
姓 名: 性 别: 男
目前所在地:山东青岛 民族:汉
户 籍 地:山东威海 身高体重:183cm/75kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄:25
人才类型: 普通求职
应聘职位: 制造业(汽车及零部件制造,机械制造)建筑行业(建筑施工管理,测量)
工作年限: 1年 职 称: 助理工程师
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 任何
工作经历: 2007年3月至2008年6月 上汽通用五菱汽车有限公司(SGMW) 采购部: 供应商质量保证工程师(SQA),
负责在SGMW生产现场对供应商质量信息(PPM、DT、GCA、DRR 、SPILL、SO等)的收集、确认。
培训经历:2003年9月1日至2007年6月 青岛理工大学 交通工程 获学士学位
通过国家计算机二级VFP,通过CET-4, CET-6(421分).
☆ 专业技能
☆ 对采购的流程和质量的控制颇为熟悉,懂得PPAP,APCP,MSA,SPC,APQP基本的运用。
☆ 计算机:可以熟练运用各种Micrsoft office办公软件,AUTO CAD制图等
☆ 英语:较好的英语阅读能力,具备基本的沟通能力。
☆ 建筑行业:熟练运用各种建筑测量仪器(经纬仪,水准仪,全站仪),熟悉建筑施工管理,懂得工程图纸。

Personal basic resume
Xing4 Ming2: Sex do not: Male
Currently location:Qingdao race in Shandong:Han
Household register ground:Wei sea height weight in Shandong:183cm/75kg
Marital status: Single age:25
Seek job intention and work experience
Talented person's type: Common seek job
Accept appointment a post: Manufacturing industry(car and zero partses manufacturing, machine manufacturing) building profession(building construction management, measure)
Work time limit: A year title: Assistant engineer
Seek job a type: Full-time can be till date of job: At any time
Monthly salary request: Discuss personally a hope a work region: Any
The work experience: 2007 March to 2008 June top vapor in general use five Ling car limited company(SGMW) purchase department: Supplier quality control engineer(SQA),
Be responsible for the spot supplier quality control service work, participate to produce the spot the quality problem respond to, analysis and processing and purchase material quality problem urgent/short date measure of implement.Participate to produce the spot a suspicious material to judge work.
Be responsible for producing the spot to the supplier quality information(PPM, DT, GCA, DRR, SPILL, SO etc.) in the SGMW of collections, confirm.
Be responsible for a key material quality a control a work in
Education background
Graduation college:The science and engineering university of Qingdao, China
The tallest educational background:Undergraduate course
The profession learn:Transportation engineering
The date of the graduation:2007-06-01
The training experience:2003 September a day to 2007 June science and engineering university transportation engineering in the Qingdao get a B.A. degree
Major course
The car machine:The car theories, the car equipments, weld a craft, machine design, the transportation equipments maintain.
Building design:Engineering graphics, engineering measure, the road engineering, transportation engineering investigate with design, roadbed road noodles engineering, harbor station design.
Transportation programming management type:Superhighway management, the transportation programming, the city public transportation, transportation investigate and analysis, logistics, logistics programming.
Foreign language and calculator level
Pass the nation calculator second class VFP, pass CET-4, CET-6.(421 cent)
Work ability and other specialty
☆ Profession technical ability
Manufacturing industry:The manufacturing acquainted with a car assemble process and craft, controled the management style of G.M., to manufacturing industry compare for acquaint with
☆ To purchase of the control of process and quality very acquaint with, know PPAP, APCP, MSA, SPC, the APQP be basic of usage.
☆ Calculator:Can well-trained usage various Micrsoft office transact software, AUTO CAD graphics etc.
☆ English:Better English reading ability, have basic of communication ability.
☆ Building profession:Well-trained usage various building measure instrument(theodolite, level instrument, whole station instrument), acquaint with building construction management, know engineering diagram paper.
Personal detailed autobiography
Good school education, let me use the theories knowledge of science with well-trained of profession technical ability stem good an each matter;Open heart, dependable of personality, let I am in the work with leadership, the colleague get along with harmonious, good completion each item mission.
My expectation:There is a terrace of accommodation, use my havings enthusiasm and the intelligence with all strength expand, cultivate.
I believe firmly:Want ~only constantly in the society this big melting pot study, face with"heart" everything, inevitable ability continuously win oneself, surmount oneself, gradually alignment success!




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