

*Prices are going up all the time;it seems they will never go down.物价总是上涨,看来永远也不会下跌。

*The pictures have gone down in value considerably.这些画的价值降低了许多。

3.=sink;set 下沉;落下

*The ship went down like lead.这只船象铅似地下沉。

*The sun has gone down.太阳落山了。

4.=be recorded;esp.in writing 记下

*This day will go down in history.这一天将载入史册。

*Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄事迹将会被记入史册。

*He will go down in history as a national hero.他将作为一位民族英雄名垂史册。

5.=be received or be received favourably被接受;被赞许

*How did his lecture go down with the students?他的课学生反映如何?

*The play went down very well with the audience.这出戏很受观众的欢迎。

*Your explanation won't go down very well.你的解释不能令人满意。

*Those proposals are not likely to go down with the majority of the members.那些建议可能不会为大多数成员所接受。

6.=become deflated;recede 瘪了;消退

*The tyre of my bicycle
has gone down.我的自行车轮胎瘪了。

*The swelling has gone
down a lot.肿消了许多。

7.=be swallowed 被咽下

*John was delighted that
his wife's cooking should go down so well.约翰很高兴,他妻子烧的菜竟是如此地好吃。

*The pill won't go down.这药丸吞不下去。


*The wall went down with
a crash.墙呼隆一声倒塌了。

*He went down on his
knees and begged for mercy.他跪下来求饶。

9.=be defeated or overthrown 被打倒;被推翻

*They refused to go down
before the invaders.他们不甘为侵略者所征服。

*Rome went down before
the barbarian invaders.罗马人被野蛮人所征服。

*10.=fail in an exam考试不及格

*I am afraid he has gone
down again.我担心他又不及格了。

11.=leave university at the end of a term or finally(大学生)学期末放假或毕业前离校

*The students have all
gone down for the summer vacation.大学生们都离校过暑假去了。

*The undergraduates are
due to go down today.本科生应该是今天离校。

12.=fall on a scale度数下降

*On the second day his
temperature went down.第2天他的体温下降了。

*The pressure has gone

13.=go bankrupt倒闭

*The company went down
only a year after it started.那家公司办了一年就倒闭了。

14.=go as far as;extend
in time延续到

*This history book goes
down to the French Revolution.这本历史书记述到法国革命为止。
第1个回答  2018-05-03

go up, go down 和go along 都有沿着...走的意思;go straight 是直走的意思。如:

Go along/ down/ up the street then turn right. 沿着这条街走 然后右拐。

Go straight along the road, then turn left at the third crossing. 沿着这条路一直走,然后在第三个十字路口左拐。

Go straight to the end you can see the bank on your right. 一直走到头,你可以在你的右面看见银行。

另外:go up:上去  go down: 下去  go along with sb: 和某人一起去... 




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