Don'T Push Me 歌词


歌曲名:Don'T Push Me

Song title: Don't Push Me/别逼我
I'm a love em and leave em/我是个爱过就跑的骰子
Touch and thease em kinda girl/挑逗的那种女孩
I'm the perfect type for one wild night/我就是只为一夜狂欢的这类人
Yeah I suffocate quick/啊,我很快就要窒息!
Does that make me a bitch/是不是像个坏女人?
I don't really care though no/我不在乎,一点也不。
Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet/哇,你那芳香的玫瑰席卷了我整个身体,不能自己
But I start to choke when you say let's elope/但是,我开始感到有些哽塞当你说我们一起去私奔的时候
Yeah I suffocate quick/啊,我很快就要窒息!
Does that make me a bitch?/是不是像个坏女人?
I don't really care/我不在乎
No no no................../一点也不
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我!
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我!
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh/我们洗个泡沫浴,愉悦地干一杯
Just enjoy what we have and then leave It to the past/享受现在我们一起的时光,然后就让这一切成为过去。
Cause I don't give a damm if you're the perfect man/因为我毫不在乎 或许你正是那种完美男人
That's not how this story goes/但这不能成为我们继续的缘由
You can write me fat checks, or buy diamonds for my neck/你能给我开张大的支票,或给我买钻石项链
Buy me big fat rings I prefer Tiffany's/给我买一个我喜欢的大大的凡尼钻戒。
Cause I don't give a damn if you're the perfect man/因为我毫不在乎 或许你正是那种完美男人
That's not how this story goes/但这不能成为我们继续的缘由
No no no................../不,不,不!
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我
Don't cage me in/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't tie me down/别这么逼我!
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我!
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
And I'm not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no/我不会试图成为给你一个苦果的人
And I don't wanna make you promises I can't fulfil/我也不想给你我不能履行的诺言
No I.............../不,我……
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
I'm a love em and leave em/我是个爱过就跑的骰子
Touch and thease em kinda girl/挑逗的那种女孩
I'm the perfect type for one wild night/我就是只为一夜狂欢的这类人
Yeah I suffocate quick/啊,我很快就要窒息!
Does that make me a bitch/是不是像个坏女人?
I don't really care though no/我不在乎,一点也不。
Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet/哇,你那芳香的玫瑰席卷了我整个身体,不能自己
But I start to choke when you say let's elope/但是,我开始感到有些哽塞当你说我们一起去私奔的时候
Yeah I suffocate quick/啊,我很快就要窒息!
Does that make me a bitch?/是不是像个坏女人?
I don't really care/我不在乎
No no no................../一点也不
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!
Don't push me so hard/不要把我逼得这么紧
Don't push me so far/别这么逼我
Don't cage me in/不要困住我
Don't tie me down/别困住我!



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