

1.瑞典肉丸(Sweden Rice-meat dumplings)
This can be said to be the most representative of the Swedish dishes. Swedish meatballs edible most like to mix boiled potatoes, broth and jam; sometimes paired with fresh pickled cucumbers, in the world of IKEA cafeteria, the vast majority of provide Swedish meatballs.

2.三明治蛋糕(Sandwich cake)
这是一种很受欢迎的瑞典节庆食品。 它的组合方式多种多样,但是,人们通常把鸡蛋和蛋黄酱作为底层,然后再码放上肉末、橄榄、海虾、火腿、鱼子酱、和烟熏三文鱼。通常作为甜点食用,是一种冷菜,上桌的时候通常像蛋糕似的切成小块。
This is a popular Swedish Festival food. The variety of combinations, however, people usually put as the underlying eggs and mayonnaise, then stacking minced meat, olives, shrimp, ham, caviar, and smoked salmon. Usually as a snack, is a cold dish on the table, usually like cakes into pieces.

3.土豆饺子(Potato dumplings)
英语:It is very like the Chinese bean bag. China bean bag with flour wrapped bean paste, made of spherical pastry; it is with potato flour wrapped with onions and pig meat made spherical pastry. When eating with butter, cream and cranberry sauce with food.

4.豌豆汤(Pea soup)
英语:This is a very Swedish dish. When you have a pea soup, the best food is a toast, and it is essential to put some mustard on the soup.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-08-01
Swedish coastal geographical environment, salmon, trout, bass, bamboo thousand fish, bass fish, turtles, fish, etc.Fish because of the cold climate in Sweden grows slower, so grown up of fish is delicious.Sweden's national environmental protection consciousness is very strong, this is also reflected in the diet.Swedes prefer to eat raw and cold food, meat and fish are half-cooked.Due to the growth of the fish itself is rarely contaminated environment clean waters, this is to ensure the edible health.
Swedes is used to eat European food, taste is light, usually join less spices, try to keep the original flavor, don't like to eat too much greasy food.Swedish people often eat the food with ham, beef and mutton, chicken, fish, meat, eggs and fruits, vegetables, cream cakes, etc., and for the sake of their tender and burnt.In Sweden, a lot of stores sell side dishes, dishes cooked in my life, even for the canned fish cooked two kinds.Numerous fish species, however, the kinds of vegetables and fruits are very few, and the price is very high, the reason is that the Swedish climate cold, not suitable for plant growth.
The Swede with western food is given priority to, bread and potatoes are their , especially like brown bread.The average person is clip jam and cream of bread for my breakfast, coffee, black tea;Have bread, meat, vegetables, horses for lunch bell potatoes and salad, etc.;'dinner as a breakfast food, just add a soup.Swedish people also like to eat Chinese food, such as all kinds of cold dishes, peanut, ham steak cabbage, stewed fish, crispy duck, pork pickle soup, hot and sour sea cucumber, burning sell, dumplings, steamed rolls, cakes, etc., cantonese cuisine of ham is particularly interested in.Swedes taste bland, fresh, smooth and burnt dishes like it very much.Love to eat thin tender meat and fresh vegetables, like to drink soup.Its food Food basically is given priority to with the fish, which is given priority to with herring, mackerel, also eat chicken, eggs, beef, pork, venison, and other aquatic products.The Swede on food has a unique habit, it is to eat regular food every day.If Thursday's food is \"ai he lu, mead, Buddha lasker\", this kind beans and pork as the main .\"The west lu blah\" is the dishes on Monday, and herring to beef as main material.They still have a kind of typical ways, that is, in a large place on dozens of food on the table, according to own hobby divide, food cooking quality is medium, only called \"pirates seats\".In Sweden and in the tradition of eating assorted soup on Thursday, at the same time with bacon, sausage and mustard, etc.Usually choose drinks hot punch and cold beer.Later, and stained with jam and puffing cream dessert.Most Swedish hotel at lunch time, will provide a daily special meal, usually including drinks, salad, bread and coffee.

瑞典人以西餐为主,面包和马铃薯是他们的主食,其中特别喜欢黑面包。一般人的早餐是夹果酱和奶油的面包、咖啡、红茶;午餐有面包、肉、蔬菜、马 铃薯和色拉等;‘晚餐与早餐的食物相仿,只加一份汤。瑞典人也喜欢吃中餐,如各种、花生仁、火腿扒白菜、、香酥鸭、酸辣海参、肉丝榨菜汤、烧 卖、蒸饺、花卷、酥饼等,对火腿的尤其感兴趣。瑞典人的的口味偏清淡,对清鲜、嫩滑、焦香的菜肴非常喜欢。爱吃瘦嫩肉和新鲜蔬菜,喜欢喝浓汤。其菜 肴基本上以鱼为主,其中又以、鲭鱼为主,也吃鸡、鸡蛋、牛肉、猪肉、野味和其他水产品。瑞典人在饮食上有一种独特的习惯,就是 每天要吃固定的菜品。如星期四的菜品是“艾他鲁、米德、佛拉斯克”,这种菜以豆类和猪肉为主要原料。“西鲁布拉”则是星期一的菜品,以牛肉的鲱鱼为主要材料。他们还有一种代表性的吃法,即在一张大桌上摆上几十种菜,按自己的爱好分取,菜的烹调质量仅为中等,称之为“海盗席”。瑞典人还有在星期四有吃什锦汤的传统,同时搭配着腌猪肉、香肠和芥末等。通常选用的饮料有热的潘趣酒和凉啤酒。之后,还有沾着果酱和膨化奶油的点心。大多数瑞典饭店在午餐时间,都会提供一顿日常特餐,通常包括饮料、色拉、面包和咖啡等。本回答被网友采纳



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