高二英语选修6单词 短语?


Unit 1 Art一、短语集锦
1) 详细地2) 信任3) 瞄准、企图4) 集中精力5) 对……的看法6) 同时7) 拥有8) 使某人信服9) 巧合10) 大量11) 脱离、摆脱12) 渴望13) 接受……为14) 也就是说15) 尝试、企图16) 一方面17) 另一方面18) 本人19) 一束鲜花20) 宁愿某人做某事21) 宁愿……而不愿……22) 偏爱23) 吸引、恳求24) 各种各样的25) 每两年
二、句型汇集1) 显然,这是我最不想做的一件事情。(evident) 2)我相信我将会拥有灿烂的未来。(convince) 3)我宁愿亲自送她去上海浦东国际机场。(would rather) 4)他一直在努力着让世界变得更美好,真实太了不起了。(amazing) Unit 2 Poems一、短语集锦
1) 列举2) 给某人留下印象3) 传递某种感情4) 表达自己的思想5) 有道理、有意义6) 放松,不要紧张7) 用完,消耗光8) 由……组成9) 受……欢迎10) 把A翻译成B11) 尤其、特别12) 从……中挑选13) 值得14) 碰巧15) 在……底端16) 测试;试验17) 发出;释放
二、句型汇集1)明星受年轻人的欢迎有各种各样的原因。(why) 2)杭州西湖的美景给我留下了非常深刻的印象。(impression) 3)如果你要买字典的话,有很多可供挑选。(choose) Unit 3 A healthy life一、词汇集锦
1) 在压力下2) 与……分享3) 对……挑剔4) 在两周之后5) 由于6) 放弃7) 对……上瘾8) 习惯于9) 脾气暴躁的10) 重复;一再11) 对……产生影响12) 损坏;破坏13) 停止做某事14) 决定;选定15) 从……中获益16) 扔掉17) 想要(做)18) 提醒某人做19) 代替20) 不管;不顾21) 冒险22) 养成做某事的习惯23) 与病魔作斗争24) 患上艾滋病25) 感染26) 可能……27) 对……紧张
二、句型汇集1) 感到惊奇吧,像我这样的年龄感到仍然很健康。(amazing) 2) 你发现要放弃吸烟很困难。(find it …) 3) 我不知道你是谁,我也不在乎。(neither do I…) 4) 我想让你和我一样过上幸福美满的生活。(as…as) 5) 每次你想放弃的时候,提醒你自己你周围的人们都在关心着你。(every time…) 6) 覆水难收。(It is no good/use…) 7) 如果你感染了HIV,你很有可能会死。(…likely…) Unit 4 Global warming一、短语集锦
1) 全球气候变暖2) 依赖3) 比作/比较4) 发生5) 人类活动6) 赞同;订购7) 温室效应8) 大量的9) 上升10) 导致11) 反对12) 积累;建立13) 即使14) 继续做15) 扫视;撇一下16) 大体上17) 代表18) 提倡(做……)19) 产生影响;起作用20) 容忍21) ……的结果22) 开始做某事23) 电气设备24) 只要25) 对……随意26) 等等27) 使某人精神振作28) 你的贡献很有价值
二、句型汇集1) 和他的工作相比较,她的要好得多。(compare…) 2) 毫不疑问,引起全球变暖的是人类的活动。(it is … that…) 3) 我代表我的学校向从欧洲远道而来的各位表示热烈的欢迎。(on behalf of) 4) 每个人都可以对这个世界产生巨大的影响。(make a difference) 5) 每一秒钟都很重要(争分夺秒)。(count) Unit 5 The power of nature一、短语集锦
1) 考虑做……;被认为……2) 保护……免受……3) 想象做……4) 适合5) 也;和6) 组成7) 遍及全世界8) 科学设备9) 被任命为……10) 被……覆盖11) 全部焚毁12) 睡得很熟13) 正要做……这时……14) 亮如白昼15) 在远处16) 前往17) 对……怀着热情18) 对……感到惊讶19) 使某人大吃一惊20) 匆匆看一遍21) 自然保护区22) 由……到……不等23) 是……的家乡/发源地24) 多种多样的25) 生小孩;引起26) 有……的天赋
二、句型汇集1) 他被认为发明了第一台计算机。(consider) 2) 在完成了我的家庭作业之后,我前往了当地的自然保护区。(Having done…) 3) 昨天我正要送女儿去幼儿园,这时我的一个朋友顺道来看我了。(be about to…when…) 4) 他们肯定会同意我的观点。(certain) 5) 感到很疲倦,他一回家就上床睡觉了。(V+ing)
第1个回答  2013-08-24
Unit 1 Art
1, the phrase Collection
1) in detail
2) Trust
3) target in an attempt to
4) focus on
5) ... ... view
6) At the same time
7) has
8) To enable a person convinced of the
9) coincidence
10) a large number of
11) out, get rid of
12) desire to
13) to accept ... ... to
14) In other words
15), trying to
16) On the one hand
17) On the other hand
18) I
19) a bouquet of flowers
20) would prefer someone to do something
21) would prefer rather than ... ... ... ...
22) preference for
23) to attract, pleading
24) a variety of
25) every two years
2, sentence together
1) Obviously, this is I want to do one thing. (evident)
2) I believe I will have a bright future. (convince)
3) I prefer to personally send her to Shanghai Pudong International Airport. (would rather)
4) He has been working with to make the world a better place, the real is too quite a lot. (amazing)Unit 2 Poems
1, the phrase Collection
1) listed
2) to impress a person
3) pass some sort of emotional
4) to express their ideas
5) The reasonable and meaningful
6) Relax, do not stress
7) used up, consumed light
8) formed by the ... ...
9) by the ... ... Welcome
10) to A translation into B
11) In particular, the Special
12) were selected from the ... ...
13) is worth
14) happened to
15) In the ... ... at the bottom of
16) test; Test
17) issued; release
2, sentence together
1) The star was welcomed by the young people have a variety of reasons. (why)
2) The beauty of West Lake in Hangzhou left me a very deep impression. (impression)
3) If you want to buy a dictionary, then, there are many to choose from. (choose)Unit 3 A healthy life
1, vocabulary Collection
1) under pressure
2) ... ... to share
3) ... ... critical
4) In the two weeks after the
5) Since the
6) A waiver
7) ... addicted to ...
8) are used to
9) Grumpy
10) repeat; repeated
11) have an impact on the ... ...
12) damage; damage
13) to stop doing something
14) decisions; selected
15) to benefit from the ... ...
16) throw away
17) want to (do)
18) reminded someone to do
19) instead of
20) No matter; regardless of
21) Adventure
22) develop the habit of doing something
23) and the fight against disease
24) suffering from AIDS
25) infection
26) may be ... ...
27) ... ... nervous
2, sentence together
1) surprised it, as my age still feel very healthy. (amazing)
2) You find it hard to give up smoking is difficult. (find it ...)
3) I do not know who you are, I do not care. (neither do I ...)
4) I want you to like me, live a happy life. (as ... as)
5) every time you want to give up the time to remind yourself that people around you are concerned about you. (every time ...)
6) turning back. (It is no good / use ...)
7) If you are infected with HIV, you probably will die. (... Likely ...)Unit 4 Global warming
1, the phrase Collection
1) Global warming
3) compared to / compare
4) occurred
5) human activities
6) agree; Order
7) The greenhouse effect
8) a large number of
9) increased
10) causes
11) against the
12) accumulation; the establishment of
13) Even if the
14) continue to do
15) sweep; write about
16) generally
17) on behalf of
18) to promote (to do ... ...)
19) have an impact; work
20) Tolerance
21) ... ... the results of
22) started to do something
23) Electrical Equipment
24) as long as the
25) pairs of random ... ...
26), etc.
27) to revive the spirit of a person
28) Your valuable contribution to
2, sentence together
1), and his work compared to her much better. (compare ...)
2) is no doubt that global warming caused by human activity. (it is ... that ...)
3) On behalf of my school all the way from Europe to come to you a warm welcome. (on behalf of)
4) Each person can have an enormous impact in this world. (make a difference)
5) every second counts (against time). (count)Unit 5 The power of nature
1, the phrase Collection
1) to consider doing ... ...; be considered ... ...
2) to protect against the ... ... ... ...
3) Imagine doing ... ...
4) for
5) is also; and
6) the composition of
7) throughout the world
8) Scientific Equipment
9) has been appointed as ... ...
10) was covered by ... ...
11) All burned
12) fast asleep
13) is to be done this time ... ... ... ...
14) as bright as day
15) in the distance
16) to the
17) ... ... Huaizhe passion
18) ... surprised ...
19) to enable a person by surprise
20) hastily read it twice
21) Nature Reserve
22) from ... ... to ... ... ranging from
23) is ... ... the home / origin
24) a wide range of
25) baby; cause
26) has the talent ... ...
2, sentence together
1) he is considered the first computer invented. (consider)
2) On completion of my homework, I went to the local nature reserve. (Having done ...)
3) Yesterday I was about to send their daughters to go to kindergarten, when one of my friends take the opportunity to look at me. (be about to ... when ...)
4) They would certainly agree with my point of view. (certain)
5) was very tired, he was coming home from a bed to bed. (V + ing)本回答被网友采纳



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